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BBC News - Amazon unveils cloud music player - 0 views

    • Iain Williamson
      What are their rivals doing?
    • Iain Williamson
      Which one would you use?
  • The internet retailer launched its Cloud Player in the US, ahead of rivals Apple and Google which are rumoured to be developing similar systems.
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  • mSpot and AudioBox,
    Useful article on Music Industry

World Cup Business: On FIFA, TV Rights, Sports Deals - World Cup 2010 - TIME - 0 views

    • Iain Williamson
      Notice the iconography which is the opposite of apartheid. s. Africa wants to brand itself as a cosmopolitan country.
  • The world united by a ball" — once a World Cup motto — was now a world united by the tube
    • Iain Williamson
      Notice the symbiotic relationship here between football and TV. Why not memorise this quote?
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  • Havelange gradually shifted FIFA's TV-rights deals from broadcast cooperatives, which paid very little, to privately owned broadcasters. Initially, the broadcasters reaped major profits from selling advertising during the live telecasts of the games.
    • Iain Williamson
      This is what we call an institutional determinant. It is the manner in which all subsequent world Cup events were funded.
  • Horst Dassler
    • Iain Williamson
      A key name for you to memorise.

Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: How Susan Spread and What It Means - 0 views

  • spreadability
    • Iain Williamson
      Note the difference between 'spreadable and viral. This is an important distinction to make for Jenkins.
  • Her Wikipedia entry has attracted nearly 500,000 page views since it was created last Sunday
    • Iain Williamson
      Interesting that the first place people go for clarification and b/ground info on a new celebrity is Wikipedia
  • The difference between "viral" and "spreadable" media has to do with the conscious agency of the consumers.
    • Iain Williamson
      A useful definition for Section B of the WJEC exam
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • they had a sense of discovery
    • Iain Williamson
      Remember the Ephieo video we watched last week?
  • so far so fast was that it could travel so far so fast
    • Iain Williamson
      So does this suggest that the use of social networking tools is spreading?
  • We have to understand the Susan Boyle phenomenon as occurring at the intersection between broadcast media (or to use Amanda Lotz's term, television in the post-network era.) In other words, this is convergence culture at work.
    • Iain Williamson
      So although it began on broadcast media, it was only through transmedia spreading that the clip became a phenomenon
  • The Twitter Tribes can figure out what content the audience wants to see because the Twitter Tribes are the audience, making decisions in real time
    • Iain Williamson
      Interesting that Twitter afficianados are cnstantly on the alert to be the first to spread these 'water-cooler' texts.
  • I sent the link via e-mail to my wife with a note saying "want to feel warm and fuzzy," to a close friend with a note suggesting "this will crack you up," and to my Twitter and Facebook mobs with the suggestion it illustrates something important about reality television because you wouldn't believe this if you saw it in a movie.
    • Iain Williamson
      We have different faces for different people...a good example of how difficult it is to talk meaningfully about audiences as 'categorised'
  • Susan Boyle circulates because she's meaningful on many different levels
    • Iain Williamson
      So is this a convention of a spreadable text? In other words, it has to be rich on a number of levels.
  • gift economy
    • Iain Williamson
      An interesting ACTIVE pleasure (Uses & Gratificatons theory)
  • because we now often interact with each other through sharing meaningful bits of media content.
    • Iain Williamson
      As this is becoming more the 'norm' we get better/quicker at circulating examples such as this.
  • Market demand is dramatically outpacing supply
    • Iain Williamson
      An example of where the industry is lagging behind the technical and cultural developments mentioned in this blog.
  • if she appears on Oprah
    • Iain Williamson
      Thereby demonstrating that more conventional media such as TV still has an important role to play.
  • My bet is that many of them would pay for this content but it is not legally being offered to them
    • Iain Williamson
      Do you agree with this? Would you?
  • We are reaching across borders in search of content, zones which were used to organize the distribution of content in the Broadcast era, but which are much more fluid in an age of participatory culture and social networks.
    • Iain Williamson
      So does this mark the beginning of a global pop culture linked together by social networking sites?
  • And people are seeking out videos of Elaine Paige, the queen of British stage musicals, who Susan identified as her role model.
    • Iain Williamson
      This is a fascinating chain reaction to consider, almost like a tributary addition after the main event.
    An outstanding analysis of the differences between spreadable media and viral videos using the Susan Boyle example.

Jennifer Aniston ended relationship with John Mayer because of his Twitter 'obsession' ... - 0 views

    By eck, speak of the devil!
    Interesting article relating to Twitter use spotted by the eagle eyed Ms Allan

New York Movies - DreamWorks, In Your Face: The 3-D Majesty of Monsters vs. Aliens - pa... - 0 views

  • To convince critics that 3-D movies are no longer the snake-oil salesman’s hustle
    • Iain Williamson
      Katzenberger is a huge name in animation and is lending his persona to this campaign.
  • The chorus of children around us agreed, as the theater echoed with giggles, squeals, and the random bleats of adolescent amazement
    • Iain Williamson
      Sense of realism associated with 3D?
  • For the first time in the medium’s history, you are there
    • Iain Williamson
      How new is 3D cinema? Disney touts it 4D cinema (go to HK airport for this experience or Disneyland)
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • But children who see the movie on DVD in a few months will wonder what happened to their roller coaster as it morphs into little more than a bumper-car ride
    • Iain Williamson
      Think about what the implications of this are from an institutional perspective...
  • It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s most certainly a milestone
    • Iain Williamson
      Is it? What do you think?
  • Of course, such places
    Very useful for your study of animation and changing institutional focus.

