[Video] HootSuite Tutorial 2012 - Connecting Instagram, YouTube, and Tumblr Using the App Directory | Denn Denn Media - 10 views
If you watched my last HootSuite Tutorial, you should already be pretty well versed in adding social media accounts. But what about those other “smaller” social networks such as Instagram, YouTube, and Tumblr?
In order to manage those accounts with HootSuite, you must use the App directory. If you go to your HootSuite Dashboard, hover over the wrench icon (tools), and then click “App Directory”, you’ll be able to add several third party apps that allow integration into HootSuite.
HootSuite Tutorial 2012 - Connecting Instagram, YouTube, and Tumblr Using the App Directory - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwyX0WvoJvs&feature=share&list=PLF7A9DC9BD82103F8
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