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My Groups
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Political Sites

Political Sites

81 Items, 176 Members

This group contains websites with political news, election coverage, as well as sites of specific political parties and political bloggers.

California politics

California politics

94 Items, 33 Members is an online community comprised of those interested in bipartisan California politics and political news. Topics range from California public policy information, proposition campaigns, and the latest in legislative news. Get involved in the issues you are passionate about...

Funny Stuff

Funny Stuff

84 Items, 104 Members

A group to fill with all the funny things we come across on the interwebs

Atheist Thoughts

Atheist Thoughts

66 Items, 123 Members

Thoughts on atheism, science and questioning the Bible.

Politically Minded

Politically Minded

1164 Items, 412 Members

This group is for everyone who likes to think outside the box and engage a variety of ideas. Post articles here which will provoke thought and discussion, regardless of partisan leanings.

Religion and Politics

Religion and Politics

40 Items, 23 Members

Topics dealing with the intersection of religion and politics.

Odd News

Odd News

64 Items, 50 Members

Share the strange news articles, web links, photos and videos found on the web,

propaganda & marketing

propaganda & marketing

441 Items, 76 Members

about the means and rhetoric that governments and big business use to make us believe their lies.