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Alejandro EWSIS

"The Sound of Screaming Is Constant" - Haiti Devastated by Massive Earthquake, Desperat... - 0 views

  • A desperate search for survivors continues, but rescuers lack heavy lifting equipment and are often using their bare hands.
    • corey stanley
      this will takee way to long to try to help people get from under buildings and help them live, something has to be done.
    • Allesia EWSIS
      This is a tragedy. Bodies in the street just lieing there and no equipment to get them off the street. i know that we all have our diffrences but they need help and we need to help them.
    • Jose EWSIS
      bare hands will not get the job done. This is a horrific event and i hope things will begin to get better for them.
    • Yanira EWSIS
      I think that there should be more first aid kit sent to them because it seems like they are also dying do to the lack of supplies
    • Dylan EWSIS
      This is crazy as if the country wasnt already in enough trouble, then this happens. These people need every sort of aid they can recieve whether it be prayers or money donated or food and supplies.
    • qixun cai
      i hope many people under the ruins can be saved
    • Raymond EWSIS
      poorness+earthquake wow. Thats just bad luck. They need help quick.
  • Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
    • corey stanley
      The people of Haiti will not survive if something is not done quickly, with no water, no hospitals its impossible to survive.
    • Nicole EWSIS
      There are many agencies and people trying to send donations, giving money, and trying to help. This poor country was not prepared for this damage and people will help.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      However other countries are hastly trying to get there and aid the people. It's not just hundreds of people that we are talking about, its over thousands. Agencies are desperately trying to get there and give out help. I really hope they make it through. God bless
  • We had one nurse at our hotel, so he was out front helping people who were coming in who were injured. When word got out that there was a nurse at our hotel, people just started bringing their injured family members to the hotel. I was deputized by the nurse to help in whatever way I could. So he would tell me where a broken bone was, and I had to learn on the sly how to make a splint.
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  • HAITIAN MAN 1: Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
  • What’s really eerie is the sound of just screaming, which is constant. I can hear it right now. It’s just people either singing and praying or just really loud screams.
    • Alexis EWSIS
      This part really striked me because there is all this screaming of people how need help, but no one has the resouces or skills to help them.
    • Jessica =D
      I could never imagine a scene like this. It's really heartbreaking.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      I tried to imagine this scene and all I can do is flinch. It's really heartbreaking to hear that these people are screaming for help and praying for their lives.
  • The World Health Organization said it had sent specialists to help clear the city of corpses, and the International Red Cross was sending a plane loaded mainly with body bags. Medicine, food and water are in short supply. And Haitians are desperate for aid.
  • The injuries just kept coming all day long—head injuries, people with multiple broken legs, people catatonic who couldn’t speak. Everybody is asking for medicine. You know, we don’t have basic—we don’t have Advil.
  • It’s hard to describe. I was working on a boy who his father was there speaking in Creole, so we were trying to get a good translation, but basically what he explained was that their house collapsed, and he got out, but his son was trapped under the rubble. But he could—his son could still yell, and they spent all night trying to find him, and finally they dug him out, and they brought him to our hotel, because there was one nurse at our hotel.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      It is important to hear from someone who was at the site him/herself. Jesse describes how horrific it is to see the victims lying there on the streets.
  • The situation is increasingly desperate, with no coordinated rescue plan so far and aid only trickling in.
    • Helen EWSIS
      This just makes me even sadder. I feel like even though different countries are trying to do something, whether it's giving aid, providing food and water, or medicine, it's still not enough. I can't imagine what the death tool will be.
    • Franklin EWSIS
      I feel bad for the people of Haiti because they have nothing now.
    • Edgar EWSIS
      This is horrile that it has been 3 days now and people are still just getting help, there should be much mor ebeing done, and it makes me very sad to hear they are getting very little help in such a devastating situation.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      i think this sucks because, the people here have nothing and that they probably don't even know if they are going to sere the next day because of the conditions there.
    • Alexa EWSIS
      i dont think that thisis fair to hatians because they are a very poor country and on top of that, this occured. This was their worst earthquake in 200 years. I deffinetly want to help out
    • Alexa EWSIS
  • Much of the capital city of Port-au-Prince has been leveled, leaving tens of thousands of people homeless.
    • Houin EWSIS
      I think it is a big problem for Haiti gov. that there have too much is homeless, and they need resources, and they want a place to live.
  • Planeloads of rescuers and relief supplies are said to be on the way from the European Union, from Canada, Russia and Latin American nations. Two US aircraft carriers are also expected to arrive soon.
    • Helen EWSIS
