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Ad4dcss/Digital Citizenship

Ad4dcss/Digital Citizenship

2333 Items, 742 Members

ADVOCATES FOR DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP, SAFETY & SUCCESS. Grassroots effort of educators, parents, and teens to promote digital citizenship, safety, and success. Advocacy for wise, balanced, researched based actions in the offline world to promote online citizenship, safety, and success.



14432 Items, 2555 Members

Educators sharing bookmarks and best practice. We have a set of standard tags to help us share things that you may use in addition to your tags. (You may subscribe to these tags via RSS feed by subject area, which makes it very useful.) Fully disclose WHY you want to join and who you are. SPA...

Flat Classroom Project

Flat Classroom Project

2045 Items, 1040 Members

Bookmarks for Flat Classroom group based on trends in Thomas Friedman's book, the World is Flat. Find global projects at

Physics of the Future

Physics of the Future

313 Items, 93 Members

Physics of the Future Project studying the trends in Michio Kaku's book "Physics of the Future". Students are using this group to aggregate their research. Students are from Bettendorf in Iowa with @coffeechugbooks and Westwood Schools in Georgia with @coolcatteacher

NetGenEd Project

NetGenEd Project

697 Items, 274 Members

The group where educators and students research and share about the Horizon Report findings from the past year. Each year the standard tags are updated with the new horizon report.

Horizon Project 2008

Horizon Project 2008

138 Items, 7 Members

The tag library and sharing for the Horizon Project 2008.