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Sheryl A. McCoy

Forty_three_Interesting_Ways_to_use_Wordle_in - 13 views

    a Google presentation that combines 43 ways to sue wordle, shared by @g_teach on Plurk
    a great array of activities that are together in a Google presentation; many we know about, others are unique. excellent work
Claudeline MAGNI

n2teaching: Simple Subject Sunday: Links and Tags - 6 views

    "Doesn't each writer hope that people find their blog interesting and helpful? I believe the answer is yes. Besides writing an interesting article, it helps to make the blog posting accessible through the reader's use of search engines and access to related articles as they read your blog posting."
Sheryl A. McCoy

4 Reasons To Employ Social Media In 2010 | Penn Olson - 7 views

    "many marketers are thinking about the marketing channels to invest this coming year. Is social media part of your plan? If not, the four points below might sway your thinking." teachers need to market their product, learning, too.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle - Links in a blog post - 10 views

    this is the first draft of a wordle used for an image for a blog posting on the topic of links in an article.
    first draft
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle - Lock Your Doors - 27 views

    "Lock Your Doors" WORDLE from a blog post on ethics in social networks; how to counter spammers, phishers and thieves. -n2teaching 0 minutes ago"
    I make WORDLES to determine if I'm really using the words that belong to the main idea or topic of the blog post. You can do this with your students or use it yourself to improve writing.
Caroline Bucky-Beaver

Wordle for short texts (lesson plan) - 17 views

    Jumbled text lesson using Wordle
Sheryl A. McCoy

cloud - Amanda Marrinan | tweet cloud - 7 views

    a year's data from Twitter
Sheryl A. McCoy

Why Wordle-By Steven W. Anderson - 15 views

    one question that caught me a little off guard. Why would I use this in my class?
Dean Mantz

iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Scholastic's The First Thanksgiving - 9 views

    Integrtaion ideas on how to use in the classroom.
Dean Mantz

Wordle - educational uses - 15 views

  • Wordle - educational uses
    "Wordle - educational uses"
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