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Home/ 10th Grade Research Project 2010/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Puja DeGamia

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Puja DeGamia


Eating Disorders: Body Image and Advertising - HealthyPlace - 0 views

  • Advertisers often emphasize
  • he importance of physical attractiveness in an attempt to sell products
  • In recent survey by Teen People magazine, 27% of the girls felt that the media pressures them to have a perfect body
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  • Researchers suggest advertising media may adversely impact women's body image,
  • ads made women fear being unattractive
    • Puja DeGamia
      this can lead to unhealthy behavior as girls strive for the ultra-thin body idealized by the media
  • he average woman sees 400 to 600 advertisements per day
  • and by the time she is 17 years old, she has received over 250,000 commercial messages through the media.
    • Puja DeGamia
      Shows the average amount of media exposure girls have targeted towards them
  • Only 9% of commercials have a direct statement about beauty,
  • but many more implicitly emphasize the importance of beauty--particularly those that target women and girls.
  • This constant exposure to female-oriented advertisements may influence girls to become self-conscious about their bodies and to obsess over their physical appearance as a measure of their worth
  • ty, and the bodies idealized in the media are frequently atypical of normal, healthy women. In fact,
  • Advertisements emphasize thinness as a standard for female beau
  • today's fashion models weigh 23% less than the average female
    • Puja DeGamia
      a young woman between the ages of 18-34 has a 7% chance of being as slim as a catwalk model
  • Women frequently compare their bodies to those they see around them, and researchers have found that exposure to idealized body images lowers women's satisfaction with their own attractiveness.
  • girls reported in a
  • Body Image Survey that "very thin" models made them
  • feel insecure about themselves.
  • Dissatisfaction with their bodies causes many women and girls to strive for the thin ideal. The number one wish for girls ages 11 to 17 is to be thinner
  • Eighty percent (80%) of 10-year-old girls have dieted,
    • Puja DeGamia
      The media is not only being exposed to girls who are well into their teens but young girls aged 10 or younger.  - media impact has started spreading through age groups making little girls conscious about their weight as well.
  • One study found that 47% of the girls were influenced by magazine pictures to want to lose weight, but only 29% were actually overweight
  • Research has also found that stringent dieting to achieve an ideal figure can play a key role in triggering eating disorders.
  • Girls who were already dissatisfied with their bodies showed more dieting, anxiety, and bulimic symptoms after prolonged exposure to fashion and advertising images
  • in a teen girl magazine.

BBC NEWS | Europe | France targets anorexia in media - 0 views

  • The bill targets pro-anorexia websites
  • The French National Assembly has passed a groundbreaking bill which seeks to criminalise the promotion in the media of extreme thinness.
  • nd publications that encourage girls and young women to starve themselves.
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  • It will affect websites, fashion houses, magazines and advertisers.
  • those found to have encouraged severe weight loss could be fined up to 45,000 euros and face three years in prison.
  • "Encouraging young girls to lie to their doctors, advising them on foods that are easier to regurgitate and inciting them to beat themselves up each time they eat is not freedom of expression," Ms Bachelot told the assembly.
  • It is necessary because we know now that we have a risk to some part of the population, young girls, who are pressed by different types of lobbies and the risk is increasing."
  • he law could also affect the fashion industry and magazine editors who publish photographs of extremely thin models.
  • Page last updated at 21:43 GMT, Tuesday, 15 April 2008 22:43 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version
  • he BBC's Emma Jane Kirby in Paris says that with 40,000 anorexics in France, many parliamentarians feel the law cannot come soon enough.

Media, Eating Disorders and Girls: Focusing on Appearance Alone is Not Healthy for Girls - 1 views

  • There is enormous pressure from the media on young girls to be thin.
  • Models can be seen everywhere with their skeleton frames sticking out suggesting this is the body image one should strive for.
  • Eating disorders are so common in models that it seems to get glamorized to young girls.
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  • “15% of young women have some kind of disordered eating patterns.” (Random House, eating disorder
  • The media reinforces this standard by promoting dolls like barbies which no girl or woman could ever seriously look like.
  • he proportions are all wrong and the measurements when converted to full size are freakishly absurd.
  • Girls and teenagers are self conscious enough about their body image without being bombarded with air brushed perfection which sometimes borders on looking cartoon like with their lack of blemishes and freckles.
  • Young girls are starting to diet at younger ages and exposure from the media promoting beauty contests doesn't help this.
  • There has been some progress on the promotion of ultra thin models and in some place they've been banned.

