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Global Dimming - Global Issues - 0 views

  • If we were to use global dimming pollutants to stave off the effects of global warming, we would still face many problems, such as:Human health problems from the soot/smogEnvironmental problems such as acid rainEcological problems such as changes in rainfall patterns (as the Ethiopian famine example above reminds us) which can kill millions, if not billions.Climatologists are stressing that the roots of both global dimming causing pollutants and global warming causing greenhouse gases have to be dealt with together and soon.
  • The death toll that global dimming may have already caused is thought to be massive.Climatologists studying this phenomenon believe that the reflection of heat have made waters in the northern hemisphere cooler. As a result, less rain has formed in key areas and crucial rainfall has failed to arrive over the Sahel in Northern Africa.In the 1970s and 1980s, massive famines were caused by failed rains which climatologists had never quite understood why they had failed.The answers that global dimming models seemed to provide, the documentary noted, has led to a chilling conclusion: “what came out of our exhaust pipes and power stations [from Europe and North America] contributed to the deaths of a million people in Africa, and afflicted 50 million more” with hunger and starvation.
Seiji Ikeda Microsoft Cell Phone or MIT $100 Laptop? - 0 views

    This argues that both the olpc and the mobile phone are good solutions; not just one.
Seiji Ikeda

Technology Review: The Laptop vs. Cell Phone Debate - 0 views

    Cellphone versus the OLPC again.
Seiji Ikeda

MIT unveils $100 laptop to the world - PLUS IMAGES - - 0 views

    I think this is one of the frist articles in 2005 of the olpc.  It talks of MIT unveiling it and has some pictures of the prototype which is different from today's version.
Seiji Ikeda

India's renaissance: The $100 computer | CNET - 0 views

    Antoehr article on novatium versus olpc.
Seiji Ikeda

Novatium - 0 views

    Novatium's website; the competition of olpc.
Seiji Ikeda

The Next PC Revolution will be Televised - August 1, 2005 - 0 views

    Good article on the olpc competition of Novatium.
    Good article on the olpc competition of Novatium.
Seiji Ikeda

The Next Net: The $500 Phone Versus the $100 Laptop - 0 views

    Small article on phone vs olpc.  But good replies and mention of India's Novatium as a competition to OLPC.
Seiji Ikeda

YouTube - A video review of the PepperPad - 0 views

  • at the PepperPad and quick look at the OLPC at CES
    A look at the PepperPad and quick look at the OLPC at CES.  The PepperPad can be a replacement for the OLPC.

Global Warming and Population - Global Issues - 0 views

  • Population and Climate ChangeA “Malthusian” theory about the relationship between population growth and the environment suggests that as populations grow, they will strip their resources leading to famine, hunger and environmental degradation.As detailed further in this site’s section on population, that is an oversimplification and has largely shown not to be true. Instead, it has been factors such as politics and economics (i.e. how we use our resources and for what purpose) that has determined environmental degradation or sustainability.For example, the world’s wealthiest 20% (i.e. the rich countries) consume approximately 80% of the world’s resources, while the rest of humanity shares the other 20% of resource consumed, as noted in the consumption section of this web site.In regards to climate change, countries with large populations such as China and India have not been the countries contributing greenhouse gases for the decades that has been required to trigger climate change, as noted further above.While in total amounts their emissions might be high (China is second largest emitter after the United States, for example), per person, their emissions are significantly smaller as noted earlier.
  • as countries such as China, India and Brazil grow in prosperity, there will be large populations with purchasing power, consuming more goods and services, thus making more demands on the planet.Indeed, many environmentalists have constantly noted that if such countries were to follow the style of development that the rich countries used and emulate them, then our planet may not be able to cope much longer.
  • researchers have found that depending on what variables you factor in, the planet can support an extremely large population, or an extremely small one. These ranges are ridiculously wide: from 2 billion to 147 billion people! Why such variance? It depends on how efficiently resources are used and for what purpose (i.e. economics).
    This article shows that overpopulation isn't really a problem IF we learn to use our resources effectively.

May Day 2007: Build a socialist alternative to war, poverty and exploitation - 0 views

    shows the flaws of capitalism. some very interesting stats and info.
Lynn Dee

HRD hopes to make $10 laptops a reality-India Business-Business-The Times of India - 0 views

  • HRD ministry’s idea to make laptops at $10 is firmly taking shape
  • $47 but the ministry feels the price will come down dramatically
    • Lynn Dee
      Why can this one be so cheap in comaparison to the USA. What can we do differntly to drop the cost and get India on board?
Lynn Dee

XO-1 (laptop) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • OLPC is funded by a number of sponsor organizations, including AMD, Brightstar Corporation, eBay, Google, Marvell, News Corporation, SES Global, Nortel Networks, and Red Hat. Each company has donated two million dollars.[6]
    • Lynn Dee
      If more companies were generous like this, think of what we could accomplish without the restraint of money.
  • The laptops will be sold to governments, to be distributed through the ministries of education willing to adopt the policy of “one laptop per child”
  • ndia has rejected the initiative
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Human power is planned, allowing operation far from commercial sources of power.
  • All of the software on the laptop will be free and open source.[30]

Green Home Building: Natural Building techniques: Strawbale - 0 views

    This site seems like a pretty clear overview of the process of building strawbale homes. I'm also interested to check out the links to other traditional green building practices on the left side of the page.

Southwest Windpower: Renewable Wind Energy - 0 views

    I think this is very exciting. Wind generators that can be used at a household scale for those already plugged into the grid could revolutionize energy production. It will be interesting to see if these wind generators become prevalent across the nation, or if they are blocked by the Not In My Backyard effect and other challenges. It would be nice to see these wind generators at a smaller, more manageable scale.

CARE's 10 Ideas To Rid The World Of Poverty & 10 Ways Individuals Can Help - 0 views

    ten tips to stop poverty.

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Charging up the stairs - 0 views

    This is something I have never heard of! In some ways it seems very futuristic and sci-fi. However, if this could be implemented without major reconstruction of infrastructure and consumption goods, it could be a very exciting source of energy. I'm curious to find out more about this topic.

The Minewater Project - 0 views

    This is another idea I have never heard of. It seems that using the geothermal energy stored by mine water to heat and cool buildings could be a viable energy source. However, is it safe? And couldn't it be considered a non-renewable resource?

Grameen - Home page of Microcredit - 0 views

shared by wirth7 on 28 May 07 - Cached
    tells what a microcredit is and a brief history.
Lynn Dee

Era of Green Electronics - 0 views

  • Certain materials used in electronic products are toxic and pose a threat to the environment.
  • Green electronics focuses on elimination of harmful elements and components, and recycling of electronic products at the end of life. Among the harmful elements are lead, cadmium, mercury and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE).
    • Lynn Dee
      there are still problems that need to be taken care of before we ship this equiptment over seas. We shoudl not overlook these environmental concerns.
  • Around 90 per cent of all electronic components contain some lead
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • e-waste can be disposed in three ways: incineration, landfilling and recycling.
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