      This sounds like a decent start to trying to help them recover...
    • Hannah EWSIS
      At least this shows that people are attempting to help out .
    • Ammy EWSIS
      its nice to hear that other countries arent just standing by with their arms folded. Its great to know that they are contributing to the Haiti people by giving them aid and support. The people there right now need as much support and aid possible.
    • LawrenceY EWSIS
      its good that other countries are stepping up to help them
  • but he died right there today in front of us and had to be just carried off.
  • It’s just people either singing and praying or just really loud screams. And there’s been a lot of tremors over the last two days, so when the earth shakes again, much more mildly, people start to scream again. So it’s a really eerie sound.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      The people must be very devastated.
  • Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
    • Houin EWSIS
      I agreed with this because Haiti just happen earthquake, and they didn't have time to prepare the food,water,or place for the people homeless.
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      Where is everyone they need help and THEY NEED IT wether or not they there is a strong government now.
  • The injuries just kept coming all day long—head injuries, people with multiple broken legs, people catatonic who couldn’t speak. Everybody is asking for medicine. You know, we don’t have basic—we don’t have Advil. We didn’t have gauze. We don’t have hydrogen peroxide. Like, it was one nurse and me, who happened to be a guest at this hotel because my wife is doing HIV work in the country. I happened to be there to help this nurse, but I have no medical training, and I just had to do whatever he explained to me to do.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      This is very sad that there is not enough medicine there to help the injured. The other thing is that Mr. Jesse Hagopian was brave enough to stay and help out the victims, its sad yet one thing remains alive humanity, meaning to say people are selfless when helping people.
    • Robin EWSIS
      This is really sad no medidcine and one nurse that can help. I want to help badly but theres nothing one teen can do so i would do the best i can to help them
  • With communications largely down, it’s been very difficult to reach people on the ground in Haiti.
  • We need help. We need help, international help. We ain’t got no help.
    • Hannah EWSIS
      I think that people should really help out in any way possible. I mean even if its just donating a few dollars.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      They need international help. It is the only way of recovering from this disaster. We as Americans have to send as much aid as possible.
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      They really need help you can see by the photos and the and the peoples cries for help.
    • Mei EWSIS
      People need help, any help. I think we should donate anything because they need everything,
    • qixun cai
      Help.How impotant word. They need help.From all over the world. we should try our best to help them
  • people who were coming in who were injured. When word got out that there was a nurse at our hotel, people just started
    • JonathanJ EWSIS
      It must be hard to help with limited suplies
  • It almost certainly will reach into the tens of thousands but could possibly be 100,000 or more. Bodies lie in the streets and collapsed buildings, and the cries of people buried beneath the rubble continue to ring out.
    • Hannah EWSIS
      Its horrible to hear about things like this. So many people were lost.
    • Edgar EWSIS
      It is really sad to hear that there are bodies just laying there and very little things done to get them on another place or relocate them. Its sad to hear that so many people died, people that had no idea what was going to happen.
  • The city’s infrastructure took a blow of incalculable proportions as hospitals, schools, hotels and markets have crumbled.
    • Dylan EWSIS
      This is crazy these people have no way of contacting family who are worried on the other side of the world, and cannot even help themselves to try and feel better.
    • Alejandro EWSIS
      well i feel really sad about whats happening in Haiti,because some people dont knoe where their rest of their family at. and they really wan to know hoe their health is. And i am really worried mostly about the children.
  • There are not agents.
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
  • ...3 more comments...
    "we don't have Advil. We didn't have gauze. We don't have hydrogen peroxide."
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
    After watching the video, I was utterly speechless. It's really sad to know that another country is in desperate help of need, especially when they weren't in a good state before.Having a massive earthquake hit a city that;s already in poverty is really devastating. The situation is almost similar to that of the tsunami that happened just a few years ago. Other countries are contributing by sending over aid and people to help revive the city and help the people. Most of the buildings have collapsed and many of the few buildings had cracks. It's very interesting to hear about different people who were visiting Haiti speak about their experience during the disaster. Over thousands of people in Haiti are currently homeless and injured. A person walking by would be able to witness bodies being crushed by concrete and bodies covered by a sheet of blanket laying on the floor. The country is now short in water supply, food, money,and many important factors. People are desperate for aid and money. I think it's great that other countries aren't just standing by and not doing anything. I hope in the future, they will be able to revive most of the damaged buildings and maybe the people there will find jobs and homes again.
Anthoulla EWSIS

