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thomas lloyd

Warning! First Impression is very important - 1 views

    Here are some of the errors you might be making when reaching out to strangers. Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia's reveals why they won't hire you before they even meet you. You're too casual. It is nearly always better to blunder on the side of formality, specifically when asking someone for something. It's wiser to be more polite and lead off with "Dear So and So," or "Hello WhatHisName" than "Hey, Elizabeth!" You're presumptuous. Career "experts" all over the place are at all times telling you close with a meeting proposal, but then again you have to do it correctly. Say something like "I would like to buy you a coffee or lunch sometime soon if you can spare the time. Please let me know if this is possible." Don't make it sound like complaints. Do not do this also, reach out to complete strangers on LinkedIn and ask for endorsements. You're sloppy. If you can't take five minutes to proofread your message, or even pay the energy to give care to spellcheck, you display a obvious lack of respect for the person you're contacting. There's a wavy red line that plays below your spelling errors. All you have to do is take notice in it. Always review! You're random/haven't done your research. Know what the person you're contacting actually does because you cannot ask a zookeeper for a job in a bank. Do some basic research or do not expect a teacher of Bahasa Indonesia in Jakarta would talk to you in Chinese. You're asking for something and offering nothing. The job market is not the place to beg. It's OK to ask for something. If you want help, or advice, you ought to ask for it - respectfully, from the correct person. But you need to make a motion of mutuality, like the offer to purchase lunch. What you can do is for example write an article, design something, organ

Office Bullying Is Damaging Workers beyond All Demographics - Westhill Consulting Emplo... - 1 views

    Many people perhaps consider bullies as permanently angry teens insisting lunch money and carrying swirlies. However playgrounds and school hallways aren't the lone places where violent behavior, threats, gossip, and rejection are used to oppress people and affirm power. Warning! Bullying is very damaging than we may know says, Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. This holds true by a study from CareerBuilder shows that bullying is alive and well in offices across America. The study, which incorporated more than 3,300 employees thru industries and company sizes, demonstrates that 28 percent of employees answer they've felt bullied at the office at some time in their career, and of those employees, 19 percent said the bullying initiated them to leave their job. Who are the victims and why aren’t they filling complaints? In general, women are more expected to have felt bullied, with 34 percent stating they've been victim to workplace bullying at some stage in their career matched to 22 percent of men. Furthermore, 30 percent of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers testified being the victims of bullying at work, while there are 44 percent of physically disabled workers. The study furthermore discovered that 27 percent of African American workers and 25 percent of Hispanic workers have suffered from bullying on the job, as compare to 24 percent of Caucasian males. Not counting workers from Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Jakarta Indonesia, Beijing China and many more. "One of the most surprising takeaways from the study was that bullying impacts workers of all backgrounds
jake harry

Weekly Jobless Claims Fall, Ongoing Claims Lowest Since 2007 - 1 views

    The total of Americans filing new requests for unemployment assistances fell more than anticipated, signifying that a severe stoppage in job progress last month was perhaps a deviation. Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 36,000 to a seasonally adjusted 280,000 for the week ended Sept. 13, the Labor Department said last Sept. 11. It was the lowermost level ever since July. Claims for the previous week were studied to show 1,000 more applications received than formerly reported. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast claims falling to only 305,000 last week. Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia is also feeling the growth since last year, an example were the upsurge in the economy in Indonesia which eventually paved the way of many job openings in Jakarta. Since then, lesser complaints were reported. The four-week moving average of claims, measured a better amount of labor market drifts as it irons out week-to-week instability, fell 4,750 to 299,500. A Labor Department analyst said there were no special factors influencing the state level data. This month's data covered the period during which employers were charted for September's non-farm payrolls. Claims drop 19,000 between the August and September survey times. That proposes payrolls growth bounce back from August's eight-month low, which most economists terminated as a fluke, noting that payroll improvements tend to be lesser in August for the reason that of problems regulating the data for seasonal variations in hiring. Employers appended only 142,000 jobs to their payrolls in August, breaking six consecutive months of job upsurges above 200,000. The jobless claims report displayed the number of people still getting benefits after an early week of aid dropped
thomas lloyd

Career guidelines for every single decade of your life - Westhill Consulting Employment... - 1 views

