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kunlexy joseph


LIBERTY RESERVE MONEY MAKING SECRET EXPOSED!!! LEARN SOME SECRET ON HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE... The Latest Money Making System To Generate $32,000 Monthly Into Your LR Account! Welcome To Liberty...

make money

started by kunlexy joseph on 11 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Dan Sherman

Online Summer Math Programs - proven to reverse summer learning loss - 2 views

Research shows that most students lose more than 2 months of math skills over the summer. TenMarks summer math programs for grades 3-high school are a great way to reverse the summer learning loss...

TenMarks Summer Math Programs Learning Loss Online Web 2.0 Interactive Slide Worksheet Structured Review Master

started by Dan Sherman on 29 Jun 11 no follow-up yet

برنامج مكافح المالاوير أشامبو أنتي مالاوير Ashampoo Anti-Malware 1.02 + keyge... - 0 views

    " برنامج رائع جدا يوفر لك حماية من الفيروسات والمالاوير المشهور مع تقنيات ومميزات تفوق كل تصور كود: he all-in-one solution: Anti-Spyware and Anti-Virus for maximal protection! The official successor of Ashampoo AntiSpyWare and Ashampoo AntiVirus has been developed from scratch and combines the best of both technologies all in one solution. The comprehensive security solution protects your PC and your data from external threats and blocks viruses, worms, malware, rootkits, bots, spyware and adware efficiently without putting so much as a strain on your computer's performance. In addition, the software offers a variety of security tools (e.g. File Wiper, Internet Cleaner, Startup Tuner etc.) based on our price winning Ashampoo WinOptimizer series. Thanks to its innovative design and intuitive GUI, Ashampoo Anti-Malware is very easy to operate. An unprotected computer is virtually an open invitation for cyber criminals, whose numbersrun in the thousands on the Internet today, and can easily cause considerable damage for average users. This is why we developed Ashampoo Anti-Malware for you. Consider yourself on the safe side with state-of-the-art technology in the field of computer security. Ashampoo Anti-Malware comes with two scanners (anti-spyware and anti-virus) of renown software producers and therefore ensures your pc's protection from online and offline threats alike. By integrating both engines in one program, the scan time is reduced significantly in comparison to two separately operating programs. Furthermore, Ashampoo Anti-Malware offers a signature check, during which a program is being checked for known malware prior to each program launch (protection from over 3.000.000 current threats from the web and daily updates of the latest signatures), next to a heuristic analysis, enabling for unknown malware to be detected a

حزمة الجافا الجديدة Sun Java SE Runtime Environment 6.0 Update 18 - منتديات ي... - 0 views

    "Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) software is the premier platform for rapidly developing and deploying secure, portable applications that run on server and desktop systems spanning most operating systems. J2SE 6.0 is a significant release including many new features and updates while preserving compatibility and The development of J2SE 6.0 was led by Sun and progressed following the Java Community Process (JCP) to include input from a variety of constituents. Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D. These applications, written in the Java programming language and access from your browse, are called "applets". Corporations also use Java applets for intranet applications and other e-business solutions. Java technology was created as a computer programming tool in a small, secret effort called "the Green Project" at Sun Microsystems in 1991. As it turns out, the Internet was ready for Java technology, and just in time for its initial public introduction in 1995, the team was able to announce that the Netscape Navigator internet browser would incorporate Java technology. Now, the Java platform has attracted over 5 million software developers, worldwide use in every major industry segment, and a presence in a wide range of devices, computers, and networks of any programming technology. Today, you can find Java technology in networks and devices that range from the Internet and scientific supercomputers to laptops and cell phones, from Wall Street market simulators to home game players and credit cards -- just about everywhere. The best way to preview these applications is to explore, the ultimate showcase, and central information resource for businesses, consumers, and software developers who use Java technology. Key features: * Write software on one platform and run it on practically any other platform