Queens sees huge surge in demand for emergency meals and food - 1 views

  • The number of emergency meals provided to the city's hungry has jumped in every borough since 2006, with the Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx, which saw a 110% boost. In Brooklyn the jump was 75% and in Manhattan 62%. The smallest increase was 29% for Staten Island.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      The statsics shows the insecure of the meal and food supply. The whole city is missing food supply and it already become a huge problem that effect many's life.
    • diane ewsis
      I am suprised that many people are going hungry and that since 2006 the rates of hunger have increased tremendously the tally that this has been in the bronx, brooklyn, manhattan, and staten island has gone extremely high.
    • Yu Park
      What I found interesting about this article is that people are starving in a urban where food is plentiful yet people cant get to it.
    • KatherineG EWSIS
      It's hard to believe that so many people are starving. Some thing that stood out for me was when the article stated Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx, which saw a 110% boost.In Brooklyn the jump was 75% and in Manhattan 62%." & a 29% for Staten Island. Staten island has the smallest percentage due to how small the island is.Either way the rates of hunger have increased drastically.
  • "Because of the bad economy, New York families that typically donate food, warm clothes and other basics to those in need just can't afford to this year," Gillibrand said. "As a result, food bank shelves have gone bare, and hunger and food insecurity have reached disturbing, historic highs." The Food Bank for New York City, which supplies food to 1,000 agencies providing 300,000 meals a day, found that 93% of city food pantries have seen an increase in first-time visitors over the past year. Half of the pantries reported more than 25% in increased demand over last year.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      Many people in NYC need food after the economy went down. New York families miss their home and they couldn't handle their life well. Those people are the ones who really need help from others. The govenment is trying to help, but the government's food bank is missing supplies too.
    • Yu Park
      The reason why the hunger rate is high these days is because of how popluated the cities are and the lack of recognition towards the poor class and the homeless.
  • "Because of the bad economy, New York families that typically donate food, warm clothes and other basics to those in need just can't afford to this year," Gillibrand said. "As a result, food bank shelves have gone bare, and hunger and food insecurity have reached disturbing, historic highs."
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  • "We need to make sure we're helping children and families who were hit the hardest by this economy," Gillibrand said.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      Everyone is meeting the food supplies missing problem. The children and families who were hardest by the econmoy especially needs the help. The government is trying to help them in order to save more people from starving.
    • diane ewsis
      we have to make sure that we try to help as much as possible and also help the children that are currently hunger and they need us and also many families that are being hit by poverty and dont have enough money to feed their children.
    I'm learning more about Queens sees huge surge in demand for emergency meals and food right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: why more than half of food pantries still had to turn people away because they ran out of food. I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because it explains the problems about giving food to elder people. It also talks about Gillibrand and Sen. Chuck Schumer are co-sponsoring legislation to make permanent the Good Samaritan Hunger Relief Tax Incentive that encourages businesses to donate unused food items to food banks. It also states that another piece of legislation Gillibrand is co-sponsoring to help support food pantries and other charities is an extension of tax credits for seniors when they make charitable donations from their retirement savings. Such credits are set to expire at the end of this year. A paragraph that caught my eye was " Emergency measures taken in Washington over the past year dramatically increased the availability of food stamps and government purchases of food for emergency relief programs, according to Triada Stampas, the Food Bank's director of government relations and public education, but failed to fill the gap in the city." This is because it explains about food emergency. "Because of the bad economy, New York families that typically donate food, warm clothes and other basics to those in need just can't afford to this year," Gillibrand said. "As a result, food bank shelves have gone bare, and hunger and food insecurity have reached disturbing, historic highs." " The quote I chose here is basically saying the because of the bad economy that we are having right now sometimes it hard for them to find food. I think this is strong because without money sometimes it's hard to get food. But if people donate or give food that they don't eat then that's good.
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    I'm learning more about food insecurity right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: what cause the rate of food insecurity to increase. I was researching this question online, and this news article, "Queens sees huge surge in demand for emergency meals and food" caught my attention because it explains what I'm wondering. The quote I chose here is basically saying that as the economy goes down, those who always donate clothes and other food supplies stopping donating because they cannot afford to. This is one of the biggest reason that food crisis in queens is becoming more serious. I think this is very sad because it makes me wonder how many people in our city right now don't have food to eat and can barely survive. I'm now recalling how much food that I have wasted since I was born. I believe that if I had saved all that amount of food, I would have saved a lot of people. Therefore, from now on I will try my best not to waste any food and join those who donate food to poor people.
    I'm learning more about the food security right now,and in particular what I'm wondering about is :What is the food problem in NY? I was researching this question online,and this news item caught my attention because we have look for the food security in the Africa,and we are looking for the food security in America now,then i saw this topic,and i think it is interesting. "The number of emergency meals provided to the city's hungry has jumped in every borough since 2006, with the Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx, which saw a 110% boost. In Brooklyn the jump was 75% and in Manhattan 62%. The smallest increase was 29% for Staten Island.The report found that 340,000 households across the city are now considered "food insecure" - meaning that these families are unsure when or how they will get their next meal - with 53,285 in the Bronx. " The quote I chose here is basically saying that the food security in New York is very important,because the news said that the number of the emergency meals provided to the city's hungry has jumped in every borough since 2006.Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx,which saw a 100% boost.Brooklyn jump was 75% and Manhattan 62%.the less increase was 29% in Staten Island. I think this is amazing because i don't really know that was a big problem in the New York,it make me wonder that not only the food problem in Africa,it also happened in the place that I lived,that i have never know it make me very amazing.I think we should solve the food problem also.
    "The report from the office of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand shows a dramatic 55% rise in the need for emergency food relief statewide, and a 75% increase in New York City overall. The number of emergency meals provided to the city's hungry has jumped in every borough since 2006, with the Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx, which saw a 110% boost. In Brooklyn the jump was 75% and in Manhattan 62%. The smallest increase was 29% for Staten Island." This is something that I couldn't believe. Are these numbers really true? I mean there are these many people who need food in my area? I mean I know in Queens I have seen many homeless people and food drives all around the city but I never knew it was due to the fact because there are these amount of people who need it. Its sad and shocking and I think I am going to start putting in my two cents and try to hep out. I think I will start volunteering at a food drive or something. This is crazy how people are in hunger like this.
    "Emergency measures taken in Washington over the past year dramatically increased the availability of food stamps and government purchases of food for emergency relief programs, according to Triada Stampas, the Food Bank's director of government relations and public education, but failed to fill the gap in the city.\n\n"More than half of food pantries still had to turn people away because they ran out of food," Stampas said. "
    I'm learning more about food security in queens right now, and in particular what i'm wondering about is why are people hungry all of the sudden. I was researching this question online, and this new posts caught my attention because, why is only Queens having this food problems and why does the title have the borough queens and not any other borough. "The report found that 340,000 households across the city are now considered "food insecure" - meaning that these families are unsure when or how they will get their next meal - with 53,285 in the Bronx. " The quote i chose here is basically saying that food is really scarce and people don't know when is the next time they will be able to eat. Several people in the Bronx have to worry about this for sure because there are so many of them in this condition. I think this is a true statement because, several people are having such a low amount of food and they don't know when they gonna have their next meal.I think that why their are so many emergency security food and meals are being passed out all around the boroughs in NYC.
    I'm learning more about food security right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is Is there a food problem in Queens? I was researching this question online, and this news post caught my attention because it mentioned exactly what i wanted to know.\n\n\n"Queens sees huge surge in demand for emergency meals and food." "Queens has seen a whopping 106% sspike in the number of emergency mealss provided to hungry residents in the past two years."\n\nThe quote i chose here is basically saying that there has been a huge jump in the number of emergency food distributed to the people. Amny people are in a food crisis, and is worried about what they are going to eat in days to come. \n\nI think this is not good because what will happen when there are no emergencey food rations left then what will happen to the people? I believe New York State should do something about this before it gets worse than it is.
    I'm learning more about food security in Africa as well as New York right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: why is food security a problem in New York City, the city that I live in. I was researching this question online, and this news article caught my attention because it shows how my community is suffering from food security. Food security affects the world and the people around us. "We need to make sure we're helping children and families who were hit the hardest by this economy,' Gillibrand said." The quote I chose here is basically saying that we as a country are suffering from hunger. This is very surprising because children and families are suffering and we should help them. The economy affected the rate of food security, because a lot of adults lost their jobs and now they cant afford to put food on the table. I think this is shocking because so many people lost their jobs in the last two years with the economic crisis that now, thousands of children and families are suffering. It makes me wonder how many people are suffering from hunger not only in the US or Africa, but the whole world. I found out that India is going through some food crisis and that many children are dying from hunger. I don't think this is an issue not many people think about. That's what makes me think.

