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chelfyn Baxter

Management and Virtual Decentralised Networks: The Linux Project - 0 views

  • A mechanistic management system is appropriate to stable conditions. It is characterised by:The Organismic form is appropriate to changing conditions. It is characterised by: Hierarchic structure of control, authority and communicationNetwork structure of control A reinforcement of the hierarchic structure by the location of knowledge of actualities exclusively at the top of the hierarchyOmniscience no longer imputed to the head of the concern; knowledge may be located anywhere in the network; the location becoming the centre of authority Vertical interaction between the members of the concern, ie. between superior and subordinateLateral rather than vertical direction of communication through the organisation  A content of communication which consists of information and advice rather than instructions and decisions
    • chelfyn Baxter
      This is very similar to many Web 1.0/2.0 analogies
  • Structurehierarchicalnetworked Scopeinternal/closedexternal/open Resource focuscapitalhuman, information Statestabledynamic, changing Directionmanagement commandsself-management Basis of actioncontrolempowerment to act Basis for compensationposition in hierarchycompetency level
  • However, "the Linux movement did not and still does not have a formal hierarchy whereby important tasks can be handled out ... a kind of self-selection takes place instead: anyone who cares enough about a particular program is welcomed to try" [54]. But if his work is not good enough, another hacker will immediately fill the gap. In this way, this 'self-selection' ensures that the work done is of superb quality. Moreover this "decentralisation leads to more efficient allocation of resources (programmers' time and work) because each developer is free to work on any particular program of his choice as his skills, experience and interest best dictate" (Kuwabara, 2000). In contrast, "under centralised mode of software development, people are assigned to tasks out of economic considerations and might end up spending time on a feature that the marketing department has decided is vital to their ad campaign, but that no actual users care about" [55].
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Industrial AgeInformation Age Focus on measurable outcomesFocus on strategic issues using participation and empowerment Individual accountabilityTeam accountability Clearly differentiated-segmented organisational roles, positions and responsibilitiesMatrix arrangement - flexible positions and responsibilities Hierarchical, linear information flowsMultiple interface, 'boundaryless' information networking Initiatives for improvement emanate from a management eliteInitiatives for improvement emanate from all directions
  • There is only one layer between the community of Linux developers and Linus: the "trusted lieutenants". They are a dozen hackers that have done considerably extended work on a particular part of the kernel to gain Linus' trust. The "trusted lieutenants" are responsible to maintain a part of the Linux Kernel and lots of developers sent their patches (their code) directly to them, instead of Linus. Of course, apart from Linus that has encouraged this to happen, this informal mechanism represents a natural selection by the community since the "trusted lieutenants" are recognised [by the community] as being not owners but simple experts in particular areas [57] and thus, their 'authority' can always be openly challenged. This does not mean that Linus has more influence than they have. Recently, "Alan Cox (one of the "trusted" ones) disagreed with Linus over some obscure technical issue and it looks like the community really does get to judge by backing Alan and making Linus to acknowledge that he made a bad choice" [58].
  • In 1991, Linus Torvalds made a free Unix-like kernel (a core part of the operating system) available on the Internet and invited all hackers interested to participate. Within the next two months, the first version 1.0 of Linux was released. From that point, tens of thousands of developers, dispersed globally and communicating via the Internet, contributed code, so that early in 1993, Linux had grown to be a stable, reliable and very powerful operating system. The Linux kernel is 'copylefted' software, patented under the GNU GPL, and thus, nobody actually owns it. But more significantly, Linux is sheltered by the Open Source (hacker) community. From its very birth, Linux as a project has mobilised an incredible number of developers offering enhancements, modifications/improvements and bug fixes without any financial incentive. Despite the fact that an operating system is supposed to be developed only by a closely-knit team to avoid rising complexity and communication costs of coordination (Brook's Law), Linux is being developed in a massive decentralised mode under no central planning, an amazing feat given that it has not evolved into chaos. Innovation release early and often: Linus put into practice an innovative and paradox model of developing software. Frequent releases and updates (several times in a week) are typical throughout the entire development period of Linux. In this way, Linus kept the community constantly stimulated by the rapid growth of the project and provided an extraordinary effective mechanism of psychologically rewarding his co-developers for their contributions that were implemented in the last version. On top of this, in every released version, there is a file attached which lists all those who have contributed (code). Credit attribution if neglected, is a cardinal sin that will breed bitterness within the community and discourage developers from further contributing to the project. According to conventional software-building wisdom, early versions are by definition buggy and you do not want to wear out the patience of your users. But as far as the Linux development stage is concerned, developers are the users themselves and this is where most innovation is created (Figure 8). "The greatest innovation of Linux is that treating your users as co-developers is your least-hassle route to rapid code improvement and effective debugging" (Raymond, 1998a).
    It's a great article
Santanu Ghosh