Buy Square Accounts - 100% Safe Usa Uk Ca ... - 0 views

    Buy Square Accounts Introduction The new method of managing your finances is Square Accounts. You can view all of your finances in one location thanks to our personal financial tool. Give Square Accounts a try if you're seeking for a better method to manage your money. It might enable you to make financial gains and save money. Why You Should Buy Square Accounts ? There are various justifications for purchasing a Square account. First of all, it is a trustworthy and simple-to-use platform that may assist you in managing your company's money and accepting payments. Second, a variety of services and connections that Square offers, such its inventory management system, business data, and customer interaction tools, can help your company. Third, Square is a reputable company with a long history that offers top-notch customer service. Using Square can also help you avoid paying transaction fees and other fees associated with processing credit cards. Buy Square Accounts How does Square Accounts work? Small businesses can manage their money using Square Accounts, a cloud-based accounting program. With a focus on assisting businesses in tracking their income and expenses, the program is created to be straightforward and simple to use. A few of the functions that Square Accounts offers are invoicing, tracking sales and spending, and producing financial reports. Buy Square Accounts Due to Square Accounts' subscription-based model, companies must pay a monthly or yearly charge to access the program. Both a free and a premium version of the software are offered, with the paid version including more features and support. What are the benefits of using Square Accounts? You can utilize the profile you create for your company when you create a Square account to accept credit and debit card payments. With a Square account, it's simple to track and manage your funds as well as collect payments from clients. Utilizing Square Accounts for your company has a number of advan
    Buy Square Accounts Introduction The new method of managing your finances is Square Accounts. You can view all of your finances in one location thanks to our personal financial tool. Give Square Accounts a try if you're seeking for a better method to manage your money. It might enable you to make financial gains and save money. Why You Should Buy Square Accounts ? There are various justifications for purchasing a Square account. First of all, it is a trustworthy and simple-to-use platform that may assist you in managing your company's money and accepting payments. Second, a variety of services and connections that Square offers, such its inventory management system, business data, and customer interaction tools, can help your company. Third, Square is a reputable company with a long history that offers top-notch customer service. Using Square can also help you avoid paying transaction fees and other fees associated with processing credit cards. Buy Square Accounts How does Square Accounts work? Small businesses can manage their money using Square Accounts, a cloud-based accounting program. With a focus on assisting businesses in tracking their income and expenses, the program is created to be straightforward and simple to use. A few of the functions that Square Accounts offers are invoicing, tracking sales and spending, and producing financial reports. Buy Square Accounts Due to Square Accounts' subscription-based model, companies must pay a monthly or yearly charge to access the program. Both a free and a premium version of the software are offered, with the paid version including more features and support. What are the benefits of using Square Accounts? You can utilize the profile you create for your company when you create a Square account to accept credit and debit card payments. With a Square account, it's simple to track and manage your funds as well as collect payments from clients. Utilizing Square Accounts for your company has a number of advan
Bernadette Harris

BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin - 56 views

    That is really cool! I'm not sure how to access it and use it with my classes, though....
    The latest news in the world has ever seen. Recent and into atoms. Now present with us. Actual and reliable....NEWS TODAY
    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most proven and systematic way to understand, how your subconscious is presently programed for current level of success. You learn to consciously de-code these programs,so that you can re-code and put newly coded superior programs in your neurology to unleash the personal power and attain anew level of Outstanding Success - Get the Best in you.
Reynold Redekopp

15 Free Online Portfolio Hosting Sites - 70 views

    A free consultation to discuss the basics of potential financial needs is a great way to get an idea about the suitability of home loan lenders and what they can contribute to the process of securing financing At
    The latest news in the world has ever seen. Recent and into atoms. Now present with us. Actual and reliable....NEWS TODAY
    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most proven and systematic way to understand, how your subconscious is presently programed for current level of success. You learn to consciously de-code these programs,so that you can re-code and put newly coded superior programs in your neurology to unleash the personal power and attain anew level of Outstanding Success - Get the Best in you.
Reynold Redekopp

How to create an interactive iPad app prototype in 30 minutes using keynote or PowerPoi... - 64 views

    The latest news in the world has ever seen. Recent and into atoms. Now present with us. Actual and reliable....NEWS TODAY
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most proven and systematic way to understand, how your subconscious is presently programed for current level of success. You learn to consciously de-code these programs,so that you can re-code and put newly coded superior programs in your neurology to unleash the personal power and attain anew level of Outstanding Success - Get the Best in you.
Isabelle Jones

My Languages: ICT and Languages Conference, 25-26th February 2012, University of Southa... - 21 views

    The latest news in the world has ever seen. Recent and into atoms. Now present with us. Actual and reliable....NEWS TODAY
    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most proven and systematic way to understand, how your subconscious is presently programed for current level of success. You learn to consciously de-code these programs,so that you can re-code and put newly coded superior programs in your neurology to unleash the personal power and attain anew level of Outstanding Success - Get the Best in you.
Mirage Marketing

Neuro-linguistic programming, nlp training - 1 views

    NLP is the most proven and systematic way to understand, how your subconscious is presently programed for current level of success. You learn to consciously de-code these programs,so that you can re-code and put newly coded superior programs in your neurology to unleash the personal power andattain anew level of Outstanding Success - Get the Best in you.
Walco Solutions

