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David Hilton

Essay research - 65 views

Hello again munchkins! I've posted up a sheet going through some ways to evaluate sources in your essay without messing with your 'flow'. Go to scoodle and have a look at it for some tips on makin...

essay greece primary sources research

Erik Underwood

The Campaigns of Alexander - Google Book Search - 1 views

    This is the Campaigns of Alexander, by Arrian, an ancient source on Alexander, but a secondary source because he was a Greek who lived during Roman times.
Letitia Dall

The Book of the Acts - Google Book Search - 0 views

    In a couple of sources it mentions that on alexanders date of birth a temple burnt down. a powerful symbol and great publicity for alexander (to add to his long line of related gods). this source simply corroborates this.
Erik Underwood

ALEXANDER THE GREAT, Project by JJP - 0 views

    This site is not particullarly reliable, it is more of a third party website made by someone who wants to provide information on Alexander the Great. What it useful about it is it's bibliography, it provides a lot of information on the sources on Alexander. I would recomend using this to find out who the sources are, and then try to research further into them.
Jasmin Priddle

The Internet Classics Archive | Alexander by Plutarch - 0 views

    This is Plutarch's biogrpahy of Alexander's life, it could be a useful secondary source later on.
    Alexander by Plutarch, part of the Internet Classics Archive. An ok ancient source.
James Larwill

Justin: Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, Book 1 - 0 views

    It's a historical source by Justin one of the five historical ones, so have a gaze people!
Nathan Kench

Arrian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 4 views

    • Nathan Kench
      This is a good source for the background of arrian, to help with source evaluation. even though it is wikipedia it is still good for source evaluation.
    • Alex J
      haha thanks nathan that's what i came here for
James Larwill

Solon - The Lawmaker of Athens - 0 views

    Good information. Good Source
    Solon by Plutarch - super exciting
    An awesome source.
Erik Underwood


    • Erik Underwood
      A transalated version of the primary source, Tukulti-Ninurta 1 Epic, the website may not be very reliable, but the information should be accurate if it is a copy.
    • Erik Underwood
      This does not provide much of Tukulti-Ninurta I's Epic as A. Kuhrt's book, the 'Ancient Near East C. 3000-330 B.C' says that the Epic is 700 lines long.
    A transalated version of the primary source, Tukulti-Ninurta 1 Epic, the website may not be very reliable, but the information should be accurate if it is a copy.
Steph Copplin

Ancient Greece: a political, social ... - Google Book Search - 2 views

shared by Steph Copplin on 03 Nov 08 - Cached
    Helpful for a book source.
shantel darvill

Alexander the Great | - 0 views

    Encyclopedia- Tertiary source.
Letitia Dall

The Encyclopedia of Warfare- Google Book Search - 0 views

    Provides information on Alexander and the Macedonian army.
    really excellent easy to understand source, also reliable!
Jasmin Priddle

Plutarch Alexander 9-10 - 0 views

    An ancient source. Nothing much in it.
Jasmin Priddle

Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum - 1 views

    An ancient source.
Erik Underwood

The History of Alexander - Google Book Search - 0 views

    This is the book written by Quintus Curtius Rufus, who lived during Roman times.
James Larwill

Alexander the Great: the fall of Tyre - 0 views

    It's Quintus Curtius Rufus, a historical source!

Map of Alexander the Great - Decisive BattlesĀ  - 0 views

    map of alexanders conquests- source might not be reliable
Bree Oliver

Alexander the Great, home page - 0 views

    Home page for Skip Knox's essay on Alexander the Great. This source is reliable as it is and education websiter shown through the (.edu) It has alot of helpful hyperlinks so that you can pick what you want to read about on Alexander or the people related to him.
Erik Underwood

midassyrian - 0 views

    This website provides some information, but is not very official. It should be reliable because it's information is supported by my other sources.
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