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Elizabeth Hughes

Online schools clicking with students - CNN - 0 views

  • a new form of schooling
  • hundreds of thousands of students
    • kaylyn kilmain
      many students can stay home and go to school online.
    • Billy Mahoney
      This also relates to the feed because Violet is home-schooled.
    • Lany Miller
      so what? lol what does it do to their disadvantage of going to school at home and online??
  • online
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  • class runs from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Haha! What Crazy Hours! This is a wild way to learn huh? Wouldn't you miss the wholesome environment a school provides for learning?
  • finds time
    • kaylyn kilmain
      the pros for having the ability to have schools online is for those people who don't have time in the day to go out and go to school.
  • orking her full-time job at Hewlett-Packard and raising her three children.
  • 110,000 online students
  • half its total student body
  • With your pajamas snug, your feet clad in bunny slippers, and a tub of ice cream on the desk, your computer glows in front of you. The clock reads 2 a.m. In other words, time for class.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      Hah! Time For Class! This is inspiring people to be lazy to get what they want. Do think sitting around wearing women's bunny slippers at night is a good way to spend your class time? Online school seems to be inspiring kids to sit around getting fat and avoiding classmates all in the comfort of their own home!
  • Janet
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      How could any students work for home if they made their own hours. They would not get anything done.
  • orking, married women in their 30s or 40s, who are reimbursed by employers and looking to boost their career prospects.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      Why would parents work for this if they thought this would help their future? how did they think this?
    even schools are online, the social life has changed the average person doesn't need to have face to face contact to talk or learn.
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    even schools are online, the social life has changed the average person doesn't need to have face to face contact to talk or learn.
    This shows the dependency for technology the world is developing. That we as a nation are willing to substitute interaction through out the school day with online learning.
    The idea of the On Line schooling is great because people can save time and doing the school work at home, but in another way, people will be controlled by the technology,like the people in the book feed was controlled by the feed
john peacen

Why is technology bad? | Why - 0 views

  • I felt, that a common man has reached to a state that he is not able to live without electricity as every office is involved with the work related to electricity. Everyone almost will tend to suffer if there is no electricity.
    • john peacen
      true the humans are in the state that can't live without the electricity, because are highly dependent of technology that use electricity. the computer don't work if is not charge and the mans that work in office they will not work because they do not know how to work differently without computer.
  • I would like to say that we should also learn to live and make ourselves capable enough to live in the absence of technology. Always depending on something or someone will reduce our own skills and talents.
    • john peacen
      this relate to the book because everything is technology they can't do thing. but is more terrible because they have this program in the brain.
    the articulo describe how the people are very depend of electricity. this bring. how the human are depend technology lost the ability to survive by itself.
natasha badohu

Education World ® Administrators Center: Technology in the Schools: It Does M... - 0 views

  • This week, Education World examines both sides of the Is technology worth it? de
  • is story fo
  • is story fo
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  • A study conducted at Stephens Institute of Technology found that high-school students retained math skills longer after using commercially available mathematics software than did students in a control group receiving traditional classroom instruction.
    • natasha badohu
      how does commercially avaliable software help ? but i think we've used this at wellesley before, last year in my math class we used a website were we had to solve problems, so it was basically like the computer was teaching us, not the teacher himself
  • "Children who don't do anything in class will work if it's on the computer,
    • natasha badohu
      this is actually so true, i personally love doing work on the computer, but it also creates huge distractions, (facebook)
  • h skills longer after using commercially available mathematics so
  • s Institute of Technology found that high-school students retained math skills longer after using
  • Educational Testing Service study discovered that math teachers who used computers could significantly boost fourth and eighth graders' standardized math scores, and a study of 53 elementary, middle, and high schools found that providing cutting-edge technology improves teachers' morale
    • natasha badohu
      isn't this a problem? why are computers creating a "boost" in test scores & not because of the teachers helping them?
  • The cost of including technology in our school curriculum is high. There is no doubt there. Many people wonder, however, what the long-term cost of not including technology in the curriculum might be. Technology exposes students to experiences not available to them before.
  • es to teaching those skills need to be tested, studied, refined, and improved.
Victor Shen

