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Kelli Gerhardt

Increasing Awareness About Web Access Barriers - 34 views

I really liked Ali's article a lot. Because I teach middle school I can see how blogging can be very useful to my students. Some of my students have a hard time expressing themselves in a class set...

Amy Franklin

Apps for Dyslexia and Learning Differences - 1 views

    This site has a listing for a bunch of different apps (free and paid) to help students of all ages with dyslexia and other differences. It also might be a good way to teach or reinforce to students with strengths in the specific intelligences that some apps target. Not all will apply to the age group that I teach, as it seems to have a lot for younger kids.
    This is also a great way of incorporating "new" technology into the classroom (such as the ipad) or for differentiating homework.
Jennifer Kennedy

FizzBrain Apps - 2 views

    Fizz Brain Apps were designed by teachers for students with autism and Asperger's Syndrome. They focus on social skills and creative play. The Feel and Write App is practice in writing letters with fun materials such as shaving cream and chocolate. The Look In My Eyes Apps are an engaging way to allow students to practice making eye contact.
Audrey O'Clair

UDL Placemat- Core Apps serving learning for all - 0 views

    You know how once in a while you find a resource and you feel like you've won the lottery? That is how I feel about this placemat and I hope you are as excited by it as I am. For those of you who use the iPad to meet the diverse needs of your learners, you MUST check out this list of apps. I hope you are impressed with the layout of the tool and how straightforward it is. I am forever being asked what apps I recommend and often have a hard time to recall all the best. Now that I have the placemat, I have a quick resource that is visually appealing and understandable. Such an incredible resource for including students with very diverse needs using one singular device.
Kim J

At School | Students with Learning Disabilities - NCLD - 2 views

    This site is a great resource for teachers or parents that are unfamiliar with disabilities. It gives background knowledge about learning disabilities as well as, suggestions for schoolwork, homework, accommodations and assistive technology. The assistive technology section has a variety of suggestions, videos, books and apps that are helpful for teachers and parents alike.
    This is a great site that you found Kim. As a teacher it is always tricky to address accommodations and adjust to the modifications some of our SPED students need. It also has a lot of information for parents too.
Amy Franklin

Wiseman Belknap Using Web 2.0 Research Tools in ESL Classes - 0 views

    This is a slideshow for using technology for ESL classes to increase accessibility. There are lots of great suggestions for apps, the benefits of research using the web, and some interesting slides on QR codes.
Audrey O'Clair

Techno Bytes - 0 views

    What's going on in the world of Assistive and Educational Technology. (by Hillary Brumer). Hillary Brumer is a close friend and colleague of mine and I felt it necessary to share her brilliance with you all. Hillary and I co authored an article for an early childhood ed publication and also share a deep love for the iPad and how it impacts individuals with special needs. She is in the midst of her doctoral studies and is a valuable resource to anyone who has learners with diverse needs in their class. Her blog is geared toward app reviews and assistive tech devices.
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