Video game behavioral effects - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • From both a social and psychological standpoint, video games have the ability to influence their players both on implicit and explicit levels.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      What does it mean when it says both on implicit and explicit levels?
  • Research on aggressive behavior as an effect of playing violent video games began in the 1980s and 1990s and still continues today.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      This is seen a lot in our society today. Many people who are video game addicts exhibit this behavior.
  • some researchers claim that these violent games may cause more intense feelings of aggression than nonviolent games, and may trigger feelings of anger and hostility. Several studies that have supported such findings.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      as one can see at the bottom of this, there is another article supporting this theory.
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  • The average gamer, far from being a teen, is actually a 35-year-old man who is overweight, aggressive, introverted — and often depressed, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).[4]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Woah, that is actually really surprising. I thought that the average gamer was a teenager not a 35 year old man
  • Female video game characters are often hypersexualized and unrealistic,[8][9] and have been shown to play a factor in hard-core gamers’ perceptions of ideal beauty
    • Hawa EWSIS
      this is really true since when I play some video games the girls are so unrealistic with huge breasts and all that. It actually makes me feel ugly all the time compared to them.
  • This repetition of violence and reward system create a psychological effect on people telling them that violence is okay.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Is that people commit murders and stuff? This it because of huge influence of the video games?
  • This addiction could lead to physical health problems, spending problems, and time displacement leading to missed work or school days. In one example, a 28 year old South Korean gamer died after 50 hours of StarCraft online gameplay.[12]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      I know that video game addiction can make someone socially awkward, but can it really make someone die? Somebody should really go into that....
  • The rise in childhood obesity in the U.S. has raised awareness of media consumption in children.[citation needed] Not only are parents and organizations blaming the food industry for the problem, but they are turning to television and video games as a key factor. Displacement Theory supports the notion that the time that would normally be spent being active outdoors or in sports, children are now replacing with leisure and inactive time in front of the television.[citation needed] Others tend the blame the problem on parental enforcement.[citation needed]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      In short, parents are just blaming video games for their child being overweight. Why would blame others? It's their fault in my opinion since it's the parents that give children access to video games and other things....
  • Anderson and Bushman explain how violent video games promote violent behavior, attitudes and beliefs.
  • have written that video games are neither good or bad alone, because it all depends on the individual and the context they are played in.[18]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      I have to agree for the fact that it all does depend on the person. They all have different effects on someone even though sometimes they share the same effects.
  • The interactive nature allows for high levels of entertainment, but has not yet been shown to subtract from the educational lessons being taught. Additionally, developers are beginning to change the view of traditional video games by creating popular games that require the player to be active -Wii Fit, Dance Dance Revolution- or focus on using brain power -Brain Age 2.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      see....a lot of people tend to think that video games is coupled with laziness and being unhealthy. However there are someone games that help become active and some that requires brain power. So video games aren't always that bad.
  • Many authors disagree with the notion that suggests that the media can cause violence, they think that media cannot cause violence because human can recognize what is wrong and what is right and people are not copycats
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Well this can be true at times. It is usually built in someone that tells them what is wrong or not. However, what if it's a child who plays the violent games. They're so young that they might not know what is wrong or right...
  • Journalist and author, David Sheff, believes that many skills can be learned from the gaming experience, it builds practical and intellectual skills,” by playing video games children gain problem solving abilities, perseverance, pattern recognition, hypothesis testing, estimating skills, inductive skills, resources management, logistics mapping, memory, quick thinking and reasonal judgements”. [26]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      This can be true at times. However I don't really agree with the reasonal judgements. It depends on the person really.
  • There are many positive effects of video games on some people as suggested by some researches; people play because they want to get away from their everyday life, break routine, to relive stress, allow them to cool off when they are stressful, could help people take out their anger through the game rather in real life because they are fun and interesting way to spend time. [25]
    • Hawa EWSIS
      This is true, because you can get lost in the world of whatever game you are playing. You can become another character and just be someone else for a while. Also it's sort of a hea;thy way to release stress instead of surpressing it.
  • In research undertaken by Acta Psychologica, in a number of tasks, video game experts outperformed non-gamers. Experts were able to track objects moving at greater speeds, perform more accurately in a visual short-term memory test, switch between tasks more quickly, and make decisions about rotated objects more quickly and accurately.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      Well this is sort of true too since I experience something like this once. I think it does help hand eye coordination at times...

