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in title, tags, annotations or urlHow to Create WordPress Shortcodes | Wptuts+ - 0 views
WordPress Shortcodes: The Right Way
Each shortcode implementation requires a two-step process:
Create the primary handler method
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How To Include a WordPress Page Template in Plugin - Tom McFarlin - 0 views
Including a WordPress Page Template in a Plugin
How to: Use WordPress shortcodes with attributes - 0 views
How to: Use WordPress shortcodes with attributes
Creating WordPress Shortcodes for jQuery Tools Tabs - 0 views
Creating WordPress Shortcodes for jQuery Tools Tabs
navigation - Wordpress: Customising output of wp_nav_menu, adding a div before nested ul - Stack Overflow - 0 views
Used a custom walker
Function Reference/wp nav menu « WordPress Codex - 0 views
Function Reference/wp nav menu
Using Global Variables in WordPress - Better WordPress - 0 views
You have to choose a unique name for that global variable
Custom global variables
all variables that you refer to more than once, you should fetch them in one place
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