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thomas lloyd

TEFL Job Opportunities - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    TEFL Job Opportunities Your employment opportunities are excellent Travel the world; experience a foreign culture; learn a new language; and improve the futures of many. This is your chance to make a difference. WesthillConsulting & Employment Australia would like to give a warning that the following information though interesting may be illegal. Please watch out for scams. EFL/ESL teachers are in high demand world-wide. You have peace of mind in knowing that if you are a native English speaker and hold a degree we can offer you a Guaranteed Teaching Position after successful completion of both our 4-week TEFL training course and a subsquent one month volunteer teaching assignment (Package B). If you don't have a degree and whether you opt for Package A or Package B your job prospects are still excellent. A TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate is one of the main qualifications required by learning institutions to teach EFL in a non-English speaking country, or ESL in an English speaking country. Wherever you decide to teach, your internationally recognised Island TEFL certificate will provide you with the credentials required to work as a TEFL teacher abroad or at home. It is worth keeping in mind that many schools are now not accepting online TEFL/TESL qualifications (unless there has been a practical teaching component included), or certificates from TEFL/TESL courses of less than 4 weeks duration. Some schools/institutes will also require a degree. TEFL teaching positions are available in government and public schools, colleges, universities, language schools, kindergartens, businesses, the tourism industry, as well as volunteering and one-to-one tutoring opportunities. Here is a list of some of the countries where your internationally recognised TEFL certificate can assist you to find TEFL teaching employment. (Please note we have tried to be as accurat
thomas lloyd

Southeast Asia Rig Market Challenge - 1 views

    By 25 active operators in Southeast Asia with 46 rigs, the contracting conditions have been challenging due to the collapse in crude oil prices while exploration and production spending have pressured both utilization and day rates in the region INTRODUCTIon Southeast Asia is rich with hydrocarbon resources. The region is made up of Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Jakarta Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. According to Shell, the Indonesia oil industry and what subsequently became Royal Dutch Shell are closely connected. Shell discovered commercial quantities of crude oil in Sumatra just over 100 years ago. Moreover, Shell was the first to bring a drilling rig to the region and the first to discover oil off of Brunei in 1958. Today there are about 25 operators active in Southeast Asia with 46 rigs (Jack Ups, Semis and Drillships) currently contracted. Forty one of the contracted rigs are drilling, and five are waiting on location or in shipyards. In addition to the rigs that are contracted in the region, there are eight cold stacked units, nine ready stacked units, and one unit in the shipyard without a contract for a total supply of 64 rigs. Thus, total utilization in the region is 72% and ready utilization is 84%. While indications are that Jack-Up Market fundamentals have begun to stabilize. Southeast Asia only has eight semisubmersibles actively drilling in its waters (one other is contracted but not currently working). Four are off Malaysia, two are off Vietnam, one is off the Jakarta Peninsula, and another is off Myanmar. However, the drilling Jack Up count is significantly higher at 31 (four others are contracted but not currently working). Malaysia has the highest Jack Up count at twelve, followed by Vietnam with seven, Thailand with five, Indonesia with four, Brunei Darussalam with two, and East Timor with one. There are also two Drill ships working in the region. one is off Malaysia and the other is of
thomas lloyd

Get Your Motorcycle License Before Coming to South East Asia - 1 views

      South East Asia is jammed with scooters and motorcycles. They are easily the most common form of transport in the region. They’re everywhere you look. In the cities, in t...

Westhill Consulting and Employment Get Your Motorcycle License Before Coming to South East Asia

started by thomas lloyd on 21 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
jake harry

The 15-Minute-a-Day Practice That Can Improve Your Career - 1 views

    It's the period to begin a writing habit if you're intrigued in a stress-free technique to get better at your job performance and improve your career. A study from Harvard Business School confirmed whether taking 15 minutes at the end of a work day to ponder on that day's work enhanced their performance and discovered the participants tasked with everyday written deliberation did 22.8 percent improved on an assessment compared to the control group. Westhill Consulting Career & Employment, world's largest free online jobs website which is funded by UK government however headquartered in Australia until it expanded and now almost every country is being served by the company, such as Jakarta Indonesia in SE Asia, Toronto in Canada, New York in the US and many more, put this 15-Minute-a-Day Habit and found it to be successful and less complaints on works performances were reported. But wouldn't internal reflection by itself be sufficient to boost performance? "My speculation would be that writing things down would be more beneficial as the act of writing imposes a discipline on us to stay focused," says paper co-author Brad Staats, an associate professor of operations at the University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School. Reflection forced people to process their days, find patterns and link actions. Some people might think the experiment focused on the successes of the day, but Staats says the parameters of the experiment when explained to the journaling employees didn't specify giving the reflections a positive or negative slant. "What we wanted was for them to reflect more on whatever they thought was most important from the day," Staats explains. "The positive/negative point is a great question, but not one we looked at here. In other research, Francesca and I have explored how individuals struggle to learn from failure, but when they acc
thomas lloyd

