The 7 Components Of Design - 4 views
Good article, thanks a lot! I'm currently learning web design, so any information is useful for me. I was lucky to find a great source that provides me with different guides and reviews. I've learned a lot there. And of course, it is awesome that you created such a helpful blog. Thanks again!
Relearn CSS layout: Every Layout - 0 views
If you find yourself wrestling with CSS layout, it's likely you're making decisions for browsers they should be making themselves. Through a series of simple, composable layouts, Every Layout will teach you how to better harness the built-in algorithms that power browsers and CSS. Employing algorithmic layout design means doing away with @media breakpoints, "magic numbers", and other hacks, to create context-independent layout components. Your future design systems will be more consistent, terser in code, and more malleable in the hands of your users and their devices.
Startupsum: Lorem Ipsum for Startups - 0 views
Is Your Product's Documentation Good Enough? - 0 views
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Bourbon - A Sass Mixin Library - 0 views
What browser am I using? - 1 views
YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener - 0 views
Thimbl - Free Open Source Distributed Micro-blogging - 2 views
The most significant challenge the open web will need to overcome is not technical, it is political. Welcome to Thimbl, the free, open source, distributed micro-blogging platform. If you're weary of corporations hi-jacking your updates to make money, or if being locked in to one micro-blogging platform tires you - well, then Thimbl is for you!
Un logiciel de blog - zenProg - 1 views
Designing Typography for the Modern Web | Tips - 1 views
As web designers, it is our job to grow with the trends of the Internet. As new technology emerges, it's our position to jump on board and see where it can take us. This includes trends all over the web, typography being a major player. Many designers don't consider type as a field of interest or focus. Ironically, typography is possibly one of the most important parts of our dynamic web. It helps deliver a website's content to users from all over the world and it truly is an art to study. I'll be getting into a few concepts about typography for the modern web. Things haven't changed too much since the previous years of web design, however many new techniques are being utilized and shared amongst the design community.