It is not enough to teach students how to understand information and communications technology. At some point you are going to have to assess their knowledge and understanding.
The table contains all the usual information you find in a periodic table of elements, but then under each element, it lists real-world items that contain that element.
This opens up a new avenue of projects for Science teachers where students can not only learn the different elements, but then connect them to real world uses and even explore the method in which the element is applied. For example, assigning a student to report on radon, they'll see it's a key element in earthquake predictors.
"What does this mean? When will I use this?"
If you're a math teacher, you've probably heard these questions before. We're here to help you answer them.
At Mathalicious, we believe that math isn't something to learn, but a tool to learn about other things. Our mission is to help transform the way math is taught by providing you with the best, most meaningful and most relevant math content available. Our lessons are aligned to traditional state standards but, unlike most content, emphasize conceptual understanding through engaging real-world applications.
What does this mean for you and your students?
It means you can use linear equations to pick the right cell phone plan, and percents to get healthier. It means you can use proportions to compare the iPhone and the iPad, and explore whether the Olympics are fair. Our approach means that you as a teacher can foster real conversations, real learning about topics that students really care about.
And best of all, Mathalicious means that math can be…fun again.
The purpose of this resource is to provide "Just in Time" training through an online interface for K-12 educators based on the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T). These standards are the basic technology skills every educator should possess. In the process, educators will develop their own skills and discover what students need in order to meet the NETS for Students, as well as the new MMC Online Experience requirement. Participants who fulfill all of the requirements have the opportunity to earn SBCEU's. To learn more about the session, look under the tab "The 21 Things". We hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Created by a high school student, RepeatAfterUs is an award-winning online library with the best collection of copyright-free English texts and scripted recordings. Our free audio clips provide an excellent resource for students and literature lovers of all ages.
Quick! Approve Slidebombs before they show up, Only your Students' Slidebombs appear in your portal, Organize Slidebombs by Class and Project, Add additional teachers and share a portal,
Great for School Projects, Student Presentations
As the use of computing and networking technologies in schools grows, educators increasingly incorporate online tools and resources into their curricula-some even replace traditional classroom interactions with "virtual" courses that take place entirely online. At the same time, administrators are concerned with helping students develop 21st century skills while bridging the digital divide between students and adults.\n\nTo address emerging trends in education, Project Tomorrow, a national education nonprofit group and Blackboard have joined together to bring you Education in the 21st Century, a series of reports that include data from the SpeakUp Survey, which shed light on issues related to learning and leading in K-12 education.
Scribblar could be a great tool for students to use to comment on and peer critique art work and graphic designs. This would be useful when students are creating slides for a presentation or a creating other original designs. Scribblar could be a more effective collaboration tool than some its competitors because it does have two options for dialog, text chat and audio chat.
an Internet utility to assist in the preparation of research papers. Teachers and students can set up research projects with topics and sub-topics. Students may then take advantage of NoteStar's many features to collect and organize their notes and prepare their bibliography page.
could be a simple way for students to create quickly create a mind map together. It could also be used by students to sketch diagrams and other drawings for use in slide presentations.
Create an online community of your classroom, share inspiration, ideas, reading, thoughts, post discussions, deadlines, homework, create surveys for students, keep parents informed.
Lingt allows teachers to easily create online assignments that get students speaking without having to devote already limited class time and resources.
DreamSpark is simple; it's all about giving students Microsoft professional-level developer and designer tools at no charge so you can chase your dreams and create the next big breakthrough in technology - or just get a head start on your career.