For this project, we were not sure if any fabric would work at all for any sort of filtration so we decided that our best bet would be to try as many different types of fabric as possible, both in what material they were made out of and in how the fabric was made (woven, knitted, etc.).
This article states that a good majority of the county lives in rural areas. Any filtration system that we might build will have to be small, cheap, and accessible so that it will be effective for the people there.
Turbid water sources deemed unfit for drinking by individuals in Busia, Kenya, ranged from 10.5 to 87.0 NTU for 10 open water sources (CDC report to IPA, 2006).This site Talks about how nephelometric turbidity units or NTU. it tells you how many NTU is in different water sources. The main thing it talks about is how many NTU is unfit for drinking in 3rd world countries.
Source water may contain turbidity (muddiness), particles, and organic material. Federal and state laws require all surface water systems and systems under the influence of surface water to filter their water. The primary water treatment technology uses filtration techniques. Filtration is the removal of particulates, and thus some contaminants, by water flowing through a porous medium.
In Kenya, people place great importance on family and traditional values, and often live with extended family. Many of the lower class people live in mud huts with thatched roofs. The people there are known for being fast and efficient runners.