Enough is enough: Reasons to Give Up on Your Work - 1 views

    In a relationship, there are martyrs, the ones who still stick even when they are already hurt or in pain. There are also playboys and playgirl, the ones who jump from one partner to another. Same happens in your work and depending on your personality; you can either be a martyr or a playboy. According to previous articles written by Westhill Career and Employment, an Australian-based company centered on career development and professional etiquette, an average person is expected to change careers several time their lifetime. As pointed by a study conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia, 20-40 years old employees tend to jump from one job to another at least 5 times. one of the main reasons for the career change is that people often don't make informed decisions or may want to expand their horizons. Reviews on how to find a career right for you or on how to stay in your job are frequent. This information is crucial in each individual's growth. Making informed decision can certainly increase the likelihood that you can be satisfied with your job and ensure your tenure. Changing a career may be tough for so many people since they don't have that much reason to give up. But how will you know if you already have to leave? Here are some of the main pointers to know if you have already reached rock bottom in your career: 1. There is a big Change in your Life When you chose your career, your life may have been different than it is today. Unless
thomas lloyd

Seizing opportunities for South East Asia's oil and gas industry - 1 views

  • Since 2010, South-East Asia has consolidated its position as an important contributor to the global downstream market with Petronas' recent announcement of its plan to build the new RAPID facility in Malaysia one further example of the region's growing importance. In reality the timing couldn't be better - as populations across Asia continue to grow, the demand for fuel will grow exponentially, offering oil & gas operators a real opportunity to make a significant contribution to the region's continued economic development. However, with this growing demand comes additional pressures, and with the sector still vulnerable to fluctuating oil prices, operators can ill-afford to rest on their laurels. The need to ensure their operations are as productive as possible and that cost inefficiencies are stripped out from the very outset, is arguably more important than ever before. Minimizing operational costs When it comes to new projects oil & gas operators have traditionally been good at minimizing their CAPEX spend. However, there has been much less focus given to limiting the cost of operation of their assets. With maintenance costs typically responsible for 20-30% of the overall OPEX expenditure, this is one area where the downstream sector in South-East Asia is increasingly focusing its attention. According to some analysts the costs incurred across the globe in maintaining the next generation of oil & gas assets could equate to $0.75 trillion highlighting the scale of the prize that could be on offer here. For a typical refinery the operational expenditure is principally dictated by three prime factors: the quantum of work carried out on the asset, the efficiency at which it can be delivered and the agreed cost rate of the resource used. In each instance there is an opportunity to significantly reduce cost outlay by focusing on a range of inter
Earl Morrison

Habits to be a better mentor - 1 views


westhill consulting career and employment Review habits to be a better mentor

started by Earl Morrison on 13 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

A Review on Career and Life Lessons from Nelson Mandela - 6 views

People who are criticizing him are basically saying that when you are oppressed you should just take it.

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment A Review on Life Lessons from Nelson Mandela

