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Ryan Clarke

Young People Cop to It: Technology Is Bad for Us - ABC News - 1 views

  • "It's bad for us, but it sure is fun," said Eric Bautista, 13, one of the students in Sister Jolene Schmitz's junior high school class at Resurrection School in Sunnyvale, Calif.
    • Ryan Clarke
      This goes to show that technology is consuming our lives even if the children and others know that its bad for us.
  • r, the Apple computer and the Atari video game all were invented. They spend their days (and nights) surfing the Web, playing online games and instant messaging. Most have cell phones in their backpacks. And many have at least one parent who works in the electronics industry.
    • Ryan Clarke
      Again these children and other people are being consumed by technology...staying up all night surfing the web, talking to people on chat, playing online games
  • Yet, when asked to weigh the benefits of having high technology in their lives versus the costs -- intellectually, emotionally, socially -- of that technology, the class voted 31-3 negative … a ratio so extreme that it argues against an aberration and toward a larger question about the overall impact of technology on the lives of our young people.
    Young people cop to it: Technology is bad for us is telling us the reality of technology's negative side. Using young children as the main consumer and using their words in this article leads us to believe even more that technology is consuming out lives.
Ryan Clarke

Young People Cop to It: Technology Is Bad for Us - ABC News - 0 views

shared by Ryan Clarke on 16 Feb 11 - No Cached
  • "Look, when you're talking to a 'friend,' you don't really know if it's really them -- especially if they are introduced by someone else," said Peyton Yniguez, 14.
    • Ryan Clarke
      This is a negative to technology because you really do not know who you could possibly be talking to. You could be talking to a murderer for all you know, or it could just be a bad person not as drastic as a killer. this is if you do not know the person you are talking to.
Ryan Clarke

The Good and the Bad Things About Technology, Page 2 of 2 - Associated Content from Yah... - 1 views

  • Without technology, many people's hearts would not be beating
    • Ryan Clarke
      This relates back to the novel "feed" because violet was slowly dying because here feed was not working. So without the feed everyone would die. Also in society today you see and use technology everyday of your life.
Jonathan McDavid

Texting,is it not a big deal? - 0 views

  • In other words, if you get anxious because you can't check your BlackBerry while camping, then you might have a problem. The mental health community has yet to officially classify computer overuse, including e-mail and text messaging, as a mental health disorder.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      Here it shows the ease and coman likely hood of how texting and other email like comunication can become adictive.
  • The all-consuming phone might make you superhuman at work, but it can also turn you into a flaky friend, a jealous lover or a distant parent
    • Jonathan McDavid
      results of over used instant messaging rather than have normal HUMAN interaction, as in face to face.
  • The California State Assembly last month passed a bill specifically banning teenagers from using cell phones for any purpose while driving. California already has a law that bans everyone from using hand-held cell phones while driving. That law will go into effect next year.
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  • phone to check e-mail or send a text message at least every 25 minutes. He doesn't feel guilty about his BlackBerry behavior--interrupting his conversations and social activities, including spending time with his wife.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      Adictive texting/emailing does ruin socail interactions, as shown in example to Alex Pasos.
    In regards to this article that discusses how texting is/becoming an additcion. Texting is a simple way of sending text messages through by phone or computer to another individual. However, is becoming an over used tool by most teens. They text so much that it slowly decreases human intereactions, such as texting your best friend who is in the same room as you! in relation to the book feed, the characters can "text" mental notes/messages to their friends without the need to verbaly talk. To a digree texting has become an adiction because of how easy it is and its availibility/
Jonathan McDavid

Education and Technology - 0 views

  • Teachers are creative, intelligent people, and once they learn to use technology in their professional lives -- for keeping records, for creating documents, and for enhancing their own learning -- they will soon discover the many ways in which technology can enhance what they are doing with their students.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      As you can can see, this quoted pharagraph states some uses that technology is used, by teachers in order to enhance the learning of their students.
  • In a technology-rich classroom, students don't "learn" technology. Technology merely provides the tools to be used for authentic learning. It is a means, not an end. Technology provides educators with the opportunity to move from simply streamlining the way things have always been done to really imagining things they would like to do. What a wonderful opportunity!
    • Jonathan McDavid
      This whole section provides evidence of how good technology in schools and classrooms provide oppertunities for higher/easy learning for the students
  • They must expect and demand the best and most interesting software to enhance their educational goals.
    • Jonathan McDavid
      Although having high levels of tech is good, the demand for more and higher tech is in popular demand. making it more adictive to get.
    The article portayed is about how technology makes leanring, in schools, much faster and easyer. As technology advances, so does the need for youthful minds to grow and expand to best use these newer equitment. For example, teachers who understand how to use certain softwares can learn to keep records, for creating documents, and for enhancing their own learning. Technology is helping our learning capibilitys grow. In similarity to the book feed, technology is so advanced in in the timline of the book, that it is within the people itself. Making this so much easyer to gain knowlage without the desperite need for school.
stephen richards

