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thomas lloyd

Top 10 Job Search Tips - 1 views

  • Is your job search off to a slow start or getting stuck? Here are some quick time-saving job search tips that will help your hunt for a new job go smoothly. Be Prepared. Have a voice mail system in place and sign-up for a professional sounding email address. Consider getting a separate email account to use for your job search, so you can stay organized. Put your cell phone number on your resume so you can follow up in a timely manner. This job search toolkit will help you get everything you need set for your job search. Westhill Consulting & Employment Australia has some good tips for finding work in countries such as KL Malaysia, Jakarta Indonesia, Beijing China, Bangkok Thailand and many more. Be More Than Prepared. Always have an up-to-dateresume ready to send - even if you are not currently looking for work. You never know when an opportunity that is too good to pass up might come along. If you're not on LinkedIn yet, create a LinkedIn and start making connections who can help you job search. Don't Wait. If you are laid-off, file for unemployment benefits right away. You will most likely be able to file online or by phone. Waiting could delay your benefits check. Get Help. Utilize free or inexpensive services that provide career counseling and job search assistance such as college career offices, state Department of Labor offices or your local public library. Many libraries provide workshops, programs, classes, computers and printers you can use, and other resources to help you with your job search. Here's more on getting job search help at the library. Create Your Own Templates. Have copies of your resume and cover letter ready to edit. That way you can change the content to match the requirements of the job you're applying for, but, the contact information and your opening and closing paragraphs won't need to be changed. Microsoft Word users can download free templates for re
thomas lloyd

Techniques to be Very Successful at Your Performance Review - Westhill Consulting Employment & Career Builder - 1 views

    Performance reviews are nerve-racking for everybody concerned. Managers do not pleasure evaluating their employees, and staff members seldom relish the extra inspection. Augment into the reckoning that promotions and bonuses can center on these reviews, and it's not a shock reactions can course high when review time starts. Preparation is the secret to being successful in reviews as easy as possible and by this you can avoid complaints against yourself. Whether you're anticipating a painstakingly optimistic review or an undeniably terrible one, there are points you can do prior or while the meeting to aid it go more effortlessly and to leave with your dignity and job definitely intact. Shape a praise file from day one (or start one now) In the condition that your company does reviews only once a year, it can truly extend your recall to contemplate of all the jobs you worked on ever since your previous evaluation. Maintaining an email folder, computer file or document of all you worked on will benefit you to ensure nothing falls from the cracks. You should have a warning to yourself so that you will be always ready. "As soon as a deal or initiative is completed successfully, employees should maintain details of their contribution in a 'kudos file,'" advises Tatum Soo Kim, director of advising and student services at New York University. "The kudos file is a self-maintained record of achievements and impact. Impact should be supported with hard evidence such as quantitative data, internal reports, public record or even the boss's previous feedback." Have the right attitude Decide before your meeting that you won't just "weather the storm" and get it over with as soon as possible. Instead, you should view this as a chance to bring attention to accomplishments your boss may not have noticed, says Mat Durham, director of Skyblu, a Web design company based in Worcester, U.K. Durham says there are two other po
Sulejman Mihevec


  • Contact Person: Thomas Lloyd FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Telephone Number: 62212529912 Email: WESTHILL CONSULTING AND EMPLOYMENT OFFERS ONLINE CAREER CONSULTANTS Career consultants are now made easier to reach as Westhill Consulting and Employment is offering their service online Are you looking for your first job or simply looking for a new one? Do you struggle in creating your resume or honing your interview skills? This transition may be hard, you might find yourself lost and confused on where and how to start. Westhill Consulting and Employment has made it easier for you, as they are now offering their service online. The Westhill Consulting and Employment offers personalized consulting to help you succeed, wherever you may be in your career and in the convenience of your own home or wherever you may be. Westhill's qualified career counseling will assist you to recognize and successfully take the decisive steps in your professional career. For more of this info you can visit
thomas lloyd

