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YouTube - Microsoft Pivot & Virtuoso RDF Quad Store Demo - 5 views

  • This demonstration shows how Microsoft Pivot (an E-A-V Model Linked Data Browser) acts as a client to a Virtuoso RDF Quad Store Instance. The Client and the Server are E-A-V model based, but instead of serving up N3, Turtle, RDF/XML or any other RDF-Graph model data representation, it delivers CXML (a Microsoft devised XML representation for EAV based Linked Data graphs).
    So Google and Microsoft are moving to 'faceted search' and fast! Really powerful and compelling!
    Right. Freebase also announced something similar to Pivot yesterday (David Huynh, and Kingsley Idehen mentioned that he is doing interesting things with Pivot. I think this is why T2 failed: too much competition both from the core linked data community and from the big guys, not much originality. I found the Pivot and Gridworks demos much more impressive than the T2 demos. Nova's excitement about faceted browsing was probably right, but he didn't play the role of the "visionary that sees farther than everyone else" as well as he should have. I still don't understand why he didn't exploit the social bookmarking advantage he had over Google, Microsoft, Freebase and Openlink.
    yum, thx Francois!

The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project | FOAF project - 3 views

    suffers from ignorance of the shared object, but included for completeness
    which shared objects?

Resource Description Framework - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    kinda goes without saying... but listed here anyhow

RDF for Intrepid Unix Hackers: Grepping N-Triples - The Datagraph Blog - 1 views

  • cat drupal.nt | rdf-predicates | sort | uniq | tail -n5
    Awk & pipes! Great stuff

Slashgeo | - Adding a Spatial Dimension to the Web of Data - 1 views

  • We mentioned the project during summer 2009, and LinkedGeoData has just been released as open source on Google Code (via OGD). The project's synopsis: "In order to employ the Web as a medium for data and information integration, comprehensive datasets and vocabularies are required as they enable the disambiguation and alignment of other data and information. Many real-life information integration and aggregation tasks are impossible without comprehensive background knowledge related to spatial features of the ways, structures and landscapes surrounding us. LinkedGeoData uses the comprehensive OpenStreetMap spatial data collection to create a large spatial knowledge base. It currently consists of information about approx. 350 million nodes and 30 million ways and the resulting RDF data comprises approximately 2 billion triples. The data is available according to the Linked Data principles and interlinked with DBpedia."

HypiosVoCampParisMay2010 - VoCamp Wiki - 1 views

  • User (weighted) Interests Ontology
  • Annotations Ontology
  • Argumentation / Debate group Our group's goal is to represent argumentative structures in RDF in order to be able to export/import from/to existing tools such as DebateGraph. Another benefit would be to be able to link argumentative structures with web contents such as posts, comments, etc. , and vice versa.
    Paris Vocamp took place at Hypios on May 13-14, 2010.

Smart-M3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    doesn't really belong here, new category req'd parked for now

The Social Semantic Web - SpringerLink - Book - 0 views

    by John Breslin, Alexandre Passant, Stefan Decker 

TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData/Text2DataLinking - ESW Wiki - 0 views

  • Proposals on how to represent links between documents and data are discussed on the here.
  • Automatic Annotation Tools Alchemy commercial entiry extraction service which links entities to DBpedia, Freebase, US Census, GeoNames, UMBEL, OpenCyc, YAGO, MusicBrainz, CIA Factbook, and CrunchBase. See Alchemy API Linked Data. OpenCalais entiry extraction service which links entities to DBpedia, Wikipedia, Freebase, Reuters, GeoNames, Shopping, IMDB, and LinkedMDB. Zemanta commercial service for the annotation of blog posts. The topic of automatically annotating documents with DBpedia URIs has been discussed February 2010 on the LOD mailing list. Manual Annoation Tools Faviki Do you know more?

HTML5 and Semantics | Semantic Blog - 0 views

  • One important step ahead brought by HTML5 is the introduction of new elements which enable the creation of web pages with more explicit semantics, leveraging the traditional usage of the semantically-neutral <div> tag: <article> which represents a blog article, forum post or similar. <aside> which indicates that the content is tangential to the main content of the page, for example ads or similar. <nav> which indicates that such a block gives the main navigation points for a page. <figure> to represent figures on a page <header> to indicate header content <footer> to indicate footer content such as copyright information, additional links, etc.
  • two technologies that complement HTML5: HTML5 Microdata and RDFa. They are based on the same idea: to use a series of extra attributes to provide a set of machine readable labels which provide the explicit semantics of the HTML content. For example, using such extra attributes, the author of a page could annotate it to indicate that each row in a table represents a certain kind of entity (car, hotel, etc.)
  • HTML5 Microdata has been proposed by the WHATWG and can be considered as the evolution of microformats.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • RDFa is a W3C Recommendation. It specifies only a syntax and relies on independent specification of terms (often called vocabularies or taxonomies) by others. RDFa allows terms from multiple independently-developed vocabularies to be freely intermixed and is designed such that the language can be parsed without knowledge of the specific term vocabulary being used.

NeOn Wiki - 0 views

  • The main goal of the NeOn project is to provide methodological and tool support for developing and managing a new generation of semantic applications. The NeOn toolkit is a state-of-the-art, open source multi-platform ontology engineering environment, which provides comprehensive support for the ontology engineering life-cycle. The toolkit is based on the Eclipse platform, a leading development environment, and provides an extensive set of plug-ins (currently 45 plug-ins are available) covering a variety of ontology engineering activities, including Annotation and Documentation, Development, Human-Ontology Interaction, Knowledge Acquisition, Management, Modularization and Customization, Ontology Dynamics, Ontology Evaluation, Ontology Matching, Reasoning and Inference, and Reuse.

RDFa in Drupal 7: last call for feedback before alpha release | - 0 views

  • I've created a diagram representing the default semantics of the core data structure which has been committed and I would appreciate feedback on the RDF terms we've used.

gellish - 0 views

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