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kbr substrate - 0 views

    Boost Your Optics Game with OST Photonics: Trusted Manufacturer & Supplier of KBr Crystal Substrates. Unlock Next-Level Precision with Potassium Bromide Substrate and Single Crystal Substrates!

OST Photonics GSGG Substrates - 0 views

    OST Photonics GSGG Substrates GGG (12.373Å) has a similar lattice constant of YIG (12.376Å), it is widely used as the substrate material of YIG magneto-optical thin film. However, in order to improve the magneto-optical optimum value of magneto-optical thin film, sometimes it is necessary to select a single crystal substrate with a larger lattice constant. GSGG (12.554Å) is that the 2 Ga of the octahedron in the GGG crystal are replaced by Sc with a larger ionic radius, thus having a larger lattice constant.

sapphire substrates - 0 views

    Sappire (as known as white sappire, molecular formula Al2O3) single crystal is an excellent multifunctional material. It has high temperature resistance, good thermal conductivity, high hardness, infrared transmission and good chemical stability. It is widely used in many fields of industry, national defense and scientific research (such as high-temperature infrared windows, etc.). At the same time, it is also a widely used single crystal substrate material, and it is the first choice for the blue, violet, and white light emitting diode (LED) and blue laser (LD) industries. And it is also an important superconducting film substrate. In addition to making Y-series, La-series and other high-temperature superconducting films, it can also be used to grow new practical MgB2 superconducting films.

litao3 crystal - 0 views

    OST Photonics LiTaO3 Crystal Substrates The chemical formula of lithium tantalate is LiTaO3, lithium tantalate crystal is colorless or yellowish crystal. LiTaO3 crystal is a ferroelectric crystal with excellent electro-optical, piezoelectric, electrical and pyroelectric properties. Use the pulling method to grow. The lithium tantalate crystal is used as a Q-switch in laser technology, as a pyroelectric detector in infrared technology, and can also be used to make filters and resonators.
Intesab Husain

Pallet shrinking hot air blower | polyethylene film heat shrink gun | Film Shrink Gun - 0 views

    Hot Air Gun for Pallet Shrinking Large objects, boats, container pallets need to be weather proofed using shrinkable polyethylene films. The airflow for these applications are very crucial to generate an even shrink across the large surface area of the substrate covering the object.

Lithium Niobate Wafers: A Comprehensive Overview by OST Photonics - 1 views

    Introduction of LiNbO3 Wafers Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) is a crystal material that Ost Photonics utilizes to create wafers for photonic, piezoelectric, and electro-optic applications. These lithium niobate wafers, known for their high refractive index, piezoelectric properties, and nonlinear optical response, are integral to a wide range of applications, including telecommunications, sensing, and computing.
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