thomas lloyd

South-East Asia beginners: what you need to know By Ben Groundwater - 1 views

    It might start with Bali. That seems to be the entry point for many people into South-East Asia, their first taste of this incredible part of the world. You drink a few Bintangs, laugh at five people on a scooter, enjoy the food, get a little feel for the atmosphere - that mix of crazy and traditional, chaos and peace, commercialism and religion - and you're hooked. So for those wanting to extend their South-East Asian experience, to get more out of it than the Western enclaves of Kuta, this is your guide. First bit of advice: don't be afraid. You've probably heard some scams of dodgy goings on in South-East Asia, of protests in Thailand, of land mines in Cambodia, of scary roads in Vietnam and military juntas in Myanmar - but you're really not in that much danger. Don't, in general take minor complaints to the police as this will usually end up with you paying more than you have lost. While the chance of finding yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time does exist, in general South-East Asian countries are incredibly friendly places, and mostly quite safe. You'll be met with smiles rather than machine guns. You'll be treated with respect. If this is your first trip to South-East Asia, you're probably wondering where to go. Do you relax on a beach in Thailand? Or hit up Angkor Wat? Do you go island-hopping in Halong Bay? Or temple-hopping in Luang Prabang? It's a tough decision, but with a few weeks you can cover a lot of ground. Budget airlines mean it's possible to skip from place to place by air, to go from Hanoi to Siem Reap to Phuket to KL and Jakarta all in a regular-sized holiday from work. Of course this leaves little time for cultural immersion, but if your priority is to see the big attractions then you can do it all on a reasonable budget. Independent travel is simple in South-East Asia, with extensive networks of buses and trains which needn't be booked in advance. These buses and trains range from the comfortable to the hellish - t

Office Bullying Is Damaging Workers beyond All Demographics - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    Many people perhaps consider bullies as permanently angry teens insisting lunch money and carrying swirlies. However playgrounds and school hallways aren't the lone places where violent behavior, threats, gossip, and rejection are used to oppress people and affirm power. Warning! Bullying is very damaging than we may know says, Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. This holds true by a study from CareerBuilder shows that bullying is alive and well in offices across America. The study, which incorporated more than 3,300 employees thru industries and company sizes, demonstrates that 28 percent of employees answer they've felt bullied at the office at some time in their career, and of those employees, 19 percent said the bullying initiated them to leave their job. Who are the victims and why aren’t they filling complaints? In general, women are more expected to have felt bullied, with 34 percent stating they've been victim to workplace bullying at some stage in their career matched to 22 percent of men. Furthermore, 30 percent of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) workers testified being the victims of bullying at work, while there are 44 percent of physically disabled workers. The study furthermore discovered that 27 percent of African American workers and 25 percent of Hispanic workers have suffered from bullying on the job, as compare to 24 percent of Caucasian males. Not counting workers from Asian countries such as KL Malaysia, Jakarta Indonesia, Beijing China and many more. "one of the most surprising takeaways from the study was that bullying impacts workers of all backgrounds
julien west

Why Focusing On Your Career In High School Will Pay Dividends Later - 1 views

    Looking back at my career, I’m always thankful that my parents pushing me to get an internship in high school. That single experience has a lot to do with how I got to where I a...

Why Focusing On Your Career In High School Will Pay Dividends Later

started by julien west on 10 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
Daphne Chinn

Britain on track at last as employment rises - 1 views

    Base from official figures, Britain is finally "on track" to recover from the economic crisis with employment back at the same level as in 2008. The economy grew by 0.6 per cent between April and June despite earlier speculation that there may have been a renewed recession. This has been followed by another rise earlier in the year. There are optimistic signs of growth with employment and the number of hours worked returning to pre-crisis levels, ending a five-year slump. But, in totality the size of the economy is still way smaller than previous to the crisis and politicians were last night eager to stress that Britain still faces years of austerity and improbability before it will have fully recovered. George Osborne, the Chancellor, said that the country was "on the mend" as he prepared to make improving the economy his key message at the next general election. "The figures are better than forecast," Mr Osborne said. "Britain is holding its nerve. We are sticking to our economic plan. "Britain is on the mend, but we've got to stick with the plan because there's still a long way to go." David Cameron, who went on his annual summer holiday, added: "We are on the right track - building an economy for hard-working people." Nonetheless, senior politicians also gave warning to people "not to get carried away"and stressed that ministers were not complacent. Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, said that he would not be prepared to declare that the economy had recovered before there had been another "two or three years" of strong growth. Neil Bentley, the deputy director-general of the CBI, said that the figures confirmed that Britain was on the road to recovery although there were likely to be "a few bumps ahead". "Underlying conditions are quite weak as consumers are still saddled with debt and despite the global economy picking up, the potential for getting knocked off course remains," he said. According to the O
nathan hall