Devastating Earthquake Hits Haiti - The New York Times > World > Slide Show > Slide 2 o... - 1 views

    I'm learning more about the Haiti Earthquake right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is what will happen next? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because it shows people laying die and crying for those who die. The title is Devasting Earthquake hits Haiti- New York Times. Something that appear on this article is " Huge swaths of Haiti's capital lay in ruins on Wednesday following a devastating earthquake, and thousands were feared dead. Displaced residents in Port-au-Prince, the capital." People cryng for their relatives who die. Another summary is where this woamn is walking past bodies . " A woman walked past bodies in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian president, René Préval, told The Miami Herald that the death toll was "unimaginable." The quote that I choose was " Parliament has collapsed," President Préval was quoted as saying. "The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed. There are a lot of schools that have a lot of dead people in them." The streets were strewn with rubble." How sad to know that innocent children die while they were learning having an education! I think this is strong because many people, good people die on this earthquake attack. It's sad to know that people was stuck in schools, buildings, houses, and they can't get out. And most of the people who survive they end u dieing later on.
Paul Allison

Don't count Haiti out - - 0 views

    What an inspiring and historically grounded commentary: "The tragedy is tremendous and the threats to life ongoing in a situation in which the ground is still trembling and disease likely. But the capacity of this people for survival and, indeed, for greatness in the worst of conditions has been demonstrated for more than two centuries. These are the descendants of people who overthrew an indecent, inhuman, overpowering slave system. Many of those still alive grew up under a vicious dynasty and rose up to oust it. It's entirely likely, therefore, that Haitians once again will put together a national coumbite. With a huge humanitarian effort from their friends, they will rebuild the country -- for the better. The will must be there for the world to come to Haiti's aid and work with the millions of surviving Haitians to rebuild this valuable country. So many Haitians, including the president, have nowhere to sleep, but they will sleep and get up again tomorrow to face the troubles. "
Taro S

hmanrights - 0 views

    The economy of China, gap between the poor and the rich is huge.
Jessica =D / The 50 Biggest Changes in the Last 50 Years - 1 views

  • To be sure, in 1954 computers were already making inroads into American business, especially in areas where data processing was very intense, such as banking and insurance. But they were huge and hugely expensive, kept in special air-conditioned rooms and tended by men in white coats. Very few Americans had ever actually seen one. Today about the only way for an American not to see one every day would be to stay in bed with the lights off.
    • Jessica =D
      So funny, yet so true. o_O
  • In 1954 American exports totaled less than $14 billion, or 3.7 percent of GDP. In 2001 exports amounted to $729 billion, or 7.2 percent of GDP.
    • Jessica =D
LeandroA EWSIS

Meaning (linguistics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • This type of semantics is contrasted with communication-focused semantics where understanding the intent and assumptions of particular speakers and writers is primary as in the idea that people mean and not words, sentences or propositions.
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      this differs from other branches of semantics because generally semantics are associated with making people look like idiots but this demonstrates that this specific branch is associated with finding meaning without going in so deeply
  • the good or bad associations we make with words
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      i think this is important because it puts a huge idea into simple wording and shows a philosophy put into a pysics style. the sentence on its own shows a human word game where we associate words with other words that show taste or distaste in a subject
  • Meaning as intent seems to be the oldest use of the word and goes back to Anglo-Saxon and still exists in German as an association made with the verb "meinen" as to think or intend
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      its strange to think the meaning of meaning has changed over time i guess it's sort of strange that meaning went from think to associate.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • persuasion more an aspect of rhetoric and deception rather than judging people, positions and philosophy more by weight of evidence or legitimate argumentation.
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      the author suggests that persuasion is not convincing people but more deceiving them to get what you want andchanging their ideals
  • The field of semantics is often understood as a branch of linguistics, but non-idealized meaning as a type of semantics is more accurately a branch of psychology and ethics.
    • LeandroA EWSIS
      this is strange to me i've thought that even though semantics has some deeper undertone it's a branch of literature, but (at least the non-idealized part) is a branch of psycology, which is a nice twist.