Disney Pixar's Up will open this year's Cannes film festival | Film | - 0 views

  • Up, an animated 3-D feature from the Disney Pixar studios
    • Iain Williamson
      Why do you think Pixar are releasing this now?
  • Traditionally, the Cannes organisers have preferred to keep animated features at arm's length
    • Iain Williamson
      Why do you think this is?
    Useful for your study of animation!

Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less - Technotica- - 0 views

  • Twitter gets you fired
    • J Leung
      Simply tweeting can get you fired immediately after being hired.
  • Facebook fired
    • J Leung
      Employers followed employee's facebook pages and drunk photos over the weekend caused many people to lose their jobs.
    • Iain Williamson
      Do you remember Mr Ferguson's assembly on Facebook? How much truth do you think there will be in employers schecking your facebook account as part of the interview process?
    • J Leung
     An example from around a month ago (27th March). People argue that she was treated unfairly. She was fired because it was written down. If she had said that out loud, her boss would not have been able to prove it. Suggesting how Web Social 2.0 applications, like facebook and twitter, is becoming too powerful causing too much of an impact onto our lives.
  • popular YouTube
    • J Leung
      Started off from a tweet, spread to everyone by different websites, like youtube.
    • Iain Williamson
      Also show the power of 'word of mouth' advertising, albeit via digital means...
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  • It was already too late
    • Iain Williamson
      Do you know you can also now recall e-mails, after you've sent them?
  • Clay Shirky
    • Iain Williamson
      This guy has become somethng of an internet guru and many people rss his quotes...

When media become brands and brands become media on, a weblog by Wil... - 0 views

  • Clay Shirky
  • Clay Shirky
  • And some brands you like because those brands extend your personality, others you don’t. It’s personal and changes.
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  • this brand value is transportable
  • Branding is evolving in something more sophisticated and difficult to grasp. Brands want to be your friend, brands want to connect to you, not just for one purchase, for your entire life. Just like newspapers
  • Brands relies less on buying ads in media, they are media, and some brands (like Apple) even orchestrate the media
  • I think the most exiting and successful combination was what CNN did together with Facebook
  • Current TV was also broadcasting the event on television and used Twitter. Which is great for television, because television is a one-to-many medium and you can easily interact with the television by using a Twitter client on your phone or laptop
  • Portable social networks are the future
    An excellent article considering the future of social networking and the impact on consumer brands.

Max Clifford: the circus master | Media | The Guardian - 0 views

  • a hate-figure turned national icon.
    • Iain Williamson
      Is this hypocritcal on behalf of the audience?
  • Sketch
    • Iain Williamson
      Another example of Clifford's synergy...Simon Cowell, Westlife etc...
  • so far have stopped
    • Iain Williamson
      SO Public Relations is now more about defending clients or managing stories than actually attempting to publicise the star.
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  • don't go public, don't talk to anybody
    • Iain Williamson
      Isn't this in itself positive PR on behalf of Clifford? It suggests he is actually a caring individual who wouldn't have wanted to make money out of this story.
  • moral panic
    • Iain Williamson
      This was a term made famous by Stanley Cohen during the 60s: 'Folk Devils in a moral panic.'
  • financial point of view
    • Iain Williamson
      Do you believe him? This story has been splattered over the tabloids. Inevitable chat show exposure could follow, as well as tabloid magazines.
  • Even Clifford himself openly doubts whether Alfie is the true father
    • Iain Williamson
      From the perspective of 'objective journalism,' note that nobody bothered to check this 'minor' detail when the original story broke...
  • He says stopping stories is more central to what he does than placing them, but sometimes to stop a story you need to be able to offer something in return.
    • Iain Williamson
      This is achieved trough 'trade-offs' whereby Clifford uses his knowledge to buy favours or threaten to publish stories which are likely to damage careers.
  • Journalists are just as devious as PR people
    • Iain Williamson
      Ironically, lies are crucial and yet journalism is associated with 'objectivity.'
  • The imminence of death has revived her career and put to flight those who criticised her as a creature born of reality TV
    • Iain Williamson
      Should her cancer have changed the reading of her public persona?
  • her plight has encouraged more women to get cervical smear tests
    • Iain Williamson
      This is an undeniable 'positive' to have come from this story.
  • Piers [Morgan
    • Iain Williamson
      The former editor of The Mirror...himself considered a 'media prostitute' who will do anything for exposure.
  • Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster
    An interesting article relating to the Jade Goody story...
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