What is actually needed for emotional bonding - Program your Mind for ultimate Success - 0 views

    WHAT YOU WILL GET OUT OF IT Meaning of emotional bonding What is lack of emotional bonding? What is the importance of emotional bond. What is actually needed for emotional bonding. Emotional bonding is the strongest bonding created between two people with strong emotional feelings. When two people have strong feelings on friendship, love or any relationship the bonding between them make emotionally strong. This bonding is far beyond just physical attraction, self-interest, selfishness and empathy. The emotional bond between two persons is formed when they trust each other more than themselves, trust each other with closed eyes, can share everything with each other with an open mind, and give each other equal dignity. Emotional bonding is when one's image is reflected on the other, seeing oneself in the other. What is your understanding of the person in front of you, it is a big factor in any relationship. Emotional bonds are formed with him/her, with whom understanding develops. Stephen Covey says that "First seek to understand, then seek to be understood"
sofiaansari69 - 1 views


started by sofiaansari69 on 19 Dec 24 no follow-up yet
Santanu Ghosh

You will surely be successful if these 3 personality get agreed - Program your Mind for ultimate Success - 0 views

    TABLE OF CONTENT The secret of success The important of 3 personalities inside us to be successful in life. How to strenthen the foundation of success How to combine Dreamer, Realist and critics We all strive for success, everyone wants to achieve extreme success. We all work hard and use our intellect to succeed, but in most cases, success does not come as we expected. We repeatedly try to figure out why we are failing or why success is not coming. I would like to introduce to three people with you, if you talk to them in the right way, can make them agree you can overcome any obstacle and move on towards success. Strengthening the foundation is crucial for any ultimate success and only these three people can build that foundation for you. Surely there is a lot of suspense about who these three people are, where to find them! Don't worry, I will introduce you to them but you have to take the responsibility of convincing them by talking to them in the right way. It's very straightforward, but because we have no real idea about it, we get demotivated when there is a small obstacle in the way of success and we give up. If there is a disagreement between these three people, you will not be able to set goals properly, success is a long way off. These three are needed from the very beginning, that is, when you are going to make a decision to achieve something or to set a goal. Any one of these three personalities can play a major role whenever wants but it is very important to bring these three in balance to create success. A significant percentage of students, business people or government employees lose interest in their field because they do not set goals properly. To walk the path without a specific goal, their Powerful Subconscious Mind cannot act on their behalf. The subconscious mind does not know what to do until a clear picture is created.
Alison Raab Labonte

ODP - Open Directory Project - 0 views

    The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. The Republic of the Web The web continues to grow at staggering rates. Automated search engines are increasingly unable to turn up useful results to search queries. The small paid editorial staffs at commercial directory sites can't keep up with submissions, and the quality and comprehensiveness of their directories has suffered. Link rot is setting in and they can't keep pace with the growth of the Internet. Instead of fighting the explosive growth of the Internet, the Open Directory provides the means for the Internet to organize itself. As the Internet grows, so do the number of net-citizens. These citizens can each organize a small portion of the web and present it back to the rest of the population, culling out the bad and useless and keeping only the best content. The Definitive Catalog of the Web The Open Directory follows in the footsteps of some of the most important editor/contributor projects of the 20th century. Just as the Oxford English Dictionary became the definitive word on words through the efforts of volunteers, the Open Directory follows in its footsteps to become the definitive catalog of the Web. The Open Directory was founded in the spirit of the Open Source movement, and is the only major directory that is 100% free. There is not, nor will there ever be, a cost to submit a site to the directory, and/or to use the directory's data. The Open Directory data is made available for free to anyone who agrees to comply with our free use license. The Internet Brain The Open Directory is the most widely distributed data base of Web content classified by humans. Its editorial standards body of net-citizens provide the collective brain behind resource discovery on the Web. The Open Directory powers the core directory services for the Web's largest and most popular search
Santanu Ghosh

How is it important for us to have presence of mind,observation skills,logical reasoning? - Program your Mind for ultimate Success - 0 views

    What is Presence of Mind. How is it important for us to have presence of mind,observation skills,logical reasoning. How can we sharpened our presence of mind, observation skills and logical reasoning. What is Presence of Mind: The ability to remain calm, self control and take quick and positive sensible action is defined presence of mind and it is followed by another two powerful qualities that is observation skills and logical reasoning. Presence of mind is the quality or ability to think clearly and act quickly in an emergency or any challenging situations without getting panic and fear. In other words we can say it as presence intellect.
Helen Baxter