Debate: Portrayal of women in mass media - Debatepedia - 0 views

  • A big part of media audience consists of teenagers, who are particularly vulnerable
  • This is because the mentality of young people is in the process of formation.
  • The impact of media on the morality of the younger generation can affect the future of our society negatively.
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  • Women are portrayed as perfect models. Although very often "Photoshop-edited",
  • hile stressing the importance of being slim. This leads in consequence to "promotion of anorexia", which is clearly undesirable.
  • Many girls idolize models and feel the need to mirror their thinness.
  • Models of a very low weight are setting bad examples to these girls
  • can be held responsible for the increasing number of girls with eating disorders
  • The fashion industry is not to blame for eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses and are not simply triggered by models and images of thin people.

media influence on anorexia - 0 views

  • connection between the increasing thinness of so many celebrities and the alarmingly rapid rise in eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa?
  • much debate still centers around the extent of media influence on anorexia.
  • despite the evidence
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  • accept that extreme thinness is anorexia.
  • norexia is the desire to maintain a lower body weight than is normal and healthy.
  • If a little girl sees a variety of thin/anorexic celebrities on TV, in magazines, decides with her friends that they are beautiful, that she'd like to look like them and, in an attempt to do so, she proceeds to lose 20 kilos, she's anorexic!
  • The danger is that the numbers of women who have uncomfortable thoughts about their bodies are far, far higher than those suffering from full blown anorexia
  • once these thoughts have first sprung into existence, all they need is a little nourishment to make them sprout roots...and grow.
  • First into a diet, often into an eating disorder such as anorexia.
  • she just feels inadequate and guilty because she can't bring herself to starve her body to the same extent as the models and celebrities do.
  • it's impossible to find a magazine without at least one spread on some amazing diet and exercise regime, always with the implicit message that we are 'wrong/lazy' if we don't follow it.
  • not only does media influence on anorexia exist, anorexia is deliberately being perpetuated by the media and the mixed messages it portrays
  • he media, especially ads and commercials for appearance-related items, suggest that we can avoid the hard character work by making our bodies into copies of the icons of success.
  • ads reveals a not-so-subtle message ? ‘You are not acceptable the way you are. The only way you can become acceptable is to buy our product and try to look like our model, who is six feet tall and wears size four jeans - and is probably anorexic’
  • In 1995, before television came to their island, the people of Fiji thought the ideal body was round, plump, and soft. After 38 months of Melrose Place, Beverly Hills 90210 and similar Western shows being beamed into their homes, Fijian teenage girls showed serious signs of eating disorders.
  • To underestimate media influence on anorexia is to underestimate the power it has to influence the self esteem of us all.

Eating Disorders and the Media | Media Influence on Eating Disorders | Anorexia | Bulim... - 0 views

  • Okay, so we all want to hear how Calvin Klein is the culprit and that the emaciated waif look has caused women to tale-spin into the world of Eating Disorders. While the images of child-like women has obviously contributed to an increased obsession to be thin, and we can't deny the media influence on eating disorders, there's a lot more to it than that.
  • Images on T.V. spend countless hours telling us to lose weight, be thin and beautiful, buy more stuff because people will like us and we'll be better people for it. Programming on the tube rarely depicts men and women with "average" body-types or crappy clothes, ingraining in the back of all our minds that this is the type of life we want. O
  • characters are typically portrayed as lazy
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  • while thin women and pumped-up men are the successful, popular, sexy and powerful ones. How can we tell our children that it's what's inside that counts, when the media continuously contradicts this message?
  • Super models in all the popular magazines have continued to get thinner and thinner.
  • Modeling agencies have been reported to actively pursue Anorexic models.
  • he average woman model weighs up to 25% less
  • han the typical woman and maintains a weight at about 15 to 20 percent below what is considered healthy for her age and height.
  • By far, these body types and images are not the norm and unobtainable
  • Diet advertisements are another problem.
  • hese images are fake.
  • the ideal body" combined with the diet industry's drive to make more money, creates a never-ending cycle of ad upon ad that try to convince us
  • Pop-culture's imposed definition of
  • Barbie-type dolls have often been blamed on playing a role in the development of body-image problems and Eating Disorders.
  • Not only do these dolls have fictionally proportioned, small body sizes, but they lean towards escalating the belief that materialistic possessions, beauty and thinness equate happiness.
  • Barbie has more accessories available to purchase than can be believed, including Ken, her attractive boyfriend.
  • personally do NOT believe every girl that has a Barbie-type doll is at risk of disordered eating,