Training & Placement Programs Industrial Automation Training - 0 views

shared by Walco Solutions on 12 Jun 15 - No Cached
    Walco Solutions offers Automation & embedded internships program. The internship program provides practical work experience and an introduction to Automation and Embedded systems for the college students under the guidance of senior walco solutions engineers. +91 8129981111
Deborah Dickerson

Khan Academy - 42 views

  • Learn almost anything for free. With a library of over 4,000 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace. We are a donor-supported not-for-profit and would not be possible without the generous support of users everywhere. In particular, we'd like to thank The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Ann & John Doerr, the O'Sullivan Foundation, Reed Hastings, Google, and the Windsong Trust for their strong support of our mission.
    Fantastic subject resource site
  • ...3 more comments...
    Lessons delivered online
    Fantastic. :) Can refer to this before a math lesson to help me in my explanation process. Refer the ways in which someone else explains a concept.
    Great youtube tutorial videos for the mathematics classroom with accompaning practice exercises. Khan has great delivery and has a video for almost every mathematical concept as well as a variety of other subject areas. It is a free site and may be used in the classroom as well as home. One possible integration would be as a way to flip the classroom allowing for more class time devoted to PBLs. A weakness is the videos do not always address questions and mistakes. This can be addressed in the comment section but doesn't always allow for immediate feedback. This site has been evaluated and recommended by UoP, ACPS and 60 minutes to name a few. It is an exemplary site.
    The latest news in the world has ever seen. Recent and into atoms. Now present with us. Actual and reliable....NEWS TODAY
    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most proven and systematic way to understand, how your subconscious is presently programed for current level of success. You learn to consciously de-code these programs,so that you can re-code and put newly coded superior programs in your neurology to unleash the personal power and attain anew level of Outstanding Success - Get the Best in you.

C Programming Online Boost Your Skills - 0 views

    Learning to program in the C language has become increasingly important in today's digital age. With the rise of software development and the demand for efficient and reliable code, mastering C programming can open doors to a wide range of opportunities. Fortunately, the availability of online learning platforms C Programming Online has made it easier than ever to acquire these essential skills. In this article, we will explore the world of C programming online, highlighting the benefits of online learning, the resources available, and tips for success.
Jason O'Quinn

Free Technology for Teachers: 77 Web Resources for Teachers to Try This Summer - 230 views

    What a great resource that has many tools all in one place. So helpful.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Such a great resource to have! Thanks for sharing.
    The latest news in the world has ever seen. Recent and into atoms. Now present with us. Actual and reliable....NEWS TODAY
    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most proven and systematic way to understand, how your subconscious is presently programed for current level of success. You learn to consciously de-code these programs,so that you can re-code and put newly coded superior programs in your neurology to unleash the personal power and attain anew level of Outstanding Success - Get the Best in you.

برنامج النسخة الزرقاء من مايكروسوفت أوفيس 2010 Microsoft Office 2010 Blue Edi... - 0 views

    "Microsoft intends to release Microsoft Office 2010 Technical Preview to invited guests who register to sign up for Office 2010 CTP Program only by July 2009. Office 2010 was previously known by codename Office 14 (taken cue from its version), and wrongly assume to be Office 2009. The setup installer of both 32bit (x86) and 64bit (x64) Office 2010 Technical Preview 1 (TP 1) has been leaked to BT network. The leaked Office 2010 Technical Preview 1 has the version of 14.0.4006.1010, a pre-trial version provided to premium Microsoft partners. It's unclear whether it is the leaked Office 2010 TP1 build will be the version that is going to be released officially by Microsoft in July. And it's still unclear yet whether Microsoft will make available publicly for Office 2010 Beta downloads, which is said to be will be having 2 betas - Beta 1 in July 2009 and another Beta 2 in November 2009. betas is said to be different from Technical Preview, where TP is just meant as an engineering milestone for the development of Office 2010 and related products that leading to RTM that will reach in July 2009, according to Office 2010 IT Blog. Office 2010 is expected to RTM and released as final product in March 2010, with the exception of Exchange Server 2010, where Exchange Server 2010 beta already available from official download links. The setup installer of the leaked download will install Microsoft Office Plus 2010 edition, with Access 2010, Excel 2010, InfoPath 2010, 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Publisher 2010, and Word 2010. Project Professional 2010, SharePoint Designer 2010 and Visio Professional 2010 are also included in the leaked RAR archive download. Office 2010 supports Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Important note is that Office2010 TP 1 is still in early stage of development, and may contain bugs, although most individual programs such as Word 2010 and Excel
Reynold Redekopp