Starting your Career in mid-20s - 2 views

    Once you graduate college, you are expected to find a job as soon as possible. Competition during this time is very fierce. Westhill Consulting and Employment has encountered so many eager new graduates who always ask for advice on how to make it through a very challenging real world. We have gathered a lot of responses from different twenty-ish individuals in Singapore, Ghana, Africa, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tokyo, Japan and Illinois, USA to know how they have faced the challenge in their own culture and values. The following are general guidelines that can help anybody in their work adventure. * Always show gratitude. If someone has done you a good turn, take a moment to express genuine gratitude by mail, email, text, or a few words and smile. It's a gracious way to live. As old-fashioned as it seems, mailing a hand-written card to a potential employer or dinner party host leaves a lasting impression. * Remember this, too, shall pass. Never be early to burst out your complaints. Whether you're riding high on good fortune or you're wallowing in the dumps of tough times, things move on and so will you. Be grateful when things are good. And be grateful for the things that are good when other things are crumbling around you. * ever expect someone else to advocate for your best interest or to navigate major life decisions. While there are people who will want to help you, you know yourself and what you need best. Take whatever time you need to review, to research, to learn and to create your best options. From great options, make good decisions. * Maintain your professional reputation. Avoid burning bridges with those you've worked with. If anything, invest a little time to continue cultivating your past relationships with colleagues. You never know when you might cross paths
thomas lloyd

Master Bahasa Indonesia and shun from scam while living as an expatriate in the country - 1 views

    Living as an expatriate in a foreign country is certainly not easy. There are different things to confront, some of which could show to be stumbling blocks, like bureaucracy, cultural differences, and local habits and, in particular, communicating. Even though some Indonesian workers understand and speak Basic English, it would be better to learn and understand Bahasa Indonesia, particularly when you deal with locals in your work on a daily basis. Begin with basic phrases, like "selamat pagi" (good morning), "terima kasih" (thank you), "maaf" (sorry) and "tolong" (please help), and how to request for directions and about prices, etc. Here are some habits to master the Indonesian language. Self-taught Bahasa Indonesia is believed to be an easy language to learn, and you can just learn it by yourself. You can purchase a dictionary or do-it-yourself books at major bookstores in Jakarta, like Gramedia or Kinokuniya. If going to a bookstore is too time-consuming or costly, you could learn by accessing websites like Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia. Take a course Joining in a class is helpful, since a course teaches not only how to speak Indonesian but then again they can also teach you about Indonesian culture, which will give you more self-reliance when chatting with Indonesians. This is likewise a great help so that you will be able to avoid deceit or scam. A sample school you can enroll to is AIM for English is one place that offers classes for expatriates. The institution is located at Jl. Padang 5C, Manggarai, South Jakarta, phone (021) 8385238, email There is also the Jakarta Communication Club at Jl. Cipaku II 27, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, phone: (021) 7203966, (021) 72791829 or visit for more info. Broaden your
thomas lloyd

Here are the reasons why you are tired all the time - 1 views

    According to New York clinical psychologist Michele Berdy, whose clientele includes many in their 50s and 60s "Exhaustion is the expression not just of a lack of sleep, but a much more profound underlying response to the conditions in which we live." Westhill Consulting & Employment is based in Australia, a well-established career tips and information for Ozzie's website that specializes in providing information, advice and guidance to help people make realistic choices about finding work in South East Asia such as KL Malaysia, Bangkok Thailand, Jakarta Indonesia and many more, will share you these reasons why you always feel tired at work all the time. Running At Full Tilt Economics and technology enhance the exhaustion cocktail. Whereas one's 50s and 60s were supposedly a time to slow down since they are heading toward retirement, today's boomers are usually still in high gear working and achieving, on occasion playing catch-up to replenish retirement funds after being laid off or taking a financial hit. This feeling of having to defeat the clock, so to speak, has trained them to a 24/7 work life. "It's not unusual for people to feel like they have to be available to work at all times through smartphones, texting and email," says Berdy. "That creates a sense that work is not bounded, which means leisure is always poor. There is never a sense of fully being on your own time." Warning! Numerous boomers who came of age with a profound sense of idealism and possibilities see today's world - with its economic realities, unwelcoming job market and even global terrorism - and answer back by feeling tired, an existential tiredness. For more information: Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Asia, Hong Kong, Jakarta Review
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