This is my blog: Smartphones: Advantages and Disadvantage - 2 views

  • Also they are quick because you can communicate in seconds with everybody, and also you can send important information and documents in seconds in any place…
    • stephen richards
      Being able to talk and search the web and your phones documents simultaneously makes accomplishing tasks easier and you can share what you find while still talking on the phone. Anderson uses this idea in a similar way with the feed when Titus and Violet are talking after their day at the mall, "look at everything i got from the feed. its going crazy with every thing we looked at today. its trying to work for me...' violet started to forward me things. there were sites for the spotlights and the dresses and endoscopy kits and she sent them in flurries. once they started coming, they started to call others to them, and i could feel them doing that call, and they were all around me"(106). Anderson's use of the feed in this way connects us to the story and shows us an underlying current in our own society that could potentially turn in to this.
    • Nathan Nast
      The new generation is completely dependent on these new phones. Its not just "convenient", it also makes kids not talk face to face. This is a perfect example connecting to the feed. People will be socially confused. Whats next? Do you think people wont have to leave their house at all to go to school/work/friends. Will It all be online? Will it all be on your phone?
    • Jeffrey Baudisch
      The Feed that MT Anderson uses in the book Feed is also complicated. In the story they are not able to figure out why it is killing people. The feed also helps people stay connected like the cell phone does.
  • they can be complicated and finally, they are less personal.
  • Also Smartphones are complicated because sometimes they require programs that are difficult to learn and there maybe a need to download new programs in order to have a better performance;
    this article is about the advantages and disadvantages to using a smart-phone. questions raised are is it worth it to be able to do more if it means you become "less personal"
    What about how the feed can cost a lot of money just like the smart-phone plans.
chris zabriskie

App Can't Replace Confession, Vatican Says - - 0 views

  • Confession: a Roman Catholic App,
    • chris zabriskie
      they plan to have the convenience of confession at home
    technology attempts to replace real life
chris zabriskie

Opening Day: Verizon iPhone 4 - - 0 views

  • Verizon and Apple started selling the Verizon version of the iPhone in their stores around the country at 7 a.m., as well as in their online stores
    • chris zabriskie
      apple is so wanted people would wait all night at the store to buy the phone at 7am
  • many Apple and Verizon stores seemed to have prepared for a much larger crush of customers than they received.
    • chris zabriskie
      not as many people will buy the phone as they thought
  • It could be that some are simply choosing to order online, or perhaps many are waiting to see whether or not a new iPhone will be announced this summer.
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  • At least one area of the country is expecting unusually high interest in the phone. North and South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, which are not serviced by AT&T, will now be able to purchase an iPhone from Verizon.
    • chris zabriskie
      they only want the new system because they cant get signal where they are
    verison on the iphone
    while many people did go to get the new iphone many people are waiting to see if a new phone is released or until the rush goes down
Nathan Nast

The invention of the Internet has had negative effects on our civilization « ... - 1 views

  • People also use the Internet to steal other people’s money or spread bad things like gossips or unfounded criticisms.
    • Nathan Nast
      This also connects to the high school, where cyber bulling is a big problem.
  • When children went home, some of them go straight to their room to start their computers instead of having a chat with their parents.
    • Nathan Nast
      This is one example of kids not having a good relationship with their family. This is related to the feed because both kids don't have a good relationship with their parents, due to the amount of internet.
  • We rely on it to communicate instead of talking to each other, and our relationship between each other become distant
    • Nathan Nast
      What will happen if our relationships become more and more distant? I believe relationships will become viral.
    This is a good article showing how kids plug into the internet. It also talks about how criminals can get more information.
Hailey Kolb

Yahoo Opens a Digital Newstand - - 0 views

  • a digital newsstand, will offer a continuous stream of programming based on users’ interests
    • Hailey Kolb
      This can connect to the feed because the digital news stand takes information about the person and finds content that might interest them based on the information that the digital newsstand collects from your phone or ipad.
  • “Adoption of tablets and mobile phones is exploding, and digital media isn’t keeping up,”
    • Hailey Kolb
      this is an example of how technology is increasing
  • The platform, which will be available on the iPad and on Android tablets in the first half of this year, will also take into account a user’s location and the time of day.
chris zabriskie