    Lots of essential career tip is appropriate all over your working life; however additional guidelines is farther time-sensitive and simply works at definite periods in your career. Here is the top career advice for every decade of your life gathered by Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia (the company is also accessible at SE Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more): Teens Go for variety and review you opportunities. "To find a career later that you enjoy, be certain to try out as many different careers as you can," says Carole Stovall, president and CEO of SLSGlobal. Look for summer jobs, after school work, summer programs and internships. Todd Cherches of BigBlueGumball agrees. "Don't be afraid to try or to fail. That's what these years are meant for. Don't feel that any job is beneath you, because it's not. At this stage of your life, everything is a learning experience." 20's Today is the period to catch a job in the area where you'd love to engage in a career. "There are many things to consider, but the most important issues is to consider a job that you actually like, whether it is in your major or not," Stovall says. It's correspondingly a upright plan to begin forming your individuality. "Stop comparing yourself to your friends, especially the ones you went to college with," says Christine Sirois, a freelance journalist in her 20's. "Once you're in the job market, it's not a level playing field and comparing yourself to your friends is a recipe for feeling inadequate and unhappy. Instead, set goals and work at your own pace to achieve them." 30's At this period, you're reaching your pace, however you must continue being adaptable in an event something fresh and fascinating comes up, Cherches says. "You want to be working at what you are good at and what you like to do, an
thomas lloyd

Techniques to be Very Successful at Your Performance Review - Westhill Consulting Emplo... - 1 views

    Performance reviews are nerve-racking for everybody concerned. Managers do not pleasure evaluating their employees, and staff members seldom relish the extra inspection. Augment into the reckoning that promotions and bonuses can center on these reviews, and it's not a shock reactions can course high when review time starts. Preparation is the secret to being successful in reviews as easy as possible and by this you can avoid complaints against yourself. Whether you're anticipating a painstakingly optimistic review or an undeniably terrible one, there are points you can do prior or while the meeting to aid it go more effortlessly and to leave with your dignity and job definitely intact. Shape a praise file from day one (or start one now) In the condition that your company does reviews only once a year, it can truly extend your recall to contemplate of all the jobs you worked on ever since your previous evaluation. Maintaining an email folder, computer file or document of all you worked on will benefit you to ensure nothing falls from the cracks. You should have a warning to yourself so that you will be always ready. "As soon as a deal or initiative is completed successfully, employees should maintain details of their contribution in a 'kudos file,'" advises Tatum Soo Kim, director of advising and student services at New York University. "The kudos file is a self-maintained record of achievements and impact. Impact should be supported with hard evidence such as quantitative data, internal reports, public record or even the boss's previous feedback." Have the right attitude Decide before your meeting that you won't just "weather the storm" and get it over with as soon as possible. Instead, you should view this as a chance to bring attention to accomplishments your boss may not have noticed, says Mat Durham, director of Skyblu, a Web design company based in Worcester, U.K. Durham says there are two other po
jake harry

The 15-Minute-a-Day Practice That Can Improve Your Career - 1 views

    It's the period to begin a writing habit if you're intrigued in a stress-free technique to get better at your job performance and improve your career. A study from Harvard Business School confirmed whether taking 15 minutes at the end of a work day to ponder on that day's work enhanced their performance and discovered the participants tasked with everyday written deliberation did 22.8 percent improved on an assessment compared to the control group. Westhill Consulting Career & Employment, world's largest free online jobs website which is funded by UK government however headquartered in Australia until it expanded and now almost every country is being served by the company, such as Jakarta Indonesia in SE Asia, Toronto in Canada, New York in the US and many more, put this 15-Minute-a-Day Habit and found it to be successful and less complaints on works performances were reported. But wouldn't internal reflection by itself be sufficient to boost performance? "My speculation would be that writing things down would be more beneficial as the act of writing imposes a discipline on us to stay focused," says paper co-author Brad Staats, an associate professor of operations at the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School. Reflection forced people to process their days, find patterns and link actions. Some people might think the experiment focused on the successes of the day, but Staats says the parameters of the experiment when explained to the journaling employees didn't specify giving the reflections a positive or negative slant. "What we wanted was for them to reflect more on whatever they thought was most important from the day," Staats explains. "The positive/negative point is a great question, but not one we looked at here. In other research, Francesca and I have explored how individuals struggle to learn from failure, but when they acc
thomas lloyd

