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jake harry

Things every job seeker should have - 1 views

    Job seeking is tough and nerve-wracking. Here are things you need to have that make it easier to find a job by Westhill Consulting & Employment is based in Australia. It is a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie's website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia, Beijing China and many more. A custom-made resume: Over 90% of the resumes HR receives are not customized for specific jobs. That is how they do the first round of cuts. Canned resume = no additional in process. They don't want anybody who obviously doesn't put forth any effort. A customized resume is without question essential. A web presence: You need to have a LinkedIn profile and it should be always updated. You possibly will have to have a Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, or Instagram account, be subjected to your industry. You might as well really take into consideration a personal website if you don't already have one. At the very least, you need to be at least able to be seen - and your social media profiles must be clean and mirror the very best description of you. Always review and keep your profile posted. Employers are going to Google you, and if they won't be able to acquire anything, they might just transfer to the next person. Not having a web occurrence these days is like not existing. But always be warmed of scams on the internet. For more career tips just visit - Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Asia, Hong Kong, Jakarta Review.
thomas lloyd

How to cope up with losing your job - 1 views

    Allow yourself accept it and give a reason to get your life going, the first advice Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia provide to people who lost their jobs. It doesn't matter how self-assured you are, losing a job always grounds you to doubt yourself. In general the two responses are to distrust yourself and your capability, or to guilt your situation or your people at your old company. Both are not worth doing. The best thing you can do is discover a credible purpose why this occurred and then truly believe it. It's the first step to moving on. Agree on two things to do. This should serve as a warning that it is you who will decide on your life at the end of the day. Telling yourself that you should try to discover what you want to do with your life now that you've lost your job is a cliché. The first thing you must do is to bring in the money you'll need to support yourself or your family. Next is what you truly want to do for a career. By unraveling the two, you can reason more plainly about your future in the short and long term. That way, you can keep your eye on preparing for the better job at the same time if you need to take a job for money that isn't perfect. Map your social graph. Odds are, your next chance will come from somewhere or someone you already know - so the most important thing you can do at this point is to create a "graph" of your social imprint online. Or maybe you luck is outside your country; why not try SE Asia, Jakarta Indonesia maybe or perhaps KL Malaysia? Recognize your influencers. Inside your social graph will be people who are in a position to have an uneven consequence on your having a new job. Conflicting to what you might ponder, these are not essential the individuals with the highest titles or the most fame. Every so often the person hiring or who knows the person hiring is the one working at a
thomas lloyd

Starting your Career in mid-20s - 2 views

    Once you graduate college, you are expected to find a job as soon as possible. Competition during this time is very fierce. Westhill Consulting and Employment has encountered so many eager new graduates who always ask for advice on how to make it through a very challenging real world. We have gathered a lot of responses from different twenty-ish individuals in Singapore, Ghana, Africa, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tokyo, Japan and Illinois, USA to know how they have faced the challenge in their own culture and values. The following are general guidelines that can help anybody in their work adventure. * Always show gratitude. If someone has done you a good turn, take a moment to express genuine gratitude by mail, email, text, or a few words and smile. It's a gracious way to live. As old-fashioned as it seems, mailing a hand-written card to a potential employer or dinner party host leaves a lasting impression. * Remember this, too, shall pass. Never be early to burst out your complaints. Whether you're riding high on good fortune or you're wallowing in the dumps of tough times, things move on and so will you. Be grateful when things are good. And be grateful for the things that are good when other things are crumbling around you. * ever expect someone else to advocate for your best interest or to navigate major life decisions. While there are people who will want to help you, you know yourself and what you need best. Take whatever time you need to review, to research, to learn and to create your best options. From great options, make good decisions. * Maintain your professional reputation. Avoid burning bridges with those you've worked with. If anything, invest a little time to continue cultivating your past relationships with colleagues. You never know when you might cross paths

The Most Famous of Premium Porn Sites - 0 views

shared by cortiz897 on 14 Dec 15 - No Cached
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Stefanie Ebersbacher

Westhill Consulting & Employment: How to Determine the Right Career for You - 1 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment: How to Determine the Right Career for You Determine the Right Career for You Love what you do. This is one of the secrets in order to become successful. It isn't a perfect career if what it does is simply an answer to your needs and wants but it must also be something that you are passionate about. Find your perfect career in three easy steps. Know what your dream is Picture yourself in the future, what are you doing by then? What is it that you want to become? And most especially, what is the thing that you love doing the most? Your answers will help you land on the industry and job types that fit you the most. Determine your strengths and skills. Think and process things on your mind many times so you'll figure out where you can put your best career qualities to good use. Note all your accomplishments that may be able to help you improve your profile. Aside from this will lead you to your perfect career and dream job, it will also boost your confidence. Research on careers that can identify to the things that you love doing; this will help you on decision making. You have the choice to either take a free career test or consult a career chart that you can find in many career websites. And you can also find a wealth of information, from description of positions to salary range in these career websites. Discover all the possibilities. Find job openings that suit your interests. Do not limit your job search to newspaper ads and online jobs databases and job fairs and networking events will also help. There are also unpopular ways of getting job prospects but it will be also as effective as the traditional ones, if not more. Conquer the hurdles. The most obvious hurdles that you need to face during your job search are: maybe you have the record of a job hopper, or maybe you have always wanted to be in a career that does not fit your current skills. It will be impossible to cover up career inconsistencies in
Ikaw Nahh