Al Jazeera English - Focus - Fighting for Africa's food security - 0 views

  • Young people have the advantage of having grown up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us.
  • In my work at the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), one of my responsibilities is to help smallholder farmers adapt and create climate-resilient farming methods. Such knowledge exists but often fails to reach Africa's vast rural populations.
  • When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours.  When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day. She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular I'm wondering about is how to make more food at the same time as we did before. I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because the girl is sharing about her childhood in Zimbabwe, how to grow food. The expriences that she has is really interested me.
    • KatherineG EWSIS
      I am currently learning about Africa's food security. I read this article "fighting for Africa's foo Security" by Sithembile Ndema. This article. Ms.Ndema speaks a bit about her child hood in Zimbabwe and how she would see her grandmother go to the same one acre plot of land each day, where she would work long hours growing crops. It is how she survived "This is how i wake up everyday, this is how i survive." " She continues to till her field with a hand hoe using seed saved from previous harvest, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type if in outs have remained the same over the years, how ever, the yeilds have been declining drastically." The quote above is basically describing what sithembile's grandmother does. It also address the problem. " Yeilds have been declining drastically." I think this is a serious problem because this is how many people survive. It makes me wonder what other people can do to help. As i was reading this article i began to wonder how i will help this article also made me appreciate the many things that i have and the opportunity's that others do not
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Yet today, in 2010, the effects of climate change are exacerbating an already vulnerable food supply in Africa, leaving farmers less capable of providing for themselves, let alone their communities. African farmers need to be able to access the knowledge and tools with which to grow a food-secure future for Africa. This would include, for example, the most effective and cost-efficient fertilisers and seeds, and improved access to markets.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      The quote I chose here is basically saying that the growth of food in Africa is still based on how good the climate is in now a days. The growth of food supply is not only one farmer's job, but all farmers's job. Everyone work together as a community and be success as a group.
  • While many young people do not seem to care about agriculture, they should acknowledge the fundamental role it plays in our lives.  Not only does it feed the cities, but it also feeds factories with the raw ingredients needed to continue building an economy.   One Young World will give me a chance to promote the importance of agriculture among my peers, and to help them understand its role in creating a food-secure, economically-stable Africa in the future.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      I this is challenging because the technology in now a days are very good, but we still need at least 5 years to improve the technology to make food supply faster and easier. It makes me wonder how can the technology imapct the farming.
  • Political instability, global poverty and health, the financial crisis, religious conflicts and climate change are all issues that affect us and require long-term solutions to address substantially.
  • "Young people have the advantage of growing up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us" Sithembile Ndema
    • Kyle Garcia
      I agree with this quote I suppose, technology is only improving.
    I'm learning more about Food Security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Is this a problem of politics or science? In other words can we right now "Young people have the advantage of having grown up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us. Whilst young people may not yet have the power to drive policies, we will be the ones who must accept the big challenges of the future which are as yet unresolved: from population growth to climate change to market reform and the end of poverty."
  • ...12 more comments...
    I'm learning more about food security right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is how the next generation will take over to fight the challenge. I was researching this question online and this article caught my attention because it was written by a 24 year old woman who has worked in the field all her life. She grew up in Zimbabwe and she used to watch her grandmother work long exhausting days as a child and even now. Because of her grandmother, she wants to make a difference as she attempts to get her generation more active in facing world problems.\n\n"Whilst young people may not yet have the power to drive policies, we will be the ones who must accept the big challenges of the future which are as yet unresolved: from population to climate change to market reform and the end of poverty."\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that she is calling out to the younger generation for help. Even though we don't have as much power as many others, we still have the power to try. It's up to us to contribute to changing the world.\n\nI think this is strong and hopefully it will motivate the younger generation to volunteer more and acknowledge these world issues. It makes me wonder what will happen in the future when it comes to youth involvement in the world. Will youth voices slowly disappear? Will anyone care anymore?
    "Young people have the advantage of having grown up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us." The quote I chose here is basically saying the younger generation can spread awareness because of the technology nowadays, news can be heard around the world. I think this is strong statement because it's true. That's how most people hear the news. Online, texting, watching television, and social networking. Many youngsters don't really read the newspaper. It's easier to just check the news websites online.
    I'm learning more about food security in Africa right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is why is there such a huge food shortage in Africa? While i was researching this question online i found this blog, entitled " Fighting for Africa's food security" It caught my attention because it seemed like it would be interesting and that the answer to my question would be within this blog. I thought this because of the title it had the words food security in it which i know is related to hunger so, it caught my attention. "When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day. She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. "
