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Sheryl A. McCoy

10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics - 29 views

    Thanks Sheryl I've been wondering for a few months now how to get my head around this type of skillet and it is cool how this site references ideas and how to's of infographic creation. This is a Critical Literacy of future and essential for current students. #CritLit2010
Grace Kat

if a (WORDLE) can be embeded in a PowerPoint presentation? - n2te... - 0 views

    advice on how to add a WORDLE to a PowerPoint
    excellent ideas
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle - Barack Obama Presidential Acceptance Speech - 3 views

    text that I used about 30 minutes after Obama's 2008 election acceptance speech; here is the focus of his words to the American people.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Education - Say "Hello!" Around the World… - 0 views

    wordle of "hello" in a variety of languages
    excellent idea for history, social studies, languages, or for fun
Mallory Burton

Teachers Love SMART Boards: SMARTBoards and a Fun Vocabulary Game - 2 views

    October 2, 2008 post. Detailed description (and video) of a vocabulary game using wordle word clouds. The blogger had created a wordle and covered up the words with with rectangles. Students came to the SMARTBoard one at a time to touch the rectangle and reveal a word. Then they used a spinner to tell them what to do with the word: to use the word in a sentence, tell how many syllables, or give a synonym or antonym. The rectangles were colour coded by degree of difficulty so the teacher could differentiate instruction. You can download the Notebook file, and the blogger promises a tutorial for this idea.
Karin Beil

Wordle - Plurk - 0 views

shared by Karin Beil on 11 Nov 08 - Cached
    This is a great WORDLE. I noticed the word ortho in there. Must have been discussing gardening. Thanks for the idea. Is this a Plurk rss?
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle - prevacitate - 0 views

    an excellent use of wordle to reinforce vocabulary development or explain a word.
Sheryl A. McCoy | Technology Medley - 0 views

    found this edublog as I was reviewing our bookmarks. Pam Elgin contributed this post at Edublogs.
Sheryl A. McCoy

Wordle - Lock Your Doors - 27 views

    "Lock Your Doors" WORDLE from a blog post on ethics in social networks; how to counter spammers, phishers and thieves. -n2teaching 0 minutes ago"
    I make WORDLES to determine if I'm really using the words that belong to the main idea or topic of the blog post. You can do this with your students or use it yourself to improve writing.
Derrall Garrison

guessthewordle / FrontPage - 0 views

    This is a great idea, an excellent learning/instructional strategy.
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

Five Reasons to Use Wordle in the Classroom by Terry Freedman - 0 views

    Five Reasons to Use Wordle in the Classroom by Terry Freedman Permanent link We know in theory that there are teachers -- probably the majority of teachers -- who have either never heard of Wordle or have no idea why they would need to know about it. I was reminded of this quite recently, in fact, during a visit to the Press Association.
Isabelle Jones

Wordle Blog: How to make Wordle safe for classroom use. - 4 views

    I hope that this solution works for the majority of Wordle users. I am, certainly, excited to get back in the classroom and try this out with the kids. I think they are going to LOVE it! Becky
Caroline Bucky-Beaver

The Educational Technology Site: ICT in Education: --> Five reasons to use Wordle in ed... - 10 views

  • As a means of summarising the content of an essay or other piece of work.
  • Wordle is handy for self-reflection
  • Wordle can be used by the teacher as a means of assessment. Ask a pupil to create a Wordle of her presentation, and use that as the basis for a discussion, rather than the presentation itself.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Wordle is also good for summarising survey results where the survey uses free text fields.
Dean Mantz

iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Scholastic's The First Thanksgiving - 9 views

    Integrtaion ideas on how to use in the classroom.
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