Career Branding Tools for Job-Seekers - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    LinkedIn profile. You must have a profile on LinkedIn no matter if you are a professional -- or an aspiring professional --, a business-oriented networking site that be made up of millions of skilled professionals from everywhere in the world, on behalf of hundreds of industries from more than 200 countries. When you enter, you can make a profile that can work as both a resume and an introduction to your career brand. once your profile is finished, you then build networks with other members, getting acquaint with to new people via the people in your network. Personal Website. No matter where you are in the world, such as Jakarta Indonesia in SE Asia, Florida in USA, or maybe Sydney in Australia. one of the greatest ways to build and promote your career brand is by developing a professional Website that presents your key accomplishments. At a least, you must buy a domain name based on your and publish your resume. Even well, advertise your career portfolio, content-rich articles, and other keyword-filled resources that will lead potential employers searching for someone with your qualifications straight to your site. Read more in my article at Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. Twitter account.Each day, more and more individuals and businesses are tweeting information, ideas, links, and more -- all in fewer than 140 characters per tweet (message). Twitter, a networking and micro-blogging site, enables people to connect and communicate -- developing both a following of people as well as following the tweets of others. Tweeting key information, resources, and other professional advice -- while building a following -- is a very easy way to build your career brand. Professional blog. If you are a decent writer and can commit to writing regularly, creating a professional blog is a great tool for building your career brand where employers can review y
thomas lloyd

Get Ahead - 1 views

    Who would not want a promotion among us? I am sure than anyone of us would want to get ahead of others in a healthy competition. Westhill Consulting and Employment, an Australian based employment consulting company recognizes these needs. Workers seeking to get ahead in their careers need to rely less on their talent and their experience and more on personal brand and relationship with their boss, especially in cities of developed and developing countries like America, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tokyo, Japan and Singapore which focus on their employees for economic development. 1. Diligence - If you want to get ahead, you need to take on projects outside of your job description. If you see a new opportunity that your company could take advantage of, or you see something that can be improved, come up with a solution. Review, do research, develop a presentation outlining the opportunity, and present it to your management. Before you engage in any entrepreneurial initiatives, of course, you have to master your current role and prove yourself - because no one will invest in you unless they trust you first. 2. Engage in activities outside of the office. - Extra outside projects and roles and learning opportunities can enhance their reputation at work. You can join professional organizations and social groups to expand both your network and knowledge of your industry and profession. 3. Think twice before you friend your manager on Facebook. - Most managers don't want to add their employees as contacts because they want to separate their personal and professional lives. Before you decide to friend them, think about the type of relationship you have with them and ask them what their comfort level is. You might have a lot of complaints filed at you when you cross the line. If you tend to share personal matters with your manager at the office, they would probably be more inclined to have the same relationship o
Daphne Chinn

Westhill Consulting & Employment - Women in development: 18 tips for career success - 2 views

    The following is a collection of expert advice from our panel on the challenges and opportunities for women in development Ayse Cihan Sultanoglu, UN assistant secretary-general, New York, US. @csultanoglu To get to the top, don't be afraid of starting at the bottom: In building a career in development it is important that you experience living and working in developing countries. This could mean that you must be willing to do something that you had never really considered or something that is out of your comfort zone. Young women shouldn't be afraid of starting at the bottom. The problem is not at the top, but at middle management level: Not having women in top positions isn't the challenge or attracting women at entry levels also does not seem to be too difficult either but the lagging numbers of women in middle-management positions is the problem. Make sure you are adaptable: In any field, you need to renew yourself constantly, maybe more so in development. It is diverse, dynamic and constantly evolving because of its very nature so there is always room for innovation, learning and sharing. Jackie Asiimwe, country manager, Wellspring Advisers, Uganda. @asiimwe4justice Emotions make a leader authentic: Women are being branded as too emotional making it seem that emotions are a bad thing. In my own leadership journey, I have decided I will embrace my emotions because they are part of what makes me human and woman. Emotions are part of being an authentic leader. We cannot be clinical about leadership, Jackie Asiimwe said. Rushanara Ali, shadow minister for international development, London, UK. @rushanaraali We need anti-discrimination laws that are properly enforced: nowadays, anti-discrimination laws to protect women in the labor market and public institutions are very crucial in any society. If those laws are not properly enforced then too often women h
thomas lloyd

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Tips: Teaching English abroad "Under the Table" Without a Work Visa - What Does it Mean? - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 0 views

    Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Tips: Teaching English abroad "Under the Table" Without a Work Visa - What Does it Mean? There are thousands of Americans teaching English abroad in dozens of countries around the globe likeBangkok in Thailand, Jakarta in Indonesia, KL in Malaysia or Beijing in China. What do 90% of them have in common? In addition to enjoying the international adventure of a lifetime,they are teaching English "under the table." In other words they are not legally working in those countries with a work visa. This is commonplace, even routine, in dozens of countries around the world, but it is not technically legal. The first matter is to understand that there are different types of visas that you will use to teach English abroad and that regulations vary from country to country. Please refer to our article, "What is a visa and do I need a visa to teach English abroad?" source: What does it mean to teach English abroad "under the table," without a work visa? Typically the following:  You don't have official permission to work in that country.  You are officially working illegally.  You probably entered the country where you are teaching on a tourist visa (in many countries a tourist visa will enable you to stay legally in the country for 90 days) and in many cases, you will stay on and teach English on a tourist visa that has expired or lapsed (this will be the case in countries like Italy and Spain where tourist visas cannot typically be renewed). In such cases, you are not only working illegally, but you do not have a valid visa to legally be in that country either.  In other cases, such as Argentina, you canrenew your tourist visa or get a new one before your original visa expires (example day 85 of your 90 day visa), often by leaving and re-entering t

Foreign investors wait to see who will be president in Indonesia - 6 views

Now the presidential election is a forgone conclusion. Now the questions remaining are who will be the other candidates and will PDIP form a kind of Grand coalition with a landslide majority of seats?

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Foreign investors wait to see who will be president in Indonesia

Lahh Fang

Westhill Consulting & Employment How to Give Yourself the Best Possible Chance of Landing A Job - 1 views

    Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 3 years, you'll know that job hunting is tough. In fact, in general the world of employment is rocky and is something that has affected people massively over the past couple of years. With people being made redundant, companies cutting back on new intake and less opportunities being made available, people are stuck. This has resulted in massive numbers of people applying for vacancies when they do become available - which means that the recruitment process is tougher than ever! Does this mean you need to be stuck in a job you hate or living a life on benefits? Not at all. It means you need to be inventive, organized and well informed on the ways of recruitment, to give yourself the best possible chance of being given any job that you apply for. Keep At It It can be disheartening when you're looking for a job and nothing seems to come up of. The first thing to remember is that climbing a career ladder is tough and you'll be up against some stiff competition. Companies can only see a limited number of people during their recruitment process so are often very picky when it comes to who gets to the interview stage. You need to bear this in mind and don't give up when it seems like you're just not getting anywhere at all. Instead make sure that you look in different places for job adverts and keep applying for any that peak your interest. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket and apply for one job at a time - get your application out there to as many companies as possible in order to give yourself the best possible chance of being successful. Think Outside The Box Sometimes you need to take the initiative and contact a company, even if they aren't advertising jobs. It's not recommended that you simply spam every company in your local area with letters, but if there is a company that you would love to work for - why not let them know? Companies generally like people that are passionate ab
thomas lloyd

7 Tips to Revamp Your Job Search for 2014 - 1 views

  • Experts foresee the job market being more competitive than ever in 2014. With 10.9 million Americans unemployed, it is important to take a fresh look at your job search strategy. Now is the perfect time to develop an effective plan for success. How can you set yourself apart from the competition and position yourself for finding the best next step in your career? Here are seven tips to help you refresh and refocus your job search in 2014: 1. Don't be a copycat candidate. Job searches are a very personal experience and one-size-fits-all strategies will not help you stand out among the competition. Even though a certain interview tactic or style was successful for one candidate doesn't mean it is the best strategy for you. Take into consideration your personal experiences, preferences and career goals and use them to position yourself as a unique candidate. 2. Learn to look at job titles differently. Be open-minded about your preconceived notions of job titles. Roles in compliance, human resource, or administration, for example, are often perceived as being boring, career-limiting or otherwise undesirable. Such preconceptions, however, about the scope, strategic importance and long-term potential of these positions are not always true in today's market. In many cases I've seen, these jobs offer exceptional opportunity for influential and attractive long-term careers. 3. First impressions are everywhere. With 92% of employers using social media in the hiring process, the content of your social profile forms an employer's first impression before you even sit down with for an interview. You should take special consideration to job-proof your social media profiles. For example, use a picture that represents you as a professional. Don't rely on privacy settings to keep your personal information safe. Your best bet is to assume everything will be seen by a potential emplo
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