IBM's Watson Dominates Jeopardy Competition on Day 2 - PCWorld - 0 views

    • Victor Shen
      New function of the computer which is kind of similar to the feed, the computer had the mind
    • Victor Shen
      The IBM dominate the computer market, it is kind of similar to the feed company dominate the future world in the book feed
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
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  • Regardless of Watson's shortcomings the IBM sup
  • Regardless of Watson's shortcomings the IBM super computer has been dominant against its human adversaries. Now, it all comes down to Wednesday night's broadcast when Jennings and Rutter will attempt to battle back and overcome Watson's commanding lead.
    • Victor Shen
      The IBM dominate the computer market, it is kind of similar to the feed company dominate the future world in the book feed
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
    • Victor Shen
      New function of the computer which is kind of similar to the feed, the computer had the mind
  • The computer was able to answer 13 of the first 15 Jeopardy clues virtually uncontested, with one answer going to Jennings and another problem that all three contestants got wrong.
  • s shortcomings
    IBM's new technology dominate the market!
    I think this is really cool because it kind of shows both sides of the feed how it knows so much. Although at the same time there are malfunctions much like the virus that violet and others were hit with.
Tori O'Kane

They can't all be winners. - Worst of New York Fashion Week Fall 2011: Seriously? You w... - 0 views

  • Twice a year, Fashion Week descends on New York City and enlightens its denizens with an array of perfect, glamorous creations that make one long to have a fabulous life and a zillion dollars to scoop up all the latest trends
    • Tori O'Kane
      This says right in the sentence to pick up on the latest trends and it is relating to the feeds constant updating trend feature.
  • These are the total misses, those looks that seem so off, so disappointing, they're almost personally insulting. Behold, the Fashion Week clothes that gave us nightmares.
    • Tori O'Kane
      Although one person might think that one of the outfits on this list is beautiful or something they would just wear in general the media is telling us otherwise swaying our opinions like the feed that ends your sentences and helps guide your thoughts.
    An article alerting the nation of the worst looks that were seen at New Yorks famous fashion week
Tori O'Kane

Couples Hoping for a Baby Born on 11/11/11 Need to Get Busy, Now - 0 views

  • Break out the candles, romantic music and a bottle of wine, and put away the birth control.
    • Tori O'Kane
      This seems like a message in the Feed people would receive relating to the latest trends.
  • For women with a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, this week, ending tomorrow, is prime baby-making time,
    • Tori O'Kane
      This also is something that seems to be an order or reminder to people to "hop on the ban-wagon" and conceive friday if you want to have a child on this "memorable" day in the future.
  • "There's absolutely no guarantee," Rhonda Gannon, a nurse at Boston IVF in Waltham, Mass., told AOL News.
    • Tori O'Kane
      This makes me think that people are going to just do this because they are told to and want to have a child on this particular date when there is no real guarantee like Rhonda states. And this makes me think of the Feed because the trends being introduced so constantly were never guaranteed to be a trend for very long.
    an article telling people when they need to conceive in order to have a baby on the eleventh of november in 2011
Lily Pelanne

Share this: Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook page is hacked - 0 views

    It goes to show you the reason the world created passwords. without password, hacking would become a hobby among everyone who could get into anything and change it.
    This is why we have passwords to protect everything we own!
Victor Shen

Warner Bros. Stuffs Movies Into iPad, iPhone Apps - PCWorld - 0 views

  • Buying the film unlocks streaming and downloadable versions, along with bonus features such as games, trivia and soundboards. While watching, you can also send and view status updates on Facebook and Twitter.
    • Victor Shen
      It shows that the Apple is similar to the feed company which get into the application
    • Victor Shen
      The more function the iPad had, the more similar the iPad to the feed, which also shows that a lot of the technology is getting similar to the feed
  • Apple doesn't allow for individual discounts or free unlock codes within its apps - but either way, from a consumer perspective it's a raw deal.
    • Victor Shen
      The more function the iPad had, the more similar the iPad to the feed, which also shows that a lot of the technology is getting similar to the feed
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    • Victor Shen
      It shows that the Apple is similar to the feed company which get into the application
    The function of the ipad is being more and more usful
Tori O'Kane

