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Tyler Jabara

History Alive! America's Past Essays - 5 views

  • Francis Bellamy had an idea. The year 1892 was the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America.
    • l3east
      An idea was created for Columbus discovery
  • a country that obeys and honors a Supreme Being,
  • The Pledge of Allegiance.
  • ...81 more annotations...
  • he pledge was also printed up and sent to schools all across the country. Bellamy’s idea was a great success. On October 12, 1892, more than 12 million schoolchildren celebrated Columbus Day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge became so popular that Americans have been reciting it ever since
  • carefully chose the words
  • I promise to be loyal
  • to the flag of the United States of America,
  • nd I promise to be loyal to the country and type of government
  • that the flag stands for--
  • a single country,
    • Lisa Wild
      Great Job Tyler
  • Think about these words the next time you pledge allegiance to the flag. Remember that you are promising to be loyal to the ideas that make America a special place. And that means helping your country to be its very best.
  • a country that can never be divided,
  • nd a country where there is freedom and fairness for everyone.
  • people get to elect those who make the laws. Bellamy believed that being loyal to America meant being loyal to this idea.
  • The words "one nation" and "indivisibl
  • e" had special meaning for Bellamy, too. Only 30 years before, the United States had fought a terrible civil war. Back then, the nation had nearly broken in two.
  • We can never let such a thing happen again. We are one country, forever."
  • Columbus Day
  • with liberty and justice for all.
  • freedom and fairness
    • Tyler Jabara
      this is all the important things i highlighted
  • America’s Constitution promises freedom and fairness for all Americans.
  • people still remembered slavery. And too many people were still not treated fairly, especially women and African Americans.
  • Bellamy included the words "with liberty and justice for all." He wanted Americans to help their country live up to its promises.
  • America’s Constituti
  • Bellamy sat down and wrote some words for children to recite while they saluted the flag. He called his words "The Pledge of Allegiance."
  • In 1892, a man named Francis Bellamy had an idea.
  • Bellamy wanted schoolchildren in the United States to honor Columbus Day in a special way.
  • Finally, America’s Constitution promises freedom and fairness for all Americans.
  • The pledge was also printed up and sent to schools all across the country.
  • llamy had an ide
  • Bellamy’s idea was a great success. On October 12, 1892, more than 12 million schoolchildren celebrated Columbus Day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • But most of the Pledge is exactly the way Bellamy wrote it.
  • a few of the words have been changed.
  • Some of the words in the Pledge of Allegiance had special meaning for Bellamy.
  • In the Pledge, Bellamy is saying, "We can never let such a thing happen again. We are one country, forever."
  • That’s why Bellamy included the words "with liberty and justice for all." He wanted Americans to help their country live up to its promises.
  • he put in the Pledge of Allegiance. Since then, a few of the words have been changed. In particular, the words "Under God" were added by Congress in 1954. But most of the Pledge is exactly the way Bellamy wrote it.
    • l3east
      The reason why Bellarny made the pledge of allegiance to the anniversary of Christopher Columbus discovery in America
  • September
  • The year 1892
  • 400th
  • In 1892,
  • Francis Bellamy
  • The Pledge of Allegiance.
  • called The
  • anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s discovery
  • Youth’s Companion
  • On October 12, 1892,
  • 12 million
  • to the Flag of the United States of America, to the flag of the United States of
  • added by Congress in 1954
  • The Words of the Pledge
  • What the Words Mean
  • I pledge allegiance I promise to be loyal
  • "Under God"
  • America
  • and to the Republic
  • and I promise to be loyal to the
  • country and type of government
  • for which it stands,
  • that the flag stands for-
  • one Nation
  • a single country,
  • under God,
  • a country that obeys and honors a
  • Supreme Being,
  • a country that can never be divided,
  • indivisible,
  • with liberty and justice for all.
  • and a country where there is freedom
  • and fairness for everyone.
  • "republic" means a certain form of government.
  • Bellamy believed that being loyal to America meant
  • being loyal to this idea.
  • "one nation"
  • "indivisible"
  • the United States had fought a terrible civil war.
  • We can never let such a thing happen again. We are
  • one country, forever."
  • women and African Americans.
  • "with liberty and justice for all.
  • He wanted
  • Americans to help their country live up to its promises.
  • particular
    Please highlight the important parts/ add sticky notes
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