Second Life- Building a Virtual Classroom!- Unit Overview (ETC 647 Second Life) - 4 views
Matt Romanoski on 04 Dec 09Content definteily supports organizaiton learning network environments. Site provides for group collaboration and activity through group activities and use of 2nd life. Google site format lends itself to network learning and the content itself, second life, is most definitely network learning. Integrated technologies include tutorials on how to use second life, second life itself, wordle, and the google site that hosts the unit. I think second life itself is the strongest integrated technology and really stands on its own considering its abilities to allow people to connect in such a unique, virtual manner. Instructional strategies include individual assignemnts to familiarize with second life and then group collaboration to design a classroom and develop a presentation. Core of the project is focused on gropu collaboration as it should using the second lfie technology. Unit provides for peer review and evaluation of group members as well as instructor review of individual and group submission of artifacts and products. Bodi, I think this is an excellent use of network learning environments. I like that you use a new and budding technology in googlsites and that you are instructing learners on how to create a virtual classroom within second life. If this does not highlight connectivism and constructivism then I have completely misunderstood the definitions of the two. Your site is very easy to navigate and understand. All assignments are very clear and provide for little opportunity of misunderstanding or confusion. I would be very intersted in participating a learning environment such as this. Great job!