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Stuart Mitchell

Matt's Cloud Blog - 0 views

    A blog from Matthew Finnie, the CTO of Interoute
Stuart Mitchell

The rise of the enterprise app store - 0 views

    In this podcast we have a company spotlight for you on Interoute and we'll be hearing their views on the rise of the enterprise app store and the changes within the purchase requirements for enterprise level applications. Joining me is Interoute's CTO Matthew Finnie to tell us more.
Stuart Mitchell

Italian OU Launches E-Learning in Interoute Cloud - 0 views

    The first Italian Open University has launched a project designed to offer cloud-based e-learning. Marconi University says that the use of the cloud will move away from a colocation facility and this has come about as a means to improve the reliability of its digital learning resources.
Stuart Mitchell

What is Cloud Hosting? - 0 views

    Cloud hosting services provide hosting for websites on virtual servers which pull their computing resource from extensive underlying networks of physical web servers.
Stuart Mitchell

What is IaaS? - 0 views

    Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is one of the three fundamental service models of cloud computing alongside Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
Stuart Mitchell

Cloud Hosting - 0 views

    Interoute's Virtual Data Centre allows businesses to take advantage of a flexible cloud of computing resources, without the complexity and costs associated with physical hardware.
Stuart Mitchell

An Overview of Business Hosting - 0 views

    Why outsource your hosting? It just makes sense. As you streamline your business, your IT infrastructure becomes more costly and complex. You also need expert staff to look after it.
Stuart Mitchell

Why Our VDC is different - 0 views

    VDC is a virtual equivalent of building a real physical data centre. You can plan your server, switching and storage in exactly the same way as you would the 'real' thing in the physical world.
Stuart Mitchell

VDC FAQs - 0 views

    Interoute's cloud hosting service offers dedicated infrastructure as a service via a private cloud. Our IaaS service is delivered via our virtual data centres.
Stuart Mitchell

dedicated hosting - 0 views

    Interoute's Dedicated Hosting Services provide business critical applications a platform with the stability and performance they