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Janet Hale

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Search for Publicly Shared Google Docs, Slides, an... - 0 views

    " Searching by file type and searching by domains is a great way for students to refine their Google searches. Searching for and within a DOC, a PPT, or XLS file can lead students to resources that they might not otherwise have seen. But increasingly a lot of us are creating our documents, slides, and spreadsheets in Google Drive. Many of us are then publishing those files for anyone in the world to see. Thanks to the Google for Education Google+ page, today I was reminded that you can perform a Google search to look for publicly shared Docs, Slides, and Spreadsheets. The screenshots below illustrate how to do this."
Janet Hale

Creative Commons Search - 0 views

    Please note that is not a search engine, but rather offers convenient access to search services provided by other independent organizations. CC has no control over the results that are returned. Do not assume that the results displayed in this search portal are under a CC license. You should always verify that the work is actually under a CC license by following the link. Since there is no registration to use a CC license, CC has no way to determine what has and hasn't been placed under the terms of a CC license. If you are in doubt you should contact the copyright holder directly, or try to contact the site where you found the content.
Janet Hale

The advanced Google searches every student should know | eSchool News | eSchool News - 0 views

    "Did he seriously just ask that? How old is this guy?" Well yes, I recently seriously just asked a group of students if they knew how to search Google. And yes, the students got a good laugh from my question. "Of course I know how to use Google," I have been told by every student to whom I have asked the question. "Really? Let's see. This won't take long," I promise."
Janet Hale

How To Attribute Creative Commons Photos | Foter Blog - 0 views

    "According to our research, more than 90% of Creative Commons photos are not attributed at all. To make matters worse, less than 10% of the photos that do credit the original work are attributed properly. This means that more than 99% of Creative Commons photos are not adequately attributed. Not without pride, we are happy to notice that most of the bloggers using attribute CC photos properly, which is greatly facilitated by our "ready to paste" attribution info. Every time they intend to use a searched image, all they need to do is copy the image and the accompanying attribution details into their blogs. Most is not enough, though. People often find CC photos on various sites and wonder how to attribute them. In order to help you, our team prepared a comprehensive infographic that reflects interesting research findings, gives details of Creative Commons licenses and illustrates how to properly attribute CC photos. We do hope it will contribute to the overall quality of posted materials and promote respect for copyright owners."
Janet Hale

Veezzle Free Stock Photographs - 0 views

    The largest free stock photos search engine available on the Internet.
Janet Hale

TweetGrid - by jazzychad - 0 views

    Create a Twitter Search Dashboard that updates in real time.
Janet Hale

Wikipedia in the Classroom: Tips for Effective Use - 0 views

    "Most academics consider Wikipedia the enemy and so forbid their students from using Wikipedia for research. But here's a secret that they don't want you to know-we all use Wikipedia, including those academics. There's a reason that the Wikipedia entry normally comes in at the top of a Google search. Google relies heavily on inbound links to rank a site, and Wikipedia is one of the most commonly linked sites on the Internet. Here's another secret-Wikipedia is vetted by volunteer academics. "
Janet Hale

Stock Photography: Search Royalty Free Images & Photos - 1 views

    Free Photos, illustrations, video, and audio that do not need citations
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