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My Groups
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Stories, Reading, Writing, and More!

Stories, Reading, Writing, and More!

56 Items, 3 Members

Links to stories and resources to use with students.

JK Illustrators' and Illustration Websites

JK Illustrators' and Illustration Websites

11 Items, 1 Members

Online resources for exploring and inquiring into various illustrators' methods for and tools used when illustrating books.

JK UOI: How We Organize Ourselves

JK UOI: How We Organize Ourselves

15 Items, 3 Members

JK Goldilocks

JK Goldilocks

7 Items, 1 Members

List of links for various versions of Goldilocks.

SK How we Organize Ourselves

SK How we Organize Ourselves

0 Items, 1 Members

SK UOI: Sharing the Planet

SK UOI: Sharing the Planet

4 Items, 1 Members

Links and YouTube videos related to the UOI.

SK: How the World Works

SK: How the World Works

2 Items, 1 Members

Links to support inquiries into materials.

JK Silent Movies

JK Silent Movies

3 Items, 1 Members

List of silent movies for Carine's JK integration.