The three things that employers want to see in your resume - 6 views

This article is a big help for newly grads who are looking for their first jobs. With all the competition they are about to face these information will give them a know-how they can use to be prepa...

The three things that employers want to see in your resume Westhill Consulting Career and Employment

thomas lloyd

Career guidelines for every single decade of your life - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    Lots of essential career tip is appropriate all over your working life; however additional guidelines is farther time-sensitive and simply works at definite periods in your career. Here is the top career advice for every decade of your life gathered by Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia (the company is also accessible at SE Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more): Teens Go for variety and review you opportunities. "To find a career later that you enjoy, be certain to try out as many different careers as you can," says Carole Stovall, president and CEO of SLSGlobal. Look for summer jobs, after school work, summer programs and internships. Todd Cherches of BigBlueGumball agrees. "Don't be afraid to try or to fail. That's what these years are meant for. Don't feel that any job is beneath you, because it's not. At this stage of your life, everything is a learning experience." 20's Today is the period to catch a job in the area where you'd love to engage in a career. "There are many things to consider, but the most important issues is to consider a job that you actually like, whether it is in your major or not," Stovall says. It's correspondingly a upright plan to begin forming your individuality. "Stop comparing yourself to your friends, especially the ones you went to college with," says Christine Sirois, a freelance journalist in her 20's. "Once you're in the job market, it's not a level playing field and comparing yourself to your friends is a recipe for feeling inadequate and unhappy. Instead, set goals and work at your own pace to achieve them." 30's At this period, you're reaching your pace, however you must continue being adaptable in an event something fresh and fascinating comes up, Cherches says. "You want to be working at what you are good at and what you like to do, an
Crooj Cropter

Important Things To Know Before Choosing Fast Loans For The Unemployed! - 0 views

    Naturally, it is a stressful situation when you are out of job or fired due to any reason. Working people usually lives on paycheck to paycheck and losing job suddenly put them in a really worrying state.
thomas lloyd

South-East Asia beginners: what you need to know By Ben Groundwater - 1 views

    It might start with Bali. That seems to be the entry point for many people into South-East Asia, their first taste of this incredible part of the world. You drink a few Bintangs, laugh at five people on a scooter, enjoy the food, get a little feel for the atmosphere - that mix of crazy and traditional, chaos and peace, commercialism and religion - and you're hooked. So for those wanting to extend their South-East Asian experience, to get more out of it than the Western enclaves of Kuta, this is your guide. First bit of advice: don't be afraid. You've probably heard some scams of dodgy goings on in South-East Asia, of protests in Thailand, of land mines in Cambodia, of scary roads in Vietnam and military juntas in Myanmar - but you're really not in that much danger. Don't, in general take minor complaints to the police as this will usually end up with you paying more than you have lost. While the chance of finding yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time does exist, in general South-East Asian countries are incredibly friendly places, and mostly quite safe. You'll be met with smiles rather than machine guns. You'll be treated with respect. If this is your first trip to South-East Asia, you're probably wondering where to go. Do you relax on a beach in Thailand? Or hit up Angkor Wat? Do you go island-hopping in Halong Bay? Or temple-hopping in Luang Prabang? It's a tough decision, but with a few weeks you can cover a lot of ground. Budget airlines mean it's possible to skip from place to place by air, to go from Hanoi to Siem Reap to Phuket to KL and Jakarta all in a regular-sized holiday from work. Of course this leaves little time for cultural immersion, but if your priority is to see the big attractions then you can do it all on a reasonable budget. Independent travel is simple in South-East Asia, with extensive networks of buses and trains which needn't be booked in advance. These buses and trains range from the comfortable to the hellish - t
Daphne Chinn

Westhill Consulting & Employment - Women in development: 18 tips for career success - 2 views