    I'm learning more about Fighting for Africa's food security right now , and in particular what I'm wondering about is how people work so hard? I was researching this question online, and this article caught my attention because it shows how people in Africa need help. "She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. " This quote I chose here is basically saying how they wake up early and start to work so they can get something to eat. I think that this is strong because for them they have to work really hard to find food. Another quote that I liked was " "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I like this quote because it shows how they are willing to survive no matter what.
    "Yet today, in 2010, the effects of climate change are exacerbating an already vulnerable food supply in Africa, leaving farmers less capable of providing for themselves, let alone their communities. " Well right now I'm learning about Food Security and in particular what I'm wondering is that if the problem in climate change in Africa has to do with global warming. There has to be a reason why the climate changing is occurring in Africa.It probably all has to do with global warming. I think maybe that we humans are the ones who caused the decrease in food security. God doesn't that suck....
    "When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours. When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day. She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. " This is a very sad article to read about. It's too bad that these type of things happen in other parts of the world. I feel so spoiled and bad compared to these people. I'm so lucky and blessed to have the life that I have and that things are sometimes just handed to me and that opportunities are everywhere. I hope these type of lives will one day be over so that everyone can live a wonderful and fruitful life instead of having a hard working life like this.
    I'm learning more about Africa's food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering is: Why isn't the younger generation helping the older generation? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because, all the changes that they are talking about is going to affect them in the long run and if they don't something about it now then it would be harder to fix later. The title of the news article is Fighting For Africa's Food Security. Something that i saw in the summary was that they are trying to fix the problem with Africa and they are trying to make a better way to get the young generation involved since they are not involved at all. "Political instability, global poverty and health, the financial crisis, religious conflicts and climate change are all issues that affect us and require long-term solutions to address substantially." I think this is a strog description because, if peoplee don't worry the sudden changes now how are they going to fix them later. I think that fixing the problem now will be more easier because later if you try to fix it some obstacles might be in the way.
    I'm learning more about Food Security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is what else affects food security. I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it said a bunch of other stuff that would affect food security. I chose this passage because it interests me to learn more about how other things contribute to food security. \n\n"Political instability, global poverty and health, the financial crisis, religious conflicts and climate change are all issues that affect us and require long-term solutions to address substantially."\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that other things like political instability, climate changes, etc are also affecting food security in countries. \n\nI think this is true because it makes me wonder how governments or people who represent us would cause a big effect on food security. I also think that climate changes can cause the most effect on food security because it changes the weather and also causes the temperature to change all around the world. It also causes the world to have more natural disasters all around. Many people lives also changes as the weather around them change.
    I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: How does food security affect Africa? I was researching this question online and this blog post was attached on one of the pages on It caught my attention because in the urgent evoke game they made up a hypothetical situation of food security and I wanted to know about an actual one.\n\n"When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours. When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day.She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. "\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that agriculture is the main source of food in Africa and the people have to work for their entire lives on crops and farming.\n\nI think this is interesting because people have to do a lot of hard labor. It makes me wonder why in the U.S. and other countries, people are able to retire after a certain age. But, in Africa they have to work their entire lives.
    I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Why is there food security? I was researching this question online and this news item caught my attention because it talks about the reasons why there are food shortages. "The effects of climate change are exacerbating an already vulnerable food supply in Africa, leaving farmers less capable of providing for themselves alone. let alone their communities." The quote i chose here is basically saying that due to global warming, and recent climate changes, crops are not growing as well as they could. As the heat, and cold gets worse plants will not be able to survive. I think this is will not be good for the economy because without farmers being able to grow crops, that means less food for the humanity. It makes me wonder how much longer, it will take before food runs out, and people starve to death. Will the scientists figure out a way for more heat-resistant plants?
    This quote caught my attention !!
    "When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours. "
    "I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day." This woman must be at least in her sixties, still doing this exhausting work.
    I'm learning more about food security in Africa right now, and in particular what im wondering about is Why is food security such a big thing in Africa. i was researching this question online and this news article caught my attention because Mr.Allison myi english teacher pointed it out to me.\n\n"She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically."\n\nThe quote i chose here is basically saying that the girl who is mentioned in the quote works hard to plant her crops and take care of the crops to. Food security is important because she wants to be able to feed her family.\n\ni think this is interesting because It makes me wonder about how food security is in other places outside the United States.

