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project/inquiry based learning

project/inquiry based learning

132 Items, 13 Members

research/insight into project/inquiry/web based learning

how to run class

how to run class

109 Items, 2 Members

kids designing/creating class/curriculum/structure

grant writers alg 2 web

grant writers alg 2 web

58 Items, 12 Members

grant writers for the alg 2 web base class starting fall of 09, tvhs, loveland co

blog sites

blog sites

6 Items, 2 Members

best tech tools

best tech tools

212 Items, 2 Members

robotics and chess and gaming

robotics and chess and gaming

24 Items, 2 Members

robotics and chess and educational gaming

university and business connections

university and business connections

16 Items, 1 Members

collaborations in order to change ed up - make it meaningful

pd and assessing teaching

pd and assessing teaching

42 Items, 1 Members

info/insight/research on good pr and assessing teaching

ideas for alt assessments

ideas for alt assessments

67 Items, 1 Members

creating assessments/assessment strategies that would allow some type of measurement of thinking and creativity

working on it

working on it

25 Items, 1 Members

work space to change things up



6 Items, 1 Members



3 Items, 1 Members

explanation of our site, of the web, how to find us, ho to grow



3 Items, 3 Members

stuff intriguing to those who love music

good books

good books

1 Items, 1 Members

thinking kool bean thoughts

thinking kool bean thoughts

4 Items, 1 Members

thoughts of leaders, ways to make change, thought provoking, inspirational

kool bean rss feeds

kool bean rss feeds

5 Items, 1 Members

work space to collect and organize and use and reuse data

revisiting comments

revisiting comments

19 Items, 1 Members

comments on posts, etc that need to be revisited

my own pd

my own pd

1 Items, 1 Members

my personal pd for column change