    The following is a collection of expert advice from our panel on the challenges and opportunities for women in development Ayse Cihan Sultanoglu, UN assistant secretary-general, New York, US. @csultanoglu To get to the top, don't be afraid of starting at the bottom: In building a career in development it is important that you experience living and working in developing countries. This could mean that you must be willing to do something that you had never really considered or something that is out of your comfort zone. Young women shouldn't be afraid of starting at the bottom. The problem is not at the top, but at middle management level: Not having women in top positions isn't the challenge or attracting women at entry levels also does not seem to be too difficult either but the lagging numbers of women in middle-management positions is the problem. Make sure you are adaptable: In any field, you need to renew yourself constantly, maybe more so in development. It is diverse, dynamic and constantly evolving because of its very nature so there is always room for innovation, learning and sharing. Jackie Asiimwe, country manager, Wellspring Advisers, Uganda. @asiimwe4justice Emotions make a leader authentic: Women are being branded as too emotional making it seem that emotions are a bad thing. In my own leadership journey, I have decided I will embrace my emotions because they are part of what makes me human and woman. Emotions are part of being an authentic leader. We cannot be clinical about leadership, Jackie Asiimwe said. Rushanara Ali, shadow minister for international development, London, UK. @rushanaraali We need anti-discrimination laws that are properly enforced: nowadays, anti-discrimination laws to protect women in the labor market and public institutions are very crucial in any society. If those laws are not properly enforced then too often women h
thomas lloyd

How to Manage Your Time - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    Many of us are not able to push our productivity efforts to the limit. We know we still have something to show and give in terms of our work but time always seems to run so fast. At the end of the day, we are left with a lot more on our plate than what we have hoped for. Westhill Consulting & Employment, a well-established online source for the best and the most suitable career tips have this list of pointers on how you can manage your time wisely: 1. Know Your Priorities You should know which ones are your top priority and the most important thing to finish first considering the given time frame of your task. If something looks like it will take less than two minutes - get it done straight away. But do not allow the smaller issues to delay working out the big problems, which will only get bigger while you spend time sorting out the smaller ones. 2. Plan Productively Use the most productive time of the day to your advantage. In a survey conducted to one of our partner companies in Jakarta, Indonesia, many employees consider the morning right after they arrived as the best time to work but there are also some people who would need to organize their thoughts first before they can dig in. Concentration level can change on the different times of the day. Decide when you feel most productive and use this time to tackle the big tasks. 3. Don't Be Afraid to Delegate It is not possible to do everything on your own. That is why there are different members of people in your team. You shouldn't be thinking of their complaints especially if you are in the position to give them their designated task. First decide if a set task can only be achieved by you; if not, transfer it to someone who is equally capable. 4. Keep Notes Notes can keep you organize. At the end of your day, you can list the things you need to do the next day so as not to forget anything. The next day, you can just review it and follow the written outli
abi ross

Virtual training could help adults with autism top job interviews - 1 views

A simulated training program helped adults with autism spectrum disorder improve their job interview skills and confidence in a small new study. Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia...

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Virtual training could help adults with autism top job interviews

started by abi ross on 26 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
Cheri Rickkets

How to cope up with stress - 7 views

Long ago I felt impelled to resign from a contract only to discover that the person causing my stress had resigned the prevous day and it was with immediate effect. Do not let grievances reach the ...

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment How to cope up with stress


A Review on Career and Life Lessons from Nelson Mandela - 6 views

People who are criticizing him are basically saying that when you are oppressed you should just take it.

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment A Review on Life Lessons from Nelson Mandela

wille oberg

Resume fails - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    Many people make at least one or two of these. Here resume fails, which are detailed further by Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. Padding: Better known as “lying.” Deceit is not ever a good idea. It’s not worth the humiliation and possible problem if you get caught. Things people usually lie about take in degrees, and previous titles and salary. Tell the truth or it’s a fraud. If you say you were a teacher in Jakarta, Indonesia when in fact you weren’t, you are making a big mistake. They have ways to confirm this. Zero keywords: Given that many companies use resume screening software, it’s a warning, if you don’t use the right keywords, beset precisely to the job in the question, it’s very probable that your resume will certainly not make it past the electronic gatekeeper to be seen by human eyes. Review the job description cautiously and ensure to take account of the proper keywords. Clichés: Don’t refer to yourself as “driven” or “innovative.” Likewise on the list of stereotyped terms are “expert,” “strategic,” and “organizational.” We all need a good thesaurus. Fortunately there are sites and apps for that. “Pore grammar:” What they mean is “typos” and the samples they give consist of “Dear Sir or Madman” and “Have a keen eye for detail.” Bad grammar and spelling is a detached subject and are not on the list, although they should be, since they are an enormous turnoff for employers. Actually, they are the first thing most say will get your resume thrown. They are split for the reason that a typo is
Nicolash Alves

Managing That Feared Interview Question - 1 views

Self-awareness can be the talent that keeps on giving. The scenario: you adore well-mannered small talk, you begin to relax and convey your story concerning why you are right person for the jo...

westhill consulting career and employment managing that feared interview question

started by Nicolash Alves on 16 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Andrea Paul

Things You Must Do Before Applying with Payday Loans! - 0 views

    These are some of the useful tips that help the applicant to make the right decision about applying with Payday Loans. So, keep the above tips in mind to choose the right ending partner.
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