Teen Campaign Against Vices - an Initiative of the Parent and Child - 0 views

  • Still others do it as a sign of rebellion.
    • Tori O'Kane
      the boys in the feed would do drugs to pass time at parties. it seemed to be a social thing for them and titus became embarrassed by it when violet was around, trying to hide his friends rebellious and attention seeking acts.
  • Teenagers usually prefer to listen to their peers than to adults
    • Tori O'Kane
      similar to the teens in the feed they were mostly disconnected to their parents and they were more consumed by their "peers" which i think is the feed because that told them and essentially controlled their activity when it came to what to wear and how to fit in.
  • Teenagers with low self esteem and those who find it hard to cope with the harsh realities of the world take to drugs
    • Tori O'Kane
      Also similar to the last comment i made that the boys did the "Drugs" it seemed because they were bored or insecure.
    • Robert Porter
      I agree with you, a lot of the times, if not most, people do drugs and other similar things because they have a insecurity with themselves whether they admit to it or not. It's something that everyone can get over and not do, yet many people still do it. Its the easier way to cope with things, yet as with everything else the easiest way to do things tend to have the most dire consequences.
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  • Delaying the first intercourse, promoting sexual abstinence among teenagers, avoiding early parenthood, responsible sexual behavior, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases etc could be topics covered in the teen campaign against vices.
    • Tori O'Kane
      Violet did not seem to be worried about these out comes in the Feed. Rather she wanted to experience it before she passed.
    This article discusses the use of drugs and alcohol by teens. This article suggests that all teens look to these things just to fit in or feel good about themselves. Will teens ever understand the dangers they are submitting themselves to regardless of the numerous negative results they see or hear of.
chris zabriskie

App Can't Replace Confession, Vatican Says - - 0 views

  • cannot be used as a substitute for confession with a priest, the Vatican said Wednesday
    • chris zabriskie
      unless your Iphone is blessed or sacred in some way i dont think an app can count as a confetion
  • But some media reports cast the app as a “virtual priest” for Catholics who do not have time for church
    • chris zabriskie
      this is just a way for advertisers to market the app to anyone
    technology is trying to replace all of the things people leave their houses for like confession or hang out or being active by making games and skype and confession apps
Lany Miller

iCrazy: Is Technology Taking Over? - DivineCaroline - 0 views

  • I think our obsession with rather expensive convenience gadgets is bordering on ridiculous.
    • Lany Miller
      Everyone's obsession with technology is going crazy, every year some new technology is coming out and it's supposedly better than the device before. In feed they got so advanced that they implanted a feed in everyone's brain and it tells the person whenever some new trend is hot. In the book and in reality people are becoming too obsessed with technology.
  • Obviously modern day iPods and their accompanying devices aren’t taking over our sprawling civilizations
    • Lany Miller
      The new technology isn't taking over exactly, or yet, but it has the capability to do so. Technology is good for us, but sometimes it can get a little too hectic.
    Going iCrazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Hailey Kolb

Technology Is Taking Over Americans' Lives -- Digital Home Messaging Survey -- Informat... - 0 views

  • If there was any doubt that computers and technology are taking over the lives of Americans, it was dispelled Monday by two studies -- one noting that most Americans spend more time with their computers than with their spouses, the other revealing many drivers are e-mailing and instant messaging while driving.
    • Hailey Kolb
      just like the feed technology is taking over the human mind.  In the book they have the feed all of the time because it is in there minds.  Today people are spending more time with technology than doing there every day activities and/or their families
  • "Technology is one of the greatest DWD culprits," the insurance firm said, noting that younger drivers are most likely to drive while multitasking.
    • Hailey Kolb
      just like the feed technology is distracting and you start to feel dependent on it  
Hailey Kolb

Book Review - 'Virtually You' and 'Reality Is Broken' - - 0 views

  • you away from the difficulties of real life. It lets you customize your fantasies
    • Hailey Kolb
      just like the feed the internet allows people to customize themselves the way they want
  • In short, everything you thought was good about the Internet — information, access, personalization — is bad.
    • Hailey Kolb
      all of the new things that technology is offering people is taking over their minds
john peacen

Computers Get Help from the Human Brain - Technology Review - 0 views

    the articulo talk about one innovation in computer program that will read the human brain and how this program will make the research more easy to people find things online.
Ryan Clarke

Young People Cop to It: Technology Is Bad for Us - ABC News - 0 views

shared by Ryan Clarke on 16 Feb 11 - No Cached
  • "Look, when you're talking to a 'friend,' you don't really know if it's really them -- especially if they are introduced by someone else," said Peyton Yniguez, 14.
    • Ryan Clarke
      This is a negative to technology because you really do not know who you could possibly be talking to. You could be talking to a murderer for all you know, or it could just be a bad person not as drastic as a killer. this is if you do not know the person you are talking to.
Hank von GnarSlayer