Enterprise Web 2.0 :: Web 2.0 Re-examined: Part 2 - What is Web 2.0? - 1 views

  • What Is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 Is the next evolution of the web that has a new usage paradigm as well as a new technology paradigm. The former Is characterized by “architecture of participation” and the latter Is characterized by “architecture of partition”. The “Consumer-centric” View Causes Confusion There Is no doubt that the “web 2.0” phenomenon Is ignited by the success of consumer websites like MySpace, YouTube and Flickr.  From these consumer website, analysts establIshed “social networking” via the network effect as a key feature of web 2.0. Though it Is possible that enterprIse oriented social computing applications may emerge to address specific enterprIse concerns, it Is not clear how social networking can change enterprIse IT on a more fundamental level. Analysts further characterized “Architecture of Participation” as another key element of web 2.0, as evident from YouTube and Flickr. Similarly it Is unclear whether/how “architecture of participation” would impact enterprIse IT mIssion. EnterprIse IT’s mIssion Is simple: to enable and facilitate the interaction and integration of IT systems and people. There Is no doubt that web 2.0 applications like blogs and wikIs based on “architecture of participation” can be useful to enterprIses, but Is there anything beyond blogs and wikIs? The key technology behind most consumer web 2.0 websites, Ajax, Is not new. The popular “mashup” concept sounds new but in reality Is based on what has been built into the browser for many years. The “consumer-centric” perspective limits how we look at the technology aspect of web 2.0 and leads to the conclusion that web 2.0 involves no technology advancement. Further, “architecture of participation”, “social networking” and “harness the collective intelligence” are all usage patterns. They do not relate to technology. In fact, they can be supported well on web 1.0 technologies; reinforcing the common belief that web 2.0 has no technology foundation but rather a buzzword created by marketers.  The Differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 Tim O’Reilly observed the differences between web 1.0 and web 2.0 from a consumer perspective in hIs original essay: Web 1.0   Web 2.0 DoubleClick --> Google AdSense Ofoto --> Flickr Akamai --> BitTorrent --> Napster Britannica Online --> Wikipedia personal websites --> blogging evite --> and EVDB domain name speculation --> search engine optimization page views --> cost per click screen scraping --> web services publIshing --> participation content management systems --> wikIs directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy") stickiness --> syndicationFrom Consumer Web 1.0 to Consumer Web 2.0    From an enterprIse perspective, web 2.0 introduces a very different set of changes:  Web 1.0   Web 2.0 Browser --> Application Client Container HTML --> Declarative application markup HTTP(pull, unreliable) --> Push, pub/sub, reliable Application Server --> Mashup Server Appilcation Integration --> EnterprIse Mashup/SOA Press release --> Corporate blogs Packaged software --> On demand/Saas Close source --> Open source Top down (dictatorship) --> Bottom up (democracy) Superbowl Ad/TV --> Google AdFrom EnterprIse Web 1.0 to EnterprIse Web 2.0 The Two Pillars: Consumer Web 2.0 and EnterprIse Web 2.0 Web 2.0 has two pillars: consumer web 2.0 and enterprIse web 2.0. These two do overlap, in particular, in the area of social computing. Consumer web 2.0 and enterprIse web 2.0 have different characterIstics, as shown below: Consumer Web 1.0   EnterprIse Web 2.0 Architecture of Participation Architecture of Partition Social networking On Demand computing/SaaS Harness collective intelligence EnterprIse social computing HTML Mashup EnterprIse mashup Rich User Experience Rich User Experience The Web As Platform The Web As PlatformKey CharacterIstics of Consumer Web 2.0 and EnterprIse Web 2.0 The technology paradigm shifts with web 2.0 brings tremendous, tangible and measurable ROI to corporate IT. Further, the new possibilities enabled by web 2.0 such as social computing are bringing corporate IT to new horizons.
Galaxyon Knowledge

What is Moz Rank - 0 views

    What is Moz Rank on GalaxyonKnowledge is a crucial metric that reflects the authority and credibility of a website's content. It is a reliable measurement tool created by Moz, a reputable digital marketing company, which evaluates the quality and quantity of backlinks that lead to a specific website. The higher the Moz Rank, the more reputable and trustworthy the website is deemed to be in the eyes of search engines like Google. GalaxyonKnowledge leverages Moz Rank to optimize its content strategy, ensuring that only high-quality and relevant information is provided to its audience. By analyzing and improving its Moz Rank, GalaxyonKnowledge can outshine competitors and attract more organic traffic, establishing itself as a go-to source for valuable insights and knowledge.

