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Classroom 2.0

Classroom 2.0

7994 Items, 8230 Members

A place for members of to share links, Classroom 2.0 is social networking site devoted to those interested in the practical application of computer technology (especially Web 2.0) in the classroom and in their own professional development.



2606 Items, 1865 Members

A group of educators interested in sharing and learning about the power of technology integration into their teaching practices. Check our tasks exploring Diigo at

Web 2.0 tools for teachers

Web 2.0 tools for teachers

1083 Items, 4499 Members

Technology Forum

Technology Forum

834 Items, 1118 Members

This is a place to share web 2.0 links, Web Applications, articles about web technology. Please share, and thanks for reading!

Discovery Educator Network

Discovery Educator Network

5449 Items, 3909 Members

This group is a place for educators to share resources that support creativity, thinking, teaching and learning.

Diigo In Education

Diigo In Education

28355 Items, 57453 Members

“Diigo In Education” - Phase I just released. More to come.. Share your classroom usecase, ideas, reviews, features, and wishlists for making Diigo a great resource and platform in teaching and learning. Let's explore the full potential of Diigo as an educational tool.

Web2.0 at school

Web2.0 at school

1121 Items, 3134 Members

Interesting Web 2.0 application for school

Cool Tools for Educators!

Cool Tools for Educators!

895 Items, 3409 Members

This is a place to share cool new educational tools with others!

Clif's Notes on EdTech

Clif's Notes on EdTech

2601 Items, 1602 Members

Resources on Education, Technology and More.

Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0

Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0

1983 Items, 3318 Members

This Diigo group is dedicated to the topic of Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0.

Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom

Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom

1240 Items, 2249 Members

Sharing resources and ideas for use with interactive whiteboards. Also, partner with THE 2010 INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD CHALLENGE Round 1 in June Round 2 in September: - for teachers AND STUDENTS.

Cool Tools & Ed Tech

Cool Tools & Ed Tech

2610 Items, 1200 Members

This group is for cool tools on the web as well as useful resources in education and technology. Go ahead...share.

Diigo ISTE12

Diigo ISTE12

136 Items, 309 Members

Join the official Diigo ISTE12 group to share all the wonderful resources for ISTE12! Please only share ISTE12 related info (presented / learned / shared / tweeted & more...). Thanks!

Mobile Technology and Education

Mobile Technology and Education

65 Items, 104 Members

Resources related to mobile devices and education. (cell phones, PDAs, iPhone, iPod Touch, smart phones, 3G, Palm, Android, apps, hand helds, mobile learning, m-learning, educational technology, integration, lesson plans, activities, and more.)



137 Items, 202 Members

A group to share and keep track of edubloggercon resources.



770 Items, 71 Members

Links for teachers



885 Items, 28 Members

Memphis Association of Independent Schools Technology Education Consortium



22 Items, 43 Members

This is a group of interested educators collecting bookmarks to open source, free or inexpensive PBL resources.

9 Items, 8 Members is being used by around 3% of the elementary school teachers. With their rapid addition of new features and great pricing (free for almost all uses), they are becoming a foundation tool for many schools and teachers. Share your insights and tips here.

5B Seth Cannon Ben Caleb

5B Seth Cannon Ben Caleb

8 Items, 6 Members

IBSC Action Research 2012-2013

IBSC Action Research 2012-2013

19 Items, 2 Members

Animal Links PDS 2nd

Animal Links PDS 2nd

15 Items, 3 Members

Lusanne Laptop Institute resources

Lusanne Laptop Institute resources

20 Items, 9 Members

Resources related to or referenced at the Luasanne Laptop Institute. You are welcome to join this group to add resources and comments if you are/were physically there, virtually there, or have a strong interest in the issues raised (and are not a spammer).

Lost in IT

Lost in IT

18 Items, 3 Members

Cool tools and resources for your classroom. Include links to CMS tools, instructional tools, digital curriculum materials.