Nintendo to Make 3-D Version of Its DS Handheld Game - - 0 views

  • Nintendo has also scored successes, especially among casual game players, with its Wii video game machine. The Wii comes with a wandlike, motion-detecting remote controller that mimics motions in games, like a golf swing or boxing punch.
    • chris zabriskie
      Nintendo is selling to all types of games
  • manufacturers like Samsung, Panasonic and Sony are racing to bring 3-D technology into the living room. The 3-D LCD televisions come with more advanced “active shutter” glasses, which darken and lighten in sync with the TV to help create the illusion of three dimensions. Sony has also said that games for its PlayStation 3 consoles will be available in 3-D.
    • chris zabriskie
      3D has become the selling point for products
  • Hitachi, another Japanese manufacturer, released a cellphone last year that has a 3-D display that does not require glasses. Hitachi, together with Sharp, supplies LCD screens to Nintendo.
    • chris zabriskie
      soon 3D will be standard and a new style will have to be introduced as wants of the public change
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  • Apple’s multifunction phone and music players run games that can be downloaded from its online iTunes store, and have helped the company build a fan base among less hard-core game players
    • chris zabriskie
      Nintendo has reliable systems and when others fail customers go to Nintendo
    I think that Nintento is clever to make a 3-D version of their own DS handheld game. Currently, a lot of things are going 3D such as in movie theatres...more movies are in 3D version like the movie Step Up, Shrek 4, & Avatar. The chief spokesman of Nintendo said they'll try to convince consumers to play the new video game...this is similar to Feed because whenever Titus receives a signal about something he ends up seeing these vivid images & words of advertisement. Basically just like Ms. McCormick said in our in class discussion, Titus is like a walking advertisement.
    The idea of 3D will definitely draw in consumers...I have a feeling that now & in the upcoming future 3D is the new version of "cool" ...replacing everything that previously wasn't 3D.
    it is really convenient that u don't need glasses because it is adjustable 3D
Billy Mahoney

Japan plans high-tech World Cup 2022 bid - Telegraph - 0 views

  • The country, which co-hosted the football tournament with Korea in 2002, hopes to convince Fifa to award it the tournament for a second time with an elaborate high-tech bid. Japan plans to make use of 200 high definition cameras to film the matches and then transmit them across the world to be shown on giant 3D screens. The Japanese are even considering ways to project 3D representations of the players onto empty pitches in other countries so that fans can enjoy a virtual football match. To make the experience even more immersive for viewers at the virtual match, microphones will be installed under the pitch at the World Cup to ensure that all the atmosphere is captured. Football fans will use digital tickets to get into matches and use GPS to find their way around stadiums.
    • Billy Mahoney
      This article shows that people are becoming attached to technology so much that even watching a virtual game where no one is really present, and buying tickets to these games are now becoming enjoyable. Will the world soon be taken over by technology?
Kevin Zhou

Private Funerals Now Streamed Online - - 0 views

  • “We are in a YouTube society now,” said H. Joseph Joachim IV, founder of FuneralOne. “People are living more than ever online, and this reflects that.”
    • Kevin Zhou
      H. Joseph Joachim here says that we are a Youtube society. People are now spending most of their life online, such as how many people within the book spend nearly there entire life on the feed.
  • Other Webcasts are more obscure, but no less appreciated. Two weeks ago, a friend of Ronald Rich, a volunteer firefighter in Wallace, N.C., died unexpectedly. When Mr. Rich called the mother of his friend to say he could not make the eight-hour drive to the funeral because a snowstorm threatened to close roads, he said the mother offered to send an e-mail invitation so he could watch the service online.
    • Kevin Zhou
      People are now doing events private events online. While this may be good, some people may stay at home and no longer leave their houses for events, but instead just see them online. This is similar to Feed as people can enter people mind or memory and experience the events there without going there.
Hank von GnarSlayer

Apple announces new iPods, iTunes 10, iOS 4.1, and a new Apple TV - Valley News Live - ... - 0 views

  • The iPod nano is getting smaller… and gaining a multitouch color display. The new iPod nano loses the signature clickwheel controller in favor of a multitouch display -- and gains a clik so its instantly wearable like the iPod nano. The new iPod nano is almost half the size and half the weight of its predecessor, and supports 29 languages along with offering 24-hour battery life.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Yikes! This article is showing how advanced these ipods are getting while becoming smaller and smaller. This makes me wonder if this is the same way the feed started, before the way it was introduced to us in, "Feed", by M.T. Anderson. Perhaps it was as harmless looking as an ipod, and advancements like these made the feed smaller and smaller and more advanced, until it was able to do all these great features, while at the same time being so small that the best way to use them is to drill them into your head.
    Woah! Ipods just seem to be getting smaller and more advanced!
Elizabeth Hughes

