PasswordChart is a simple little web-based tool that allows you to create complex passwords out of easy-to-remember phrases or words. Simply enter a phrase into the first space provided and PasswordChart generates a random chart, which number in the millions. Next, with the chart generated, simply enter in a password that you won't have any problems remembering, and a password is generated that is infinitely more secure than the one you entered. Use this new secure password everywhere and if you ever forget it, just go back to
Lovely Charts is an online diagramming application that allows you to create professional looking diagrams, such as flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes, and many more... For free.
Google has updated platform version chart for Android Operating system and we have at the top version 2.1 this time.
This chart is shown for the developers to tell them on which version to focus on. Previusly Google Android version 1.5 and version 1.6 were taking the lead. Version 2.0 and 2.01 ha
Obsessively frequented by media mavens looking for the next big thing and pored over by agency creatives hoping to see their work make the cut, the Viral Video Chart is the world's largest, most comprehensive database of online videos. Data is syndicated to a wide range of mainstream media outlets, including Contagious Magazine, the IAB, The Guardian, TVGuide, Sky, and CurrentTV.
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