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14432 Items, 2555 Members

Educators sharing bookmarks and best practice. We have a set of standard tags to help us share things that you may use in addition to your tags. (You may subscribe to these tags via RSS feed by subject area, which makes it very useful.) Fully disclose WHY you want to join and who you are. SPA...

Tech & Science

Tech & Science

309 Items, 531 Members

News and articles about technology, Internet and science

Collective Intelligence theory research

Collective Intelligence theory research

1064 Items, 45 Members

a repository for papers, books, research concerning the theory and practice of Collective intelligence, and the future of the internet and social networking practice

Financial Crisis and Geopolitics

Financial Crisis and Geopolitics

398 Items, 49 Members

Everything about the World Financial Crisis and Geopolitical changes.

Colabora E & A XXI

Colabora E & A XXI

543 Items, 29 Members

"Colabora E & A XXI" é um espaço criado pelo Grupo Educações & Aprendizagens XXI, para compartilhamento de COCuradorias de membros do grupo e interessados que desejem participar no espaço diigo. É aberta a adesão e colaboração horizontal de outros grupos, projetos, instituições, organizações... O...



15 Items, 7 Members

Group focuses on the work of Manuel DeLanda



26 Items, 6 Members

Gilles Deleuze on the Internet -- See

Rhizomatic Dynamics

Rhizomatic Dynamics

54 Items, 5 Members

A group for the research and correlated materials of Deleuze concept of the Rhizome