Lingt allows teachers to easily create online assignments that get students speaking without having to devote already limited class time and resources.
"abaCal - Your new online calculator for applied mathematics with these UNIQUE features:
* DEFINE and STORE your personal formulas easily
* CALCULATE your formulas anywhere at any time
* Get a GRAPHIC display of the results
* SEARCH for formulas in public formula library
* Use predefined variables with SI-Units"
InterroBang?! is a game where you get to have fun with problems. Students complete real-world missions with deeds that can win prizes, improve problem solving skills, and connect them with others to do things that just might change the world.
Upload your work, add comments, share files, and more. Invite your co-workers and start collaborating. Copy and paste from, and link to, any web site. Share with your friends to get their input.Upload photos from your last vacation. Design, and add a few comments if you like. Allow "guest view" so the whole wide web can see, but not add, edit, or delete.
Picnik makes your photos fabulous with easy to use yet powerful editing tools. Tweak to your heart's content, then get creative with oodles of effects, fonts, shapes, and frames.
Watch free technology training videos! Get help and answer your computer and gadget questions with thousands of video tutorials for PCs, Macs, and tons of different applications.
Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress that will update in concert with Wave as it grows and changes.
Shwup is a great site for teachers and students to use in order to post and share pictures and videos on the web. You do need to sign up, but anyone who gets a log-in can be invited to share in creating a "muvee" with the images that their "friends" (classmates/colleagues) are sharing. This is a great way to do collaborative multimedia projects or keep pictures and videos in one place from an event that had more than one person taking footage/images. The videos can all be shareed on shwup and posted to blogs, Facebook and other social media sites. Fun, easy to operate, and very useful.
DreamSpark is simple; it's all about giving students Microsoft professional-level developer and designer tools at no charge so you can chase your dreams and create the next big breakthrough in technology - or just get a head start on your career.
The purpose of this wiki is to help you learn more about CC and give you a chance to collaborate with us. CC relies on its community of users to keep it strong, so now is your chance to get involved!
We all know how much writer's block stinks. You want to produce original, quality content for your devoted readers but you're all out of ideas. Skribit helps you get suggestions for blog posts from your readers and the Skribit community.
"What does this mean? When will I use this?"
If you're a math teacher, you've probably heard these questions before. We're here to help you answer them.
At Mathalicious, we believe that math isn't something to learn, but a tool to learn about other things. Our mission is to help transform the way math is taught by providing you with the best, most meaningful and most relevant math content available. Our lessons are aligned to traditional state standards but, unlike most content, emphasize conceptual understanding through engaging real-world applications.
What does this mean for you and your students?
It means you can use linear equations to pick the right cell phone plan, and percents to get healthier. It means you can use proportions to compare the iPhone and the iPad, and explore whether the Olympics are fair. Our approach means that you as a teacher can foster real conversations, real learning about topics that students really care about.
And best of all, Mathalicious means that math can be…fun again.
From basic math to precalculus, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 helps you visualize and see mathematical concepts as you've never seen them before.
With the Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 free download, you get:
* A full-featured graphing calculator
* The Formulas and Equations Library
* The Triangle Solver
* The Unit Conversion tool
* Ink handwriting support