5 Awesome Adobe Apps That Are Completely Free - 98 views

    Great free programs and apps for students to work/create at home. Adobe makes industry standard design programs. But it also offers high-quality software and apps that are free. Here are the top five Adobe tools that are all free.
  • ...2 more comments...
  • best palm reading tips to predict future
    I have used spark and its an awesome free tool for banners and images
    Nice tools actually

Buy Skype Account - 100% Real & low price - 0 views

    Buy Skype Account Introduction Skype Account Purchase VoIP service Skype users can make voice and video calls over the internet. It also provides instant messaging tools. Microsoft-owned Skype is one of the most popular VoIP services available. There are two ways to buy Skype accounts. The first choice is to purchase Skype credit, which works for both landlines and mobile phones. The second choice is to subscribe to Skype for Business, a monthly service that allows users to make an unlimited number of calls to both landlines and mobile devices.
    Buy Skype Account Introduction Skype Account Purchase VoIP service Skype users can make voice and video calls over the internet. It also provides instant messaging tools. Microsoft-owned Skype is one of the most popular VoIP services available. There are two ways to buy Skype accounts. The first choice is to purchase Skype credit, which works for both landlines and mobile phones. The second choice is to subscribe to Skype for Business, a monthly service that allows users to make an unlimited number of calls to both landlines and mobile devices. What exactly is Skype? A piece of software called Skype enables users to conduct voice and video calls over the internet. On a computer, smartphone, or tablet, Skype can be utilized. Free to download and simple to use, Skype. On a computer, smartphone, or tablet, Skype can be utilized. Free to download and simple to use, Skype. Buy Skype Account You can contact landlines and mobile phones using Skype, as well as call other Skype users. Calls made using Skype include high-quality audio and cost less than traditional phone calls. Skype can be used to share data and images, as well as to speak with loved ones. You need a Skype account in order to use Skype. A free Skype account can be made. Visit and select "Create an account" to register for a Skype account. Your name, email address, and a Skype login and password must be provided. Skype is a fantastic tool for keeping in touch with friends and family all across the world. You may phone, chat, and share files and pictures with Skype. Create a Skype account right now because it is free and simple to use! What are Skype's advantages? You need a reliable technique to communicate with your far-flung friends and family when you want to keep in touch with them. One of the better possibilities is Skype, which offers a variety of advantages. Buy Skype Account First of all, using Skype is pretty simple. You can start using the program right away if you have a stron
    Buy Skype Account Introduction Skype Account Purchase VoIP service Skype users can make voice and video calls over the internet. It also provides instant messaging tools. Microsoft-owned Skype is one of the most popular VoIP services available. There are two ways to buy Skype accounts. The first choice is to purchase Skype credit, which works for both landlines and mobile phones. The second choice is to subscribe to Skype for Business, a monthly service that allows users to make an unlimited number of calls to both landlines and mobile devices. What exactly is Skype? A piece of software called Skype enables users to conduct voice and video calls over the internet. On a computer, smartphone, or tablet, Skype can be utilized. Free to download and simple to use, Skype. On a computer, smartphone, or tablet, Skype can be utilized. Free to download and simple to use, Skype. Buy Skype Account You can contact landlines and mobile phones using Skype, as well as call other Skype users. Calls made using Skype include high-quality audio and cost less than traditional phone calls. Skype can be used to share data and images, as well as to speak with loved ones. You need a Skype account in order to use Skype. A free Skype account can be made. Visit and select "Create an account" to register for a Skype account. Your name, email address, and a Skype login and password must be provided. Skype is a fantastic tool for keeping in touch with friends and family all across the world. You may phone, chat, and share files and pictures with Skype. Create a Skype account right now because it is free and simple to use! What are Skype's advantages? You need a reliable technique to communicate with your far-flung friends and family when you want to keep in touch with them. One of the better possibilities is Skype, which offers a variety of advantages. Buy Skype Account First of all, using Skype is pretty simple. You can start using the program right away if you have a stron

How to Pursue a Career as Airport Ground Staff - 0 views


Airport Ground Staff

started by yugtecnology on 17 Sep 24 no follow-up yet

How to Pursue a Career as a Flight Attendant After Completing 12th Grade (Essential Ski... - 0 views

How to Pursue a Career as a Flight Attendant After Completing 12th Grade (Essential Skills Required)   Embarking on a career as a flight attendant is an exciting and dynamic choice, especially...

Flight Attendant

started by yugtecnology on 17 Sep 24 no follow-up yet

How to Become an Air Hostess: A Step-by-Step Guide - 0 views


Air Hostess: A Step-by-Step Guide

started by yugtecnology on 24 Sep 24 no follow-up yet
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