Is It Possible To Stop Gambling And Poker Complications By Tapering Off - 1 views

Compulsive gambling is an health issues that will affects many men and women each moment. In the work as a psychologist I dealt with addictive playing and other problem actions and watched because ...

started by ruhul122 on 16 Nov 19 no follow-up yet

buy car online - 0 views


căn hộ win city

started by joshuamadrid on 02 Oct 22 no follow-up yet
Janos Haits

Spy your friends and detect their real status! Find out who is Invisible! - 8 views

    Spy your friends and detect their real status! Find out who is Invisible! Spy Detect is a tool that helps you to detect who is Invisible. The status indicate might be: offline , online or Invisible. You can also see the profile of each buddy checked. Spy Detect is very easy to use: you just type the ID and after that, in 1 second, our Spy Detector will show the status. Spy Detect is a free service, with 99,99% accuracy and 99,99% uptime.
sofiaansari69 - 1 views


started by sofiaansari69 on 18 Dec 24 no follow-up yet
Janos Haits

BitChute - 1 views

    'BitChute is powered by WebTorrent. WebTorrent is an independent project started by Feross Aboukhadijeh in October 2013 and is the first torrent client that works in the browser. YEP, THAT'S RIGHT. THE BROWSER. I cannot overstate the importance of WebTorrent. The Internet is full of centralized monsters and WebTorrent is the magical sword we will use to slay them. You can find out more about WebTorrent here:'
Janos Haits Create Future Check-ins - 6 views

    Localley is a tool that broadens the functionality of Facebook Places feature by letting you check in various places using a date and time in the future. Of course it is disappointing when you realize that you and a friend were at the same place (a live show or a movie theatre maybe) but missed a chance of meeting there because you had no idea of each other's presence in this very place. This is the problem solved by Facebook Places: it lets you show your friends where you currently are and also see who is nearby at this very moment. Localley goes one step further: we eliminate the disappointment that is inevitable when you find out you missed an event you really wanted to attend only because you had no one to go with - and later found out that some friends were at this very event and you could easily join them. Localley lets you share your plans to go somewhere with your friends and even invite them to join you - which will quickly solve a problem of a company.


    If you have an image that needs fine tuning, you are in need of photo editing services. offer these editing services to business and individual clients When we want to show a t-shirt as it is worn without showing a mannequin or model we use neck joint manipulation. However, the use of the term neck joint is somewhat misleading as the manipulation might as well involve trousers, hats or any other object worn by a mannequin or model. The name for this type of service is neck-joint. When you have a jacket for sale or show, as an example, and a mannequin is wearing it, this is the service that you use to remove that mannequin. This service includes supporting area of image editing alike clipping path / deep etch,background remove and image retouching services mostly

Download McAfee with activation code | - 0 views

    McAfee, a computer security software company started by John McAfee used to be known for its nicely performing antivirus software. After certain years it was found to be lagging in its performance and during that time Intel, a leading brand known for its processors, acquired it by the name of Intel security. Though, due to some legal bondage between the founder of McAfee and Intel, it has to retain its name as it is with the tagline of Intel Security. This is the reason why it is known as McAfee, Intel Security now. Since the time, it has been acquired by Intel, its performance is being improved in some measures. Though Intel has not made any big changes to it the changes that Intel has applied are sufficient to improve its performance than that was earlier. McAfee is trying to compete with other security brands.

Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) - 0 views

    The Autonomous University of Tamaulipas abbreviated (as UAT) is a public higher education institution in Mexico and became active in 1956. The main campus is located in Ciudad Victoria. It is a higher education institution in Tamaulipas and gain an essential place in the country's education system. Student learning is carried out at the highest level and according to international standards. An autonomous meaning is a country or region that has the freedom to govern itself or control its own affairs.

Dr. Vape: A New Era in Vaping - 3 views

CBD Pen are portable, convenient devices that allow users to enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) in a discreet and easy-to-use manner. Unlike traditional CBD oil tinctures or capsules, CBD pens...

Dr. Vape Dr DrVape


Smart7Line: Your Ultimate Guide to Discounts and Coupons - 1 views

In the fast-paced world of online shopping, finding the best deals can be a daunting task. Smart7Line is here to simplify that experience for you. This website serves as a comprehensive directory t...


started by sayedhok on 06 Dec 24 no follow-up yet
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