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Group items matching
in title, tags, annotations or url

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Sheryl A. McCoy

Diigo & Duplicate Bookmarks - 99 views

Karin, I agree. Thanks for adding good ideas about the bookmark duplicates. I have invited MaggieT to this group, so I am sure she will see these messages. Diigo is always growing and evolving, so...

Diigo duplicate bookmarks

Sheryl A. McCoy

n2teaching: 3 Ways to WORDLE Share - 0 views

    You can make a list of all the WORDLE group bookmarks, and then embed a webslide. Or you can just use this one.
    Interested in learning more or sharing your WORDLES? Now, you can access the Diigo WORDLE Group.
Carla Estell

Best content in WORDLE | Diigo - Groups - 1 views

    Educators and students can use WORDLE in a variety of ways, including assessment, evaluation and presentation. WORDLE can be a powerful tool for learning and teaching. By forming this group, collaboration will increase our knowledge and use of this web application.
    Wordle is a great tool to use in numerous ways. Students enjoy it as well as teachers. It allows you to be very creative in a number of subjects.
Mallory Burton

Ideas for Using Wordle - WebSlides - 1 views

    This is a webslides tour of ideas for using Wordle in the classroom.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle - WORDLE ICON - 1 views

    Wordle for the group icon.
    here is a wordle made to use as an icon. I tried to focus on three words from description of the diigo group, so they would be noticeable in the Wordle group icon. We'll see
Sheryl A. McCoy

Convert Your Annotations to Blog Posts with 1-click - 17 views

    send your bookmarks and annotations to your blog; this is a test
    this is a test to discover if the Wordle group bookmarks are passing to a particular website;
    I never knew...
Heather Hurley

Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds - 9 views

    Tagul is a web service that enables you to create beautiful looking tag clouds and embed it on your web page
1 - 9 of 9
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