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Political Partisanship, the Internet and Presidential Approval - 0 views

    Are death threats and regularly broadcasted rage throwbacks to similar times in American history, or is it a new phenomenon that a quarter of the Republican party thinks our president is, without exaggeration, the Antichrist? I recently took a turn through Gallup's Presidential Approval Center to get some answers about how today's political and cultural climate truly differs from the past.

Got Fiber? YPs Compete for Google's Super High-Speed - 0 views

    Cities and towns across the country sent in their pleas to Google last month, requesting to be one of the trial locations where the company will test its new ultra-high speed broadband network.

Dollars & Sense: Consider the Brokerage Account - 0 views

    With IRA's and 401(k)'s garnishing the most attention in the investment community, investors forget about the value offered from opening a good old-fashioned brokerage account. Most questions submitted by young professionals to the talking heads for leading money magazines and news channels deal with contributions to retirement accounts because that is what has been drilled into their psyche at an early age. Everyone hears "make sure you contribute to your 401(k) when you get that job" or "the tax breaks for contributing to an IRA are wonderful." And you know what, that advice is really good and I do recommend contributing as much as you can to your retirement accounts, but you need to diversify your investment accounts just like you diversify your investments in those accounts.

Ideas Into Dollars: The Sound Business Pitch - 0 views

    No matter how amazing your venture may be, if you can't show others how great it is, you might miss your opportunity to get it started. Getting funding isn't easy and these days venture capitalists are less likely than ever to invest in startups. So it's important to have the pitch perfected--whether its the impromptu elevator pitch or a formal written business proposal.

YPs Remain Influential to Rental Market - 0 views

    Noticed a number of "For Rent" signs on your block recently? If so, you wouldn't be alone. Apartment vacancies have been at record-high levels in the past year and many apartments are empty because young renters have sought alternatives to renting on their own during the recession.

Dollars & Sense: Managing Your Money - 0 views

    I first want to say how excited I am to be writing the personal finance blog for YPNation. Since I received the nod to write my first post I have been racking my brain for a good topic to begin with. Literally hundreds of ideas ran through my head and, needless to say, I will not be at a loss for topics down the road. But I have decided to start with some general thoughts on managing money--something many young people do not spend enough time thinking about.

Making Sense of the New START and Nuclear Nonproliferation - 0 views

    Last week the Obama administration released its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) and the President signed the new START (strategic arms reduction treaty) with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. This week, leaders from more than 40 nations have convened in Washington, D.C. for the Nuclear Security Summit to discuss global nuclear risk and a strategy for controlling insecure nuclear materials. YPNation spoke with William Schirano, an international security consultant based in Washington, D.C., about these recent events.

University Venture Incubators: Empowering Entrepreneurs Across Campus - 0 views

    With the entrepreneurial spirit teeming on university campuses across the nation, it's no wonder many schools have begun to offer student entrepreneurs the resources they need to move their business ideas forward. And Gen Y students are taking advantage of these business incubators turning their fresh and innovative ideas into moneymakers.

Bonding with Coworkers and Productivity in the Workplace - 0 views

    Last week Gallup published results from a study on how a lack of an emotional bond between coworkers can lead to lower productivity and mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression. Gallup interviewed millions of workers in hundreds of companies around the world and found that no social reward can quickly translate into a lack of interest in doing work. Employers may want to take notice--worker health issues can have direct economic consequences.

Rebounding from Unemployment: How Losing a Job Can Open New Doors - 0 views

    In late 2008, Shannon Varney, now 27, found himself in a difficult place. He had just lost his job as a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs--a casualty of the economic crisis that had settled in--and prospects looked bleak. But his misfortune would take him down an unexpected path to an entirely new career.

Big Business Looking to Reduce Energy Use - 0 views

    Last week a new Pew report provided some good news on how businesses in the United States are beginning to respond to our changing environment. The report was prompted by recent shifts in how corporate leaders perceive climate change in relation to the their own business's energy costs. Two years in the making, "From Shop Floor to Top Floor (pdf)" offers advice for businesses hoping to cut back on energy use.

Q&A: Jon Severson on a Weekend of Skiing and Networking - 0 views

    Jon Severson is the president and founder of the Colorado Young Professionals. From Friday, Feb. 26, to Sunday, Feb. 28, savvy YPs from around the country gathered in Colorado to hit the slopes and network. This first annual YP Ski Weekend was hosted by Denver Young Professionals, and also included mountain activities, ski parties with live music, and tons of give-aways and contests. Be sure to check out more YP events here!

Personal Branding Expert: Circumvent the Resume Mill With an Online Presence - 0 views

    All job-seeking young professionals should have a strong online presence, otherwise they are going to be completely overlooked by recruiters, personal branding expert Dan Schwabel said.

More Thoughts on Reinstating the Draft - 0 views

    A few months ago I wrote an article on why reinstating the draft would only degrade the quality and effectiveness of the U.S. armed forces. As a member of the armed forces, I firmly believe that keeping the military an all-volunteer force is in the best interests of this country. So I was not only shocked by the amount of responses I received, but also caught off guard by the number of people who said they were in favor of the draft. The main reason given was that people thought it was generally unfair that so much of the nation's burdens fall on the shoulders of just those in the military.

The State of Politics in This Brave New World - 0 views

    I am not a health care analyst. Although I dabbled in macro health-related policy in graduate school, I could tell you very little about the intricacies of our health care system. But this post really doesn't have much to do with health care policy, rather it's my take as to how we got to where we are today.

Honorary YPs: Spotlight on Florence Nightingale & Marie Curie - 0 views

    In celebration of Women's History Month, YPNation is profiling notable women from history who achieved success or a notable accomplishment in their respective fields when they were in their twenties or thirties. And because of their impressive work, we're recognizing these women as "honorary YPs."

Honorary YPs: Spotlight on Frida Kahlo & Valentina Tereshkova - 0 views

    In celebration of Women's History Month, YPNation is profiling notable women from history who achieved success or a notable accomplishment in their respective fields when they were in their twenties or thirties. And because of their impressive work, we're recognizing these women as "honorary YPs." For part three of this four-part series, we honor artist Frida Kahlo and cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova.

The Health Impact of Climate Change - 0 views

    As with any bill jerked around for half a year in the democratic process and packed with side-deals, last week's momentous health care legislation has its perks and its flaws. There's still no public option, but recent college graduates will soon be able to ride their parents' insurance until they turn 27. Meanwhile, the pro-choice movement made no headway when it comes to a woman's right to have an abortion--if anything, they lost ground.

Honorary YPs: Spotlight on Jane Austen & Wilma Rudolph - 0 views

    In celebration of Women's History Month, YPNation is profiling notable women from history who achieved success or a notable accomplishment in their respective fields when they were in their twenties or thirties. And because of their impressive work, we're recognizing these women as "honorary YPs."

Honorary YPs: Spotlight on Charlotte Ray & Victoria Woodhull - 0 views

    In celebration of Women's History Month, YPNation is profiling notable women from history this week. These women come from different backgrounds and professions, but all achieved success or a notable accomplishment in their respective fields when they were in their twenties or thirties.
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