Dog Owner's Guide: Microchips - 0 views

  • This is a permanent radio-frequency identification (RFID) chip implanted under the dog's skin and read by a chip scanner or wand. Implantation is done with an injector that places the chip under the loose skin over the dog's shoulder.
    • Hank von GnarSlayer
      This makes me want to puke! It seems wrong to go ahead and change one's body to make it traceable by computers and pretty much take their freedom away. How can a person inject one of their inventions into another living thing without knowing whether or not they'd like a piece of technology entering their body?
    How cute is a puppy when it is a robot? This article talks about how dogs are now being tagged with pieces of technology called RFID's.
gabriel reid

Sunday's Super Bowl the most high-tech ever - - 0 views

  • The stadium's most visible piece of tech is what's billed as the world's largest high-definition video screen: a $40 million, 600-ton video board with 25,000 square feet of displays. It's 72 feet tall and 160 feet long. (Everyone seems to like the high-tech board, with the possible exception of NFL punters.) And, consider this as you nestle into your man cave. In addition to the monster screen, there are another 3,500 46-inch high-def screens scattered throughout the rest of the stadium.
    • gabriel reid
      this just shows how much technology we put into somthing as simple as sports do we really need all thoes tv screens whats the point
    this talks about the super bowl and the technology in the stadium and how much it basicly cost
    Interesting article, Gabe. It seems to me that technology will never stop getting bigger and better; with all the inventors in the world at the same time, technology has proven to be quite a competition.
Jett Ankermann

Genetically Engineered Food - Global Issues - 0 views

  • there is a growing wave of concern from citizens, farmers and scientists who question the way the research is currently being handled by a few large, profit-hungry corporations.
    • Jett Ankermann
      This relates to the book "Feed" as everything that exists in the natural world now is owned by large corporations in the future.
  • This is a very young and untested technology and may not be the answer just yet.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Unlike in "Feed" there is still a chance that genetically engineered food won't make it big in the present.
  • There is also the issue of do we actually need genetically engineered food, given that agriculture in small biodiverse farms are actually very productive.
    • Jett Ankermann
      Unlike the running out of fossil fuels for gas, it doesn't seem as necessary to change the way food is made since it is still productive. However, the advancement of technology still considers something that either does or does not need to be done.
Christina Chan

Pope Warns of Alienation Risk in Social Networks - - 0 views

  • He said the possibilities of new media and social networks offered "a great opportunity," but warned of the risks of depersonalization, alienation, self-indulgence, and the dangers of having more virtual friends than real ones.
  • He urged users of social networks to ask themselves "Who is my 'neighbor' in this new world?" and avoid the danger of always being available online but being "less present to those whom we encounter in our everyday life."
  • He said social networking can help "dialogue, exchange, solidarity and the creation of positive relations" but he also offered a list of warnings.
    In this article by the New York Times the Pope warns the mass majority of the people that social networks can dehumanize people. People are becoming more addicted to the virtual world. Questions it raises are that: 1) Will technology & robots one day perhaps replace human beings? 2) Do you think Americans are spending too much time websurfing the internet instead of seeing friends & getting daily exercise?
    I can connect to Feed because in the book Titus is blinded by everything related to media & all these cool gadgets & the Pope is highlighting all the negative effects like depersonalization, alientation, self-indulgence, & the dangers of having more virtual friends than real ones."
natasha badohu

Texting May Be Taking a Toll on Teenagers - - 0 views

  • teenagers sent and received an average of 2,272 text messages per month in the fourth quarter of 2008
    • natasha badohu
      i feel like i text ten times more then this , but honestly it is becoming a problem , teens depend SO much on texting and cellphones in general , what if we didn't even have cell phones to use?
  • who say it is leading to anxiety, distraction in school, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation.
    • natasha badohu
      how specifically does it cause injuries? can this be life long? i wonder if these types of things even bother teens, it bothers me!
  • texting among teenagers in the Boston area for three years, said it might be causing a shift in the way adolescents develop
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  • but if technology makes something like staying in touch very, very easy, that’s harder to do; now you have adolescents who are texting their mothers 15 times a day, asking things like, ‘Should I get the red shoes or the blue shoes?’ ”
    • natasha badohu
      I don't understand why thats such a bad thing ? should there be some type of relationship between parents and their children in general?
    teenagers text usage .. going to far ?
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