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John Pearce

Google Finally Made a Hangouts Web App & It's Worth It - 0 views

    "Google Hangouts is a great messenger app, but it has long suffered from bugs, inconsistencies, and the propensity to crash when you have it open in a Gmail tab of your desktop browser. Well, Hangouts has now got a major update on the web in the form of an all new dedicated web app, which promises to fix all its issues. Much like other messenger apps, Hangouts is focusing on three key features: video calls, phone calls, and instant messaging. And remember, Hangouts encrypts all communication to protect your privacy."
John Pearce

Ultimate Guide to Google Hangouts - Martin Shervington - 0 views

    "With the launch of Google Hangouts, the world just got a lot more social! As +Vic Gundotra puts it, Google is now connecting people in new ways, with one of the new ways being Hangouts. Never heard of Google Plus Hangouts? Read on and discover one of the most useful tools for global socializing and collaboration."
John Pearce

5 Free Tools for Recording Google+ Hangouts - 0 views

    "Google+ Hangouts are proving one of the most popular features of the new social networking service, but there's no built-in option to record them. Until Google adds such functionality, we've found five workarounds to help you record your next Hangout - free. While we'd strongly suggest any G+ pros invest in specialist software, our solutions will suffice for capturing consumer Hangouts and offer easy sharing options, too. Take a look through the gallery for our five tested suggestions - which vary from quick and simple browser-based options to more advanced software downloads - and let us know in the comments any alternate ways you've recorded your Hangouts."
John Pearce

The Missing Guide for Google Hangout Video Calls - Zapier - 0 views

    "The following Google Hangout video call guide shows you how to get started, invite participants, record a call, collaborate over a Google Doc and more."
John Pearce

11 Steps to Create A Google Plus Community for your Class - 0 views

    "One of the best services Google+  provides to its users is called " communities ". Any Google Plus user can easily create and host his/her community on the cloud and in a matter of few clicks.For us in education  we can use this service to create a community for our class. In this virtual space, you will get to share with your students resources, links, and also get them to participate and contribute in it. You can also create class events with dates, location, and more details and share them with your students and their parents as well. Needless to say that you can use Google Hangout right from your community to hold video conferences with your students."
John Pearce

Twitter + YouTube+ Google+ = A New Kind Of PD - 0 views

    "I went to the homepage of EdcampHome and saw four amazing educators: David Theriault, Karl Lindgren-Streicher, Kelly Kermode, and Shawn White troubleshooting, discussing and working diligently to put this together via a Google Hangout being streamed live through YouTube and simultaneously embedded on the front page of the website. Tweets were flying and being used to communicate issues, compliments, and questions from educators all over the world who have never met face-to-face. It felt as if I was getting the opportunity to be behind the scenes at NASA during a space launch! I hope you take the time to watch even a few minutes of the amazing collaboration between them. The lengthy video is still on the homepage for viewing for now."
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