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Adam Clark

New Truths That Only One Can See - - 0 views

    "Since 1955, The Journal of Irreproducible Results has offered "spoofs, parodies, whimsies, burlesques, lampoons and satires" about life in the laboratory. Among its greatest hits: "Acoustic Oscillations in Jell-O, With and Without Fruit, Subjected to Varying Levels of Stress" and "Utilizing Infinite Loops to Compute an Approximate Value of Infinity." The good-natured jibes are a backhanded celebration of science. What really goes on in the lab is, by implication, of a loftier, more serious nature."
Adam Clark

Are Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 Hours of Practice Really All You Need? - 0 views

  • Keep practicing, and you might become an expert. Or maybe you won't. Who knows? Not the experts, suggests a raging debate.Made famous by Outliers: The Story of Success, by Malcolm Gladwell, the 2008 book's "10,000-hour rule"—the number of  hours of practice needed to acquire mastery of a skill—looks increasingly beleaguered.Underlying arguments over whether winners are made or born, or over nature versus nurture, the disagreement points to deep uncertainty about who should receive expert instruction and how best to teach people to excel."No one disputes that practice is important," says psychologist David Zachary Hambrick of Michigan State University in East Lansing. "Through practice, people get better. The question is whether that is all there is to it."
    "Keep practicing, and you might become an expert. Or maybe you won't. Who knows? Not the experts, suggests a raging debate. Made famous by Outliers: The Story of Success, by Malcolm Gladwell, the 2008 book's "10,000-hour rule"-the number of  hours of practice needed to acquire mastery of a skill-looks increasingly beleaguered. Underlying arguments over whether winners are made or born, or over nature versus nurture, the disagreement points to deep uncertainty about who should receive expert instruction and how best to teach people to excel. "No one disputes that practice is important," says psychologist David Zachary Hambrick of Michigan State University in East Lansing. "Through practice, people get better. The question is whether that is all there is to it.""
Cari Barbour

How We Failed the Lost Girls Kidnapped by Boko Haram | - 0 views

    "We were fascinated with the search for the Malaysian plane and the search for survivors on the South Korean ferry. Why wasn't the media also focused on searching for the missing girls? MORE Nigerian Militants Sell Kidnapped Schoolgirls as Child Brides Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls Said to Be Taken to Islamist Stronghold Another Deadly Blast in Nigeria as Stability Erodes "
Cari Barbour

Using a foreign language changes moral decisions -- ScienceDaily - 0 views

    "Would you sacrifice one person to save five? Such moral choices could depend on whether you are using a foreign language or your native tongue. A new study from psychologists finds that people using a foreign language take a relatively utilitarian approach to moral dilemmas, making decisions based on assessments of what's best for the common good."
Adam Clark

Faith and Reason - 0 views

    "Traditionally, faith and reason have each been considered to be sources of justification for religious belief. Because both can purportedly serve this same epistemic function, it has been a matter of much interest to philosophers and theologians how the two are related and thus how the rational agent should treat claims derived from either source. Some have held that there can be no conflict between the two-that reason properly employed and faith properly understood will never produce contradictory or competing claims-whereas others have maintained that faith and reason can (or even must) be in genuine contention over certain propositions or methodologies. Those who have taken the latter view disagree as to whether faith or reason ought to prevail when the two are in conflict. Kierkegaard, for instance, prioritizes faith even to the point that it becomes positively irrational, while Locke emphasizes the reasonableness of faith to such an extent that a religious doctrine's irrationality-conflict with itself or with known facts-is a sign that it is unsound. Other thinkers have theorized that faith and reason each govern their own separate domains, such that cases of apparent conflict are resolved on the side of faith when the claim in question is, say, a religious or theological claim, but resolved on the side of reason when the disputed claim is, for example, empirical or logical. Some relatively recent philosophers, most notably the logical positivists, have denied that there is a domain of thought or human existence rightly governed by faith, asserting instead that all meaningful statements and ideas are accessible to thorough rational examination. This has presented a challenge to religious thinkers to explain how an admittedly nonrational or transrational form of language can hold meaningful cognitive content."
Adam Clark

Enduring Voices Project, Endangered Languages, Map, Facts, Photos, Videos -- National G... - 0 views

    "The Enduring Voices team is pleased to present these Talking Dictionaries, giving listeners around the world a chance to hear some of the most little-known sounds of human speech. Several communities are now offering the online record of their language to be shared by any interested person around the world. While you probably won't walk away from these Talking Dictionaries knowing how to speak a new language, you will encounter fascinating and beautiful sounds--forms of human speech you've never heard before--and through them, get a further glimpse into the rich diversity of culture and experience that humans have created in every part of the globe. "
Adam Clark

