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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Marita Glowacki

Marita Glowacki

History of PEZ candy, collectable dispensers, patent numbers, terms and definitions - 0 views

  • PEZ was invented in 1927 in Vienna, Austria by a candyman named Edward Haas III. Edward Haas came up with the idea for this new peppermint candy. It was an adult breath mint that he decided to market as an alternative for smoking. Haas Food Manufacturing Corporation of Vienna, Austria, was the first to sell PEZ candies. Back then, PEZ, the brick-shaped candies were carried around in pocket tins
    History of Pez
Marita Glowacki

What is Ecotourism? - The International Ecotourism Society - TIES - 0 views

    The Definition: Ecotourism is: "Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people." (TIES, 1990) Principles of Ecotourism: Ecotourism is about uniting conservation, communities, and sustainable travel. This means that those who implement and participate in ecotourism activities should follow the following ecotourism principles: * Minimize impact. * Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect. * Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts. * Provide direct financial benefits for conservation. * Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people. * Raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climate.
Marita Glowacki


    The first Fitness Park licensed by the German Nordic Walking Association is situated in the middle of the romantic landscape of the Vesser Valley in Thuringia. The 60 km trail is comprised of 4 separate routes that pass through the NORDIC FITNESS PARK ON THE RENNSTEIG. A classification by distance and difficulty makes the selection of a suitable route easier for everyone. Entrance signs at the starting points in Vesser and at the Ringberg Hotel Suhl give information on technique and equipment as well as on the ideal strain and heart rate. A special highlight is the annual GutsMuths-Rennsteiglauf (cross-country ultramarathon), the biggest ultramarathon in Central Europe. Back to top
Marita Glowacki

Weinheim Miramar - Erfahrungsbericht - MIRAMAR WEINHEIM - 0 views

  • Das Schwimmbad bietet wirklich für jeden etwas. Von Groß bis Klein. Für die Kleinen gibt es ganze Legosteine in Lebensgröße, mit denen man etwas bauen kann, oder aber auch das Wasserparadies für die Kleinen. Mitten im Hallenbad besteht sogar die Möglichkeit, Tischtennis (!) zu spielen. Nun aber zum Spaß für die Großen und Kleinen, warum der Eintrittspreis so hoch ist:
    Ich moechte dort gern mein Wochenende verbringen.
Marita Glowacki

Berlin - Offizielles Stadtportal der Hauptstadt Deutschlands - - 0 views

shared by Marita Glowacki on 14 Jul 10 - Cached
    Berlin Hauptstadt
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