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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Dugg Lowe

Dugg Lowe

Argumentative Essay Template/Outline - 0 views

    Fully-detailed template of an argumentative or persuasive paper will surely help college students get good grades :)
Dugg Lowe

How to Write a Descriptive Essay - 1 views

    Most essays are designed to prove a point or to lead the reader through a logical set of points in order to arrive at a conclusion. A descriptive essay is not this type of essay, but rather allows the writer to use a great deal more freedom in language usage and subject matter.
Dugg Lowe

Classification Essay Writing Tips - 0 views

    A classification essay writer is tasked with the job of taking many different types of information and making sense of it and placing it in a proper order.
Dugg Lowe

How to Write a Persuasive Essay - 0 views

    A persuasive essay is very similar to an argumentative essay in that information is presented to attempt to persuade the reader that a certain point of view is more legitimate than another. Another element of a persuasive essay will try to convince the reader to take a certain action or to modify a behavior they are already performing.
Dugg Lowe

Colbert Communications is Installing Cellular Network in Lumbumbashi, Africa - 0 views

    In eighties and nineties there was a growing concern that as people in the rich world would receive access to computers and all possible communication technologies, people in the poor part of the world would find themselves on the other side of the so-called digital divide. This idea of digital divide lives on until the present day.
Dugg Lowe

Title page template and tips - 0 views

    Cool APA title page template with explanation.
Dugg Lowe

Critical Essay -- Art and Science of Analysis - 0 views

    Is critical essay writing art or science? It's both.
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