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ImageChef - Word Mosaic - 2 views

    saw @bookjewel used this WORDLE related web application on her new Web2.0 wrksp for educators; very cool

Wordles of Character - 28 views

    students studying the concept of character; used backgrounds and placed a Wordle on top; very creative project. this is a complex use of image editing and wordle, yet I think it would a great project.

Creating word clouds - Mexico English Teachers' Alliance :: META Web 2.0 - 2 views

    video tutorial by Nik Peachey

Wordle cloud 2 w.c. | Mara's Page - 2 views

    thanks to Gary Bertoia for sharing this bookmark. an excellent use of WORDLE and an explanation of how it was used in writing to improve word choice (6 Traits of Writing analytic).

Wordle - Gallery: n2teaching - 0 views

    Great way to check the content of your blog posts...
    Yes, Diane. I've suggested that teachers might use it as an assessment, or at least a check for students to use to see what their writing is REALLY about...

publishersweekly50.jpg (JPEG Image, 830x542 pixels) - Scaled (99%) - 2 views

    a WORDLE created from the publisher's weekly review in @janning's Liar website; there are several other WORDLEs created from book reviews of Liar
    one of the WORDLES @janning created from book reviews

LIAR » Home - 2 views

    "Liar by Justine Larbalestier is one of those books that you finish reading and then keep thinking about. Readers ask each other, "So what did you think it was about?"" Responses will be accumulated and evaluated using WORDLE
    another way to use WORDLE in education

Wordle Blog: How to make Wordle safe for classroom use. - 4 views

    I hope that this solution works for the majority of Wordle users. I am, certainly, excited to get back in the classroom and try this out with the kids. I think they are going to LOVE it! Becky

The Educational Technology Site: ICT in Education: --> Five reasons to use Wordle in ed... - 10 views

  • As a means of summarising the content of an essay or other piece of work.
  • Wordle is handy for self-reflection
  • Wordle can be used by the teacher as a means of assessment. Ask a pupil to create a Wordle of her presentation, and use that as the basis for a discussion, rather than the presentation itself.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Wordle is also good for summarising survey results where the survey uses free text fields.

TLC = Tech + Library + Classroom: Wordle and Books = Groovy Stuff! - 22 views

    a neat way to use wordle with books
    Assessment is one of the best ways to use WORDLE. I like to hear of teachers experiences with that aspect of using WORDLE. This is an alternative form of assessment that gives you immediate feedback on increasing vocabulary. Great stuff.

Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds - 9 views

    Tagul is a web service that enables you to create beautiful looking tag clouds and embed it on your web page

Another Wordle tip - 14 views

    Great tips on making Wordle work for you regarding word spacing, frequency, and common word omission.
    Great tips on making Wordle work for you regarding word spacing, frequency, and common word omission.
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