Does the Media Influence Anorexia on Teenagers? - 1 views

  • When the media is constantly bombarding children and teens alike with messages about the "ideal" or "perfect" beauty, and uses underweight movie stars, singers, etc- then it's not hard to ask the question "Does the media influence Anorexia on teenagers?"
  • Instead of blaming themselves, the media and others- it's im
  • portant to remember that some teenagers are more susceptible to eating disorders than others, and some are going to develop Anorexia or another eating disorder with or without outside influences such as media or peers.
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  • The latest example of this trend, is the recent come-back of Britney Spears- after she'd given birth to two children, she was ridiculed for wearing a skimpier outfit, due to being "fat." The problem is, although she'd had two children, she was far from fat- yet the media criticized her for daring to show her "less than perfect" body on national television. With issues like this, it's no wonder that children and teenagers are being bombarded with messages of what perfection is and how to "be" perfect.

EBSCOhost: Anorexics younger - Eating disorders in children under 13 have quadrupled - 0 views

  • QUEENSLAND primary schools are enlisting body image experts to help students with suspected anorexia as the average age of eating disorder victims continues to get younger.
  • The number of children aged 13 years and under diagnosed with an eating disorder by community mental health services in Queensland has more than quadrupled over the past five years.
  • Experts say nearly one-third of all child and youth mental health beds in the state's public hospitals are now taken up by anorexia nervosa patients.
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  • `I have certainly seen plenty of 11 and 12-year-olds kids in grade 6 and 7 with an eating disorder

anorexia and the media Essay - 0 views

  • Two main eating disorders pertain to thinness they are Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia nervosa
  • A National survey revealed that up to seventy five percent of women consider themselves too fat when in reality they are below the ideal weight standards that are established.
  • In America fifty six percent of all women are on diets.
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  • Women of ages eleven years of age to seventeen years old number one wish is to lose weight and keep it off.
  • By the time these girls reach the age of eighteen eighty percent of them have dieted.
  • with young women
  • This is not only a problem
  • The advertisement for this product displays a thin, beautiful model dressed in a short, low-cut dress lounging on a bar stool. They have her long thin legs that take up most of the page with not a trace of cellulite on them. The caption for this advertisement is written across her tiny waist and it reads "Everybody could use a little less fat"
  • Lite Cheese portrays that a women cannot be thin enough an even every women who is thin must worry that their bodies are "too fat".
  • The ideal thin appears in television and magazines especially for women.
  • standard in television is slimmer for female then it is for males.
  • Popular women's magazines contain approximately ten times as many dieting articles
  • These students will gain weight and then diet. This triggers eating disorders
  • Suddenly they are on their own with food, usually for the first time in their lives

Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment by - 0 views

  • Anorexia nervosa, commonly referred to simply as anorexia, is one type of eating disorder.
  • A person with anorexia often initially begins dieting to lose weight.
  • The individual continues the endless cycle of restrictive eating, often accompanied by other behaviors such as excessive
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  • Approximately 95% of those affected by anorexia are female, but males can develop the disorder as well.
  • anorexia typically begins to manifest itself during early adolescence
  • In the U.S. and other countries with high economic status, it is estimated that about one out of every 100 adolescent girls has the disorder.
  • According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), an estimated 0.5%-3.7% of women will suffer from this disorder at some point in their lives.
  • ny experts consider people for whom thinness is especially desirable, or a professional requirement (such as
  • models, dancers, and actors
  • At this time, no definite cause of anorexia nervosa has been determined. However, research within the medical and psychological fields continues to explore possible causes.
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