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Blended learning » i-corpus - 3 views

    contains a WORDLE using the advanced feature, along with a variety of other language lessons, developments and activities
    There are a variety of excellent activities and lessons that I would encourage our members to read. Welcome Steve Neufeld to our WORDLE group.

The Wordle Collection - 4 views

started by Jamie S on 03 Jul 10 no follow-up yet

The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham - 14 views

  • Tables charting the chemical elements have been around since the 19th century - but this modern version has a short video about each one. We've done all 118 - but our job's not finished. Now we're updating all the videos with new stories, better samples and bigger experiments.

A really useful Wordle trick - 36 views

    Create a phrase or keep words together using the "~" sign
  • ...2 more comments...
    Great trick for wordle users.
    Great trick for Wordle users.
    Yes, this is a great tool.
    ~use this to link words into a phrase\nand use paint and print screen to do a screen capture

Wordle - Blooms Taxonomy Threaded Discussion Rubric - 23 views

    Andrew Churches Blooms Taxonomy Threaded discussion rubric (edorigami wiki) to help me visualise assessment for elearning in asynchronous discussions.

TextGrid: Installation - 9 views

    Download the TextGridLab ZIP file to your harddisk. Unzip the file into any directory. As portable software the TextGridLab will not modify your computer´s operating system; for example, it can also be started from a USB drive.

Convert Your Annotations to Blog Posts with 1-click - 17 views

    send your bookmarks and annotations to your blog; this is a test
    this is a test to discover if the Wordle group bookmarks are passing to a particular website;
    I never knew...

Decade in Review: Zeitgeist Art | Bullseye Creative Blog - 8 views

    Decades in Review using Wordle concept.

ddeubel Presentations - 12 views

    ddeubel's SlideShare account has several presentations on using Wordle in the EFL classroom in innovative ways (sometimes they refer to well-known activities made more interesting by using Wordle). Not all the activities are solely for EFL use

At the Teacher's Desk: Wordle: At the Teacher's Desk - 20 views

    from Wm Chamberlain's post on "At the Teachers Desk" blog.

TweetStats :: Graphin' Your Stats - 11 views

    Just for fun -see when, to whom and what time you tweet and then turn it into a cloud or with one click into a Wordle (I didn't save mine; it looked nice but a bit disturbing at the same know that all your tweets can be gathered just like that! Apparently I tweet about teaching, with edchat really big next to the other words :-). You're also told about your twooshes (exactly 140 characters)

What are words worth? « a cat in a tree - 14 views

    sharing favorite words in a Wordle.

WordItOut - Transform your text into word clouds! - 1 views

shared by Kevin de Groote on 24 Feb 10 - Cached
    Transform your text into word clouds! Word clouds are a fun way to show words, where the most important ones are bigger than the others. Make and share word clouds from any text with WordItOut!
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