technology - 1 views

  • Alan Kay, a brilliant polymath who has worked at Atari, Xerox, Apple, and Disney, came up with as good a definition of technology as I’ve heard. “Technology,” Kay says, “is anything that was invented after you were born.” By that clever reckoning, automobiles, refrigerators, transistors, and nylon are not technologies in our eyes -- just plain old stuff. But they were once technologies for my grandfather. By the same logic, CDs, the web, Mylar, cell phones, and GPS are authentic technologies for me – but not my kids! They’ll have their own technologies, invented in the last five minutes.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      This is saying is it always a good thing to have technology in your life, what would happen if you didnt have in your life.
  • 1) everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal; 2) anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it; 3) anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      this is showing how people would be different if technology was not present in their life. How people would act different and how people life are normal or not with then. Just like feed is this Violte that there talking about.
    This article is about how people act when the technology in their life doesn't work. This is like feed because sometimes the feed doesnt work and people go crazy.
Lany Miller

Technology: Is It Taking Over Our Lives? - Crusader - Opinions - 0 views

  • The advancement of technology can be quite spoiling. With word processors, the internet and web messaging, our daily lives are much smoother and less stressful when we use computers and other electronic devises that categorize our schedules and plans better than our own memory.
    • Lany Miller
      In feed, the feed is designed to think for them and do all of the work. Now, the internet today has everything on it. Even things that are at the library. People turn to the dictionary to find the meaning of something, but now they're using the computer. In feed when Violet says a word that Titus doesn't know, all he has to do is look it up through his feed and there he has it.
    • Lily Pelanne
      Technology is taking over our lives!l!
  • About 23 million households in North America have a broadband connection, and over the next five years, that number is likely to triple.
    • Lany Miller
      23 million, that's a lot of people with internet connection. Just like in feed everyone has a feed. It's become a necessity in peoples lives.
  • eb with me wherever I go has two sides. I do enjoy being able to read my e-mail, talk to people, and lately, check the o
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • The idea of having the World Wide Web with me wherever I go has two sides. I do enjoy being able to read my e-mail, talk to people, and lately, check the online Facebook.
    • Lany Miller
      It's great to be able to check email wherever you are by your phone, iPods, or iPads. But some of the technology seems to have gone a little too far.
  • I already find myself waking up in the morning and immediately heading to my computer to see who left me an instant message or what new friend is stalking me on the Facebook ... so what will happen if I have the internet with me at all time? The habit of being online will turn into a necessity, and perhaps that is not such a good thing.
    the internet is becoming our own memory and becoming addictive.
Hank von GnarSlayer

Dog Owner's Guide: Microchips - 0 views

  • This is a permanent radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip implanted under the dog's skin and read by a chip scanner or wand. Implantation is done with an injector that places the chip under the loose skin over the dog's shoulder.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      This makes me want to puke! It seems wrong to go ahead and change one's body to make it traceable by computers and pretty much take their freedom away. How can a person inject one of their inventions into another living thing without knowing whether or not they'd like a piece of technology entering their body?
    How cute is a puppy when it is a robot? This article talks about how dogs are now being tagged with pieces of technology called RFID's.
Hailey Kolb

New app helps Catholics confess on the go - - 0 views

  • not intended to replace the confessional. Instead, it's designed to complement the act of confession, offering a "personal examination of conscience"
    • Hailey Kolb
      i disagree because if you have this app for confession how would somebody use it to complement the real thing?
    This app allows people to confess right on there phones/ipods without actually going to church. This is an example of how technology is taking over.
Hank von GnarSlayer

Now Hear This - TIME - 0 views

  • Now you can walk around town with your cell phone tucked away in your pocket or briefcase and a tiny headset tucked into your ear.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      This is a scary thought because in order to use these headsets, people seem to be devoting more of their attention to technology they can hear in their ear, rather than using that ear of theirs for its original purpose- to hear people and nature around them! Do you think that it is safe to walk around with people asking questions or yelling in your ear while you go about your day in town? While you drive? While you use the furnace? While you use knives in the kitchen? When you're making fires?
    bluetooth in your ear
Hank von GnarSlayer

HowStuffWorks "How Hybrid Cars Work" - 0 views

  • There are a lot of hybrid models on the market these days, and most automobile manufacturers have announced plans to manufacture their own versions.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      This is a very good point, because it seems the car manufacturers we have grown to love and trust seem to be changing before our eyes thanks to new discoveries in technology like the efficiency of a brand new hybrid car. This article makes me wonder; Are more of the companies in our lives like General Electric, Apple, Playmobile, Motorola, etc. are making great changes to their products today?
    Wow! Hybrid Cars are very relevant to our topic of discussion because they are a new invention that is becoming part of the world we live in.
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