How to use the nature power - 0 views

    The universe is full of power, earth is a tiny piece of the whole universe. Human already knew how to use the nature power and that power makes our life much better. If we can use universe power, our life must be cooler. The earth is rotating the sun and the sun is rotating too. If we use the power of rotating, we can save a lot of energy. And if we understand of the universe, we can stop a lot of farm to happen. The space has huge power and the power is harmful, a single planet can be destroyed by the power. If we can use the power and know things earlier, then there will be less problems, and human life will be longer. People are trying to use solar energy now, where sun lights create power and it's a good way to save energy. "There has been a dramatic decrease in cost and prices over the past 12 months, which puts utilities in a strong position to bargain," says Chris O'Brien, head of market development for Oerlikon Solar. The Swiss company launched its solar group in 2007, offering end to end manufacturing lines for thin film PV. O'Brien says first-generation thin film customers in Europe have a manufacturing cost of approximately $1.50/W for a thin film PV module. His company's goal is to drive costs to around $0.70/W by the end of next year. With the current cost structure, including federal incentives, a 10 MW PV plant in California can have a delivered cost of electricity of around $0.15/kW. O'Brien says he expects that to fall below $0.10/kW by 2012. I really like this quote, because it told us how much money that the solar energy is saving for us. And it also told us, if we use the nature power, we can do a lot to keep our earth healthier.
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