Here are the reasons why you are tired all the time - 1 views

    According to New York clinical psychologist Michele Berdy, whose clientele includes many in their 50s and 60s "Exhaustion is the expression not just of a lack of sleep, but a much more profound underlying response to the conditions in which we live." Westhill Consulting & Employment is based in Australia, a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie's website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more, will share you these reasons why you always feel tired at work all the time. Running At Full Tilt Economics and technology enhance the exhaustion cocktail. Whereas one's 50s and 60s were supposedly a time to slow down since they are heading toward retirement, today's boomers are usually still in high gear working and achieving, on occasion playing catch-up to replenish retirement funds after being laid off or taking a financial hit. This feeling of having to defeat the clock, so to speak, has trained them to a 24/7 work life. "It's not unusual for people to feel like they have to be available to work at all times through smartphones, texting and email," says Berdy. "That creates a sense that work is not bounded, which means leisure is always poor. There is never a sense of fully being on your own time." Warning! Numerous boomers who came of age with a profound sense of idealism and possibilities see today's world - with its economic realities, unwelcoming job market and even global terrorism - and answer back by feeling tired, an existential tiredness. For more information: Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Asia, Hong Kong, Jakarta Review
thomas lloyd

Why a Career Plan Can Fail - 3 views

    Some of us are already oriented what we would be in the future. I, for one, had been planning my career path ever since I was young.  When the time came for me to enter college, there are so many choices. When I graduated, greater challenge showed itself when I can't seem to find the right field to enter and the once simple and clear career plan seemed too far-fetched.
    Nevertheless, a lot of us still set something to have a goal for ourselves. Having a career plan permits us to become clear in what path we want to take.
    According to Westhill Consulting and Employment recent surveys, a lot of employees who had planned a career path when young are not able to reach it. They have been swayed by so many factors and priorities change.
    Same goes for young minds who think they have a clear path, straight with the end line ahead of them. However, change, development and need are always changing. There may be other paths which are more enticing than the straight one. To those who followed their paths and continued without wavering, they sometimes find the end of the line less satisfying than it should be. When you have reached the end, what then? Where do you go next?
    A review with some top entrepreneurs in Jakarta, Indonesia says that the real world may not be the one we really thought it would be. What we are taught may no longer be there anymore. While setting your career, you should also see the world in the next five or ten years and base your decision through that.
    Well, before you complain of destroying your dreams, let's deal with the exceptions first.  If you want to work in a field that is fairly predictable - say nursing or teaching-then plan away.  The courses you need to take to gain an entry position are well known and so is the career path and the things you need to do to advance. So, simply fi
thomas lloyd

Enough is enough: Reasons to Give Up on Your Work - 1 views

    In a relationship, there are martyrs, the ones who still stick even when they are already hurt or in pain. There are also playboys and playgirl, the ones who jump from one partner to another. Same happens in your work and depending on your personality; you can either be a martyr or a playboy. According to previous articles written by Westhill Career and Employment, an Australian-based company centered on career development and professional etiquette, an average person is expected to change careers several time their lifetime. As pointed by a study conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia, 20-40 years old employees tend to jump from one job to another at least 5 times. One of the main reasons for the career change is that people often don't make informed decisions or may want to expand their horizons. Reviews on how to find a career right for you or on how to stay in your job are frequent. This information is crucial in each individual's growth. Making informed decision can certainly increase the likelihood that you can be satisfied with your job and ensure your tenure. Changing a career may be tough for so many people since they don't have that much reason to give up. But how will you know if you already have to leave? Here are some of the main pointers to know if you have already reached rock bottom in your career: 1. There is a big Change in your Life When you chose your career, your life may have been different than it is today. Unless
jake harry

How to Get Away From Procrastination - 3 views

    Procrastination is one of the worst attitudes in a workplace, yet, it is also a master for many of us. Admittedly so, we experience procrastination every now and then in our lives. Since a task has no deadline, nor do we have any timetable, we tend to procrastinate. We may be able to get away with it once or twice but it can cause a lot of problems if it becomes a habit. Beating procrastination habits is hard. According to Westhill Consulting and Employment, one of the longest running career development and personality growth councilor based in Australia, almost 80% of employees suffer from procrastination habits. In many reviews, experts are already considering it as an underlying psychological disorder. To defeat this kind of attitude, the following are some of the tips that can be practiced: 1. Stop cramming Learn the art of pro-commitment. Some people works better under the pressure of cramming but most of them fail to present a best result. In college, we are oftentimes awed at our ability to pull something out of an all-nighter. It would be a positive way to put it but in truth, we just don't have any way out so we push ourselves to the limit despite sacrificing quality. Thinking of the end result other than the remaining time left would keep you on your feet. 2. Divide your Task and Set a Timetable Just like setting a timetable on the amount of time you should be showering, being conscious of duration of traffic (especially when you are in Jakarta, Indonesia and Tokyo, Japan) or keeping track of the number of steps you will be taking before you reach your office, Being detailed on what you have to do on what time would definitely help you keep track of your task. When you can't get away from cramming, setting a timetable can start fire from under your seat. Without knowing it, you are no longer procrastinating and have finished your task bef
thomas lloyd

