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Sony Introduces New Portable Game Device - - 0 views

    sony is trying to make it's product the new fad item that everyone wants by adding new features and expanding it's gaming horizon to other systems like the android getting playstation games. this is for the most part futile because nintendo has become the name of portable gaming while sony stood idle and the 3ds already has most of the feature and more.

overuse of useless technology (cell phones..iPhones..sidekicks..etc.) (computer, deskto... - 0 views

  • The problem with texting is that people have gotten so use to it to the point that they have no idea how to carry on a conversation with another person anymore..the word "YES" is just a few keystrokes away!
    • stephen richards
      This idea that people would rather text than actually carry out a conversation with someone has an essence of truth behind it, and M.T. Anderson touches on this when Titus' father comes to visit the hospital and instead of talking to his son he tries to M-chat him thus saying that people would rather talk through technology than verbally.
  • I am not fully against it( obviously i'm on the computer typing this thread)
    • stephen richards
      The writer is advocating a step back from an overuse of technology but is using technology to voice his ideas. Almost this exact idea occurs in the book when the kids are driving past the people protesting the feed, while using the feed to broadcast their protest of the feed.
  • The problem with texting is that people have gotten so use to it to the point that they have no idea how to carry on a conversation with another person anymore..the word "YES" is just a few keystrokes away!
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  • The problem with today's world is that people are too stuck on their WANTS!! and not on their NEEDS!...whats funny is that people are being brain washed to think that these "wants" are "the NEEDS"
    • stephen richards
      This idea the writer is touching upon that people are beginning to think that what they want is actually what they need because technology tells them it is, is exactly what the feed does when it "knows" you so well that it "knows everything you want and hope for, sometimes before you even know what those things are."(48)
    This article is about how technology has made us lazy and how people rely to heavily on it to do simple tasks. Questions are raised about if we begin to, as we have, rely on technology too much will we end up losing the ability to think for our selves?

Japanese Fashion: LED. Lights for Your Teeth - - 3 views

  • Method Man might have helped make gold fronts famous, but it looks like Japanese schoolgirls could be the driving force behind a new era of fashionable accessories for your teeth.
    • Robert Porter
      As technology is applied to the LED lights for the teeth, it proves that technology is being used more and more for useless reasons other than for it to look "cool" or good. The trends are obviously started by celebrities for the most part, as the book Feed states by M.T. Anderson the trends of the culture are immediately displayed upon the feeds and the girls such as calista go in the bathroom to change her look completely. Although no one knows wether this trend of LED lights in the mouth will catch on or not, its the use of LED technology in the mouth points out the fallacious use of it. There is no reasonable point to this 'fashion' trend, it looks silly, preposterous, ugly, and illogical to waste money on such a thing
  • The video below, which was created by the designers and titled “party in your mouth,” shows a curated group of Japanese schoolgirls wandering the street wearing the glowing lights.
    • Robert Porter
      To start off, the title of the video promoting this device is called "party in your mouth" is just incongruous, considering it includes the stereotypical 'Japanese school girls' (i hope i dont have to elaborate on that one), subtly it promotes this product with sex, of course, yet it also targets the teen demographic as it is the biggest demographic out there currently. Throughout the video the girls are just walking around all smiling, its supposed to somehow attract customers and other teens to think that the LED in your mouth 'grillz' are the new thing and according to this article on the nytimes site, its working. As pointed out multiple times over and over again in the book Feed, Anderson points out the useless adaptions we made for technology and how we are beginning to use it.
    This article is about a new Japanese fashion trend, LED (Light emitting diode) lights in the teeth. Two Japanese designers came up with the idea after seeing some sort of "LED Throwies" which are LED lights that are attached to a magnet that can be thrown at metal surfaces. The designers hope that the teens of Japan will catch on soon, as the demmand for the LED 'smiles' rieses. Questions are being raised about this; is it safe to have a LED light in ones mouth? If it cost a large amount of money why spend money on something like this, if the money can be spent on  more beneficial items? If there is a large crowd of people in the streets of Japan with the glowing LED lights in there mouth, would it cause hazards to drivers? The lights seem to completely ridiculous why have something such as that become the 'sought after accessory'? Is there anything significantly beneficial to this product that will prove worthy to the user?

Good Technology? Bad Technology? - 1 views

    This article is about the ups and downs of technology as a whole. However, it mainly touches on the instant messaging aspect that is so widley used today. This raises questions regarding our common sense on eye to eye conversations and our activities we do on our own time.

Gains and Losses - 1 views

  • sharing of resources among institutions of widely varying size, endowment, focus, and stature. Similarly, the economical development, maintenance, and use of materials for interdisciplinary approaches, like the way networked hypertext resources create course and institutional memories, has enormous appeal for many.
    • gabriel reid
      this article has a connection to Anderson's text because not only does Anderson show s through his creative writing that there are the good sides to the advancing technology but there are the bads to and this article also explains the same thing
  • such as have always happened with shifts in technological and informational paradigms. Plato rightly feared the devaluing of memory by those who read and write, and those who earlier feared the democratizing effects of earlier changes in information technology, such as those introduced by books, copy machines, and calculators were, from their point of view, absolutely correct.
    • gabriel reid
      Andersen's text also shows us how thing in future technology can decrease our intellect and this article also suggests that to a certain degree.
    this article is about the advancing technology in Brown University and how there are some things that are gained from advancing technology. this article is also about even though there are things gained there are also things that are lost in exchange for theses gains

New Studies Link Cell Phone Use to Cancer and Other Maladies - 1 views

  • Newly released studies in 2008 and 2009, compiled at the Environmental Working Group,2 have linked cell phone use to brain cancer, salivary gland tumors, behavioral problems, migraines and vertigo, and more. These newer studies show that use of a cell phone for ten years or longer can have serious impacts on a person's health by raising the chances of problems many-fold.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      People are using cell phones every day where every they need it. People even use it if it will cause them illnesses. When will people stop or will be ever will? This connects to the Feed because even though people are annoyed with the Feed they still use it to get their point across.
  • phone use to brain cancer, salivary gland tumors,
  • These were largely due to research such as one in which Danish children who use cell phones often were shown to have an 80% higher risk of emotional and hyperactivity problems. Mothers who use cell phones heavily during pregnancy had the same risks.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      Again even little kids are using cell phone now anyone is using it. When will enough be enough. Or will it ever be.
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  • Cell phone users should keep the phone as far from their bodies as possible when talking. Use a headset, speaker, or other device to distance yourself from the phone. Limit your total use of the phone as much as possible and definitely do not let your children have their own cell phone.
    • Elizabeth Hughes
      People are beginning to do this. Use other devices then just then cell phone to get communications across. Should kids have their own cell phones? Wonder if people will notice if the feed is not good enough for the people.
    This article is about how new studies are being formed that using a cell phone can lead to cancer and other illnesses. Questions that are being raised are can it really lead to brain cancer, salivary gland tumors and other behavioral problems. Wish 87% of the United States using cell phones today what can happen to our future.
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