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are | Talk Video | - 0 views

  • Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.
    "Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how "power posing" - standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don't feel confident - can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success."
Adam Clark

As a Religion, Marijuana-Infused Faith Pushes Commonly Held Limits - - 0 views

    "On July 29, Mr. Christie's lawyer will argue in Hawaii federal court that his client should be allowed to present a religious-freedom defense at the eventual criminal trial. He will base his argument on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, passed by Congress in 1993, which requires the government to show a "compelling interest" whenever it "substantially burdens" a religious practice. In 2006, the Supreme Court relied on the act to permit a New Mexico church to use the hallucinogen hoasca, or ayahuasca, for sacramental purposes."
Adam Clark

False Memory's Fantastic Four - 0 views

    "Next time you tell a story to someone, don't be upset if they don't believe you, because what you may not know, is that occasionally you can't even believe your own memories!  Yes, that's correct, even your own memories can deceive you.  The concept of false memories is well supported in scientific research.  People generally think of their memories as something like an accurate recording that documents and stores everything that happens with perfect accuracy.  In reality, human memory is very prone to inaccuracies."
Adam Clark

Designing 20% Time in Education | Education Is My Life - 0 views

    There is a movement happening in education right now. Maybe you've heard about it, maybe you haven't yet. It comes in various shapes and forms but the end result is the same: students learning what they want to learn. Yes, I said it, so let me repeat: Students are learning what they want in classrooms across the world.
Adam Clark

BBC News - Japan defence firm Mitsubishi Heavy in cyber attack - 7 views

  • attack
    • Adam Clark
      What observations do you have about the language choice in the title of the article? Is it neutral?
    • Adam Clark
      What emotions are conjured by the image to the right and the bold text sentence to the left?
    • Adam Clark
      What are your eyes drawn to naturally in this article? How has sense perception been influenced by what you are visually drawn to? Does the visual presentation have any other impact?Is there anything significant in terms of "knowledge" by the visual impact of the whole page? 
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • The ministry will continue to monitor the problem and conduct investigations if necessary
    • Adam Clark
      How would you describe the language used here? Aggressive? Passive? Why?
  • "It's up to the defence ministry to decide whether or not the information is important. That is not for Mitsubishi Heavy to decide. A report should have been made,
    • Adam Clark
      What emotion do you sense here? Who said it? What's their relationship to the issue? Why might they want to portray a certain attitude? Is the tone they took effective? Why or why not?
  • China is one of the main victims of hacking... Criticising China as being the source of hacking attacks not only is baseless, it is also not beneficial for promoting international co-operation for internet security
    • Adam Clark
      Do you think this a valid reply that appeals to reason? In other words is this a logical reply to the accusation that China is behind these attacks?
  • hacking as a potential act of war
    • Adam Clark
      What significance would classifying hacking as "a potential act of war" hold for future international relations between the US and other nations? Which WOK would you use to address this question?
    • Adam Clark
      These points are grouped in a section? Do you think thy are related? Why or why not?
  • A typical DDoS attack involves hundreds or thousands of computers, under the control of hackers, bombarding an organisation's website with so many hits that it collapses.
    • Adam Clark
      Apply reason to this paragraph. What significance do you think this has for the whole story?
    • Adam Clark
      After all this what is the bottom line of this article? What can we claim to know having read it?
    This is the article for the Typhoon Day lesson
Adam Clark

TOK Talk » Shared and Personal Knowledge - 0 views

    Nice introduction to Personal and Shared Knowledge along with the IBO keynote with the animated Venn diagrams.
Adam Clark

Introduction to Ethics - YouTube - 1 views

shared by Adam Clark on 08 Apr 14 - No Cached
    Very thorough introduction to the main terminology and topics associated with Ethics.
Adam Clark

The Eyes of Nye - Pseudoscience (Season 1, Episode 2) - YouTube - 0 views

    "Great program. Think of it as a somewhat more mature version of Bill Nye The Science Guy."
Adam Clark

The placebo effect - YouTube - 0 views

    "Ben Goldacre, doctor and author of Bad Science, explains what the placebo effect is and describes its role in medical research and in the pharmaceutical industry."
Adam Clark

Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies - 0 views

    "A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning. Logical fallacies are like tricks or illusions of thought, and they're often very sneakily used by politicians and the media to fool people. Don't be fooled! This website has been designed to help you identify and call out dodgy logic wherever it may raise its ugly, incoherent head."
Adam Clark

Chiles 11. September / 9-11 Chile - YouTube - 0 views

    Uploaded on Mar 21, 20089-11 Chile (september 11 1973)
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