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Part 1: Flipping The Classroom? … 12 Resources To Keep You On Your Feet | 21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning - 1 views

    If you are beginning to investigate what a Flipped Classroom is, with the thought of possibly trying some kind of Flip yourself… then this is also the right place. They have researched and tried to find you the very best resources to get educators in all positions thinking about what a Flipped Classroom" really is.
Beth Hartranft

Warning: Flipping Your Classroom May Lead to Increased Student Understanding | Teaching Science and Math - 0 views

    "Flipping a classroom is not a teaching technique, it is more in line with a philosophy or way of teaching. It involves using technology as a tool, not the main focus, for helping students increase their understanding" Nice blog post on the philosophy of the flipped classroom.
Beth Hartranft

Flipped Learning | Turning Learning on Its Head! - 0 views

    It is the personal blog/website of Jon Bergmann. Jon is a teacher, educational coach, and writer who has had the privilege of helping educators around the world reconsider what education can look like.
    The Flipped Learning Blog

Do 'flipped classrooms' get a pass or fail? - The Globe and Mail - 0 views

    a model where students switch around what's traditionally covered at school and what's assigned for kids to do at home. Instead of lectures in class and homework after school, these students are watching lectures at home care of the Web and working one-on-one on assignments with teachers during school hours. 
Joyce Good

A first-hand look inside a Flipped Classroom - 0 views

    Good article on how some HS teachers are flipping their classrooms.
Beth Hartranft

EDpuzzle - 0 views

    Make any video your lesson. Edit a video by cropping it, adding your voice or embedding questions. Great platform for flipped learning.
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