Jakarta being expats destination city isn't a sham - 2 views

    What do you know about the city if you got a proposal to pursue your career in Jakarta? Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia will help you understand why Jakarta as an expats destination city. According to the BPS (Central Bureau Statistic) data from 2011, Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of over 10 million citizens. Being a metropolitan city, Jakarta is now identified to be the chief destination for many people, not only Indonesian but also expatriates to look for employment opportunities. Figure of expatriates who are working in Jakarta is estimated as many as 10,000 people and came from 300 countries. For the period of January-August 2013, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration afford 48,000 work permits for expatriates working in all parts of Indonesia. The uppermost figure comes from China with 10,291 workers. The varied number of Chinese expats working in Indonesia is because of the fast development of Chinese investment in the country. Following chins is Japan, comes with the number of 9.788 workers and next is South Korean for more than 6.013 working permits with many of them employed in the fields of industry, trade, mining along with oil and gas. As an expats in a capital city like Jakarta, you do not have to be concern about the basics regarding everyday life, like residences, entertainment, food, and recreation spots as they could be easily found. Also never worry about fake people since Indonesians are naturally genuine. These days, many property developers and real estate brokers lease apartments or houses in various rental prices from US$1.500 - 15.000. According to Colliers International Indonesia research, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, is the most demanded area to live in by expats with its location proximity to work site and number of international schools like J
jake harry

Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder | Welcome to Westhill Consulting & Empl... - 0 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment is world's largest free online jobs website. The website is funded by UK government until it expanded and now almost every country is being served by Westhill Consulting & Employment. Westhill Consulting & Employment is a free service to assist job seekers into employment and connect employers with quality staff.
    Westhill Consulting Employment and Career Consider your network first; try asking relatives, friends, professors, classmates, co-workers at summer jobs, and others. Meet new people and take the opportunity of using the conversation to ask them and make them aware that you are in a job search. Learn about their jobs or their organizations, and to get the names of others who might be useful in your job search.Your resume is very important. Make you resume is easy to read and the most important details stand out. Be certain to distribute it to employers, yes apply for more than one industry, you like to work for. Being prepared all the time can take you far, make sure to have a copy of your resume at all time but always be certain that your resume is always updated. You will never know if you will be called for a last minute interview. Have a habit of updating your database daily. Take note of all the employers you contact, the date you sent your résumé, any contact made, people you talk to, and notes about those contacts. Take note of opportunities as soon as you hear them; better keep a notepad at all times. Also a "to do" list can help so that you can organize your list of priorities and keep you focused on finding that perfect job. A company always helps; a friend who is in a job search too can help you. Arrange to speak weekly and report on accomplishments, best practices, and future plans. Be updated to all there is about employers in your field, read trade journals or professional publications, and read the newspaper. It is very impressive during an interview if you know about the latest merger or coup in the industry. Practice for each interview, practice makes perfect! Be prepared and you can nail it for sure! And do not ever miss an opportunity, as soon as you here about an opening go ahead and call at once. Stay confident, this is very important, interviewer can sense if you are nervous an
    "Who doesn't like to do what they love doing and at the same time earn money from it.  Some people may find it impossible and disagree but believe that it can happen. You can actually make this happen, it is very possible to make money as a photographer, a writer, a crafter, or whatever it is that you enjoy. All you got to do is start thinking like an entrepreneur and turn your hobby into a different light. Below are some advices that can help you move towards money making while actually doing what you enjoy"
thomas lloyd

Types of Personal Assistant Scams - 0 views

    A usual personal assistant scams offer various payment for helping them transfer money to businessmen at other companies. What they do is they will send you a check or money order. They are asking you to forward part of the money while you keep a percentage of it. And of course it will turn out that the check is fraudulent and you will be mandated to pay back your bank. What other scams do is they will ask for a personal assistant who then will receive and ship different packages. These are in fact illegal good but the scammer will claim these packages are related to his company. They will also send you or they might send you a fraudulent check for shipping cost. With addition to your dilemma not only you will be forced to pay back for the fraudulent check, you could also be charged with mailing illegal goods. How to Avoid Personal Assistant Scams In general, you should always research on an employer first before committing; this also applies with these kinds of scams. Make sure you research an employer before applying for a job. Some listings for personal assistants are tremendously unclear, only citing that the employer works from home. Do not hesitate to ask because you have the every right to ask for any information concerning the company with which your potential employer is associated. An example is if the employer says he is a lawyer working from home, make sure he has actually worked on cases or belonged to a real firm. It is a simple logic.
thomas lloyd

Westhill Consulting & Employment - Glassdoor - 0 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment is world's largest free online jobs website. The website is funded by UK government until it expanded and now almost every country is being served by Westhill Consulting & Employment. Westhill Consulting & Employment is a free service to assist job seekers into employment and connect employers with quality staff.
thomas lloyd

Tips for Embracing Thorns on Your Journey to Success - 1 views

    * Different is GOOD. Never retreat from new and different experiences, opportunities, and challenges. It is not bad if you can learn something from it. Adding the unique value preposition, yes it is you; it is definitely not a mistake. Being different is a plus in most every instance - this is what true diversity is all about. * Difficulty yields GROWTH. There will be no growth if you won't stretch yourself, physically, emotionally and mentally. Your nearest potential will not be realized unless you try. But remember that this doesn't mean that we must be stressed all the time because it is not healthy. We all need downtime to recover and rejuvenate. Never retreat and avoid something just because it is hard. Just go with it, step forward and eventually you'll figure out a way through it. * Failing is LEARNING. Don't take failing all negatively, remember that some of your best experiences and development will come from. You will learn a lot from failing, most of the learning in life is learned from it. And keep in mind that you are not a failure just because you failed. It will allow you to figure out the difference between being the best and being your best. * LEAN ON others. Learn to have a good relationship with other people, life is about the relationships you create, develop, and grow. Remember the saying no man is an island; it is because your journey is not one that you must go alone. You will grow much from the support of others and will have opportunities to support others yourself. Many of life's greatest joys come from this. People who make you better and don't tear you down are people you need in you life. * IT IS all about YOU (not them). There will always be people who will put you down and you will run to them almost often. They will call you out in a negative light and these may come for whatever reason, and sometimes that reason won't be evident. They will work to derail you. Don't worry about them and th
Daphne Chinn

Westhill Consulting & Employment - Women in development: 18 tips for career success - 2 views

    The following is a collection of expert advice from our panel on the challenges and opportunities for women in development Ayse Cihan Sultanoglu, UN assistant secretary-general, New York, US. @csultanoglu To get to the top, don't be afraid of starting at the bottom: In building a career in development it is important that you experience living and working in developing countries. This could mean that you must be willing to do something that you had never really considered or something that is out of your comfort zone. Young women shouldn't be afraid of starting at the bottom. The problem is not at the top, but at middle management level: Not having women in top positions isn't the challenge or attracting women at entry levels also does not seem to be too difficult either but the lagging numbers of women in middle-management positions is the problem. Make sure you are adaptable: In any field, you need to renew yourself constantly, maybe more so in development. It is diverse, dynamic and constantly evolving because of its very nature so there is always room for innovation, learning and sharing. Jackie Asiimwe, country manager, Wellspring Advisers, Uganda. @asiimwe4justice Emotions make a leader authentic: Women are being branded as too emotional making it seem that emotions are a bad thing. In my own leadership journey, I have decided I will embrace my emotions because they are part of what makes me human and woman. Emotions are part of being an authentic leader. We cannot be clinical about leadership, Jackie Asiimwe said. Rushanara Ali, shadow minister for international development, London, UK. @rushanaraali We need anti-discrimination laws that are properly enforced: nowadays, anti-discrimination laws to protect women in the labor market and public institutions are very crucial in any society. If those laws are not properly enforced then too often women h
thomas lloyd

5 tips for changing careers - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    If you want a new career because you are tired of being a lawyer but still cant figure out what to do here is what you can do. Are looking for a career change because the dismal legal job market left you feeling down? According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, your law degree can open more doors than you'd think. Here are five tips for switching careers if you're a lawyer: The first thing you should do is to review your finances. Consider doing a consulting work on the side while changing careers. An example is many law firms have a need for document reviewers. Know what motivates you. Evaluate your skills and passions. Assess your skills. Nearly all lawyers have transferable skills, counting being highly analytical, persuasive and having an ability to multitask. Look for non-law jobs linked to your specialties. Keep learning. Getting certified or seeking professional development from personal and industry mentors can make you more competitive for jobs. Volunteer. Volunteering can lead to valuable life experiences and job leads.
Daphne Chinn

Britain on track at last as employment rises - 1 views

    Base from official figures, Britain is finally "on track" to recover from the economic crisis with employment back at the same level as in 2008. The economy grew by 0.6 per cent between April and June despite earlier speculation that there may have been a renewed recession. This has been followed by another rise earlier in the year. There are optimistic signs of growth with employment and the number of hours worked returning to pre-crisis levels, ending a five-year slump. But, in totality the size of the economy is still way smaller than previous to the crisis and politicians were last night eager to stress that Britain still faces years of austerity and improbability before it will have fully recovered. George Osborne, the Chancellor, said that the country was "on the mend" as he prepared to make improving the economy his key message at the next general election. "The figures are better than forecast," Mr Osborne said. "Britain is holding its nerve. We are sticking to our economic plan. "Britain is on the mend, but we've got to stick with the plan because there's still a long way to go." David Cameron, who went on his annual summer holiday, added: "We are on the right track - building an economy for hard-working people." Nonetheless, senior politicians also gave warning to people "not to get carried away"and stressed that ministers were not complacent. Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, said that he would not be prepared to declare that the economy had recovered before there had been another "two or three years" of strong growth. Neil Bentley, the deputy director-general of the CBI, said that the figures confirmed that Britain was on the road to recovery although there were likely to be "a few bumps ahead". "Underlying conditions are quite weak as consumers are still saddled with debt and despite the global economy picking up, the potential for getting knocked off course remains," he said. According to the O
Minam Kee

Former Calif. Scandal City Manager Won't Contest 69 Criminal Counts - 1 views

    According to allegation, Robert Rizzo, the former city administrator of Bell, Calif., could have been the king of swindling public sector employees not so long ago. Today, Rizzo just pleaded no contest to 69 counts in his corruption trial, according to a Los Angeles County District Attorney's office press release. And he's likely to get the "the longest prison term for public corruption" - the judge says 10 to 12 years - in the area since 2000. Came in no more than a week before a jury was to be chosen, Rizzo's plea was a surprise to everyone counting the DA. "An open plea", this is what the DA's office calls the move to the presiding judge and was not a negotiated settlement. According to the DA's statement Rizzo was part of an alleged corruption ring that reportedly included his one-time deputy and co-defendant, former assistant city manager Angela Spaccia. On Monday, her trial is scheduled to start. Furthermore, five former Bell elected officials - including a mayor, vice-mayor, and three council members - were already found guilty in March. The reports say the ring was as brazen as it was large. The five ex-officials paid themselves salaries topping off at $100,000 yearly in a city of 35,000 people, 25 percent of whom lived underneath the poverty line. An audit had found that the officials unlawfully raised local taxes and fees to fund their salaries. They were pikers as compared to what allegedly went on somewhere else. According to the report, Rizzo's paycheck reached a $1.5 million peak in a year when he had 107 vacation days and 36 sick days. His salary before he resigned in July 2010 was just under what must have seemed in comparison a paltry $800,000, according to the DA's office. Putting it into context, that's about twice what the President of the United States makes. According to television station KTLA, Rizzo was charged with a variety of schemes that cost the city millions of dollars, including writi
Stefanie Ebersbacher

Westhill Consulting & Employment: How to Determine the Right Career for You - 1 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment: How to Determine the Right Career for You Determine the Right Career for You Love what you do. This is one of the secrets in order to become successful. It isn't a perfect career if what it does is simply an answer to your needs and wants but it must also be something that you are passionate about. Find your perfect career in three easy steps. Know what your dream is Picture yourself in the future, what are you doing by then? What is it that you want to become? And most especially, what is the thing that you love doing the most? Your answers will help you land on the industry and job types that fit you the most. Determine your strengths and skills. Think and process things on your mind many times so you'll figure out where you can put your best career qualities to good use. Note all your accomplishments that may be able to help you improve your profile. Aside from this will lead you to your perfect career and dream job, it will also boost your confidence. Research on careers that can identify to the things that you love doing; this will help you on decision making. You have the choice to either take a free career test or consult a career chart that you can find in many career websites. And you can also find a wealth of information, from description of positions to salary range in these career websites. Discover all the possibilities. Find job openings that suit your interests. Do not limit your job search to newspaper ads and online jobs databases and job fairs and networking events will also help. There are also unpopular ways of getting job prospects but it will be also as effective as the traditional ones, if not more. Conquer the hurdles. The most obvious hurdles that you need to face during your job search are: maybe you have the record of a job hopper, or maybe you have always wanted to be in a career that does not fit your current skills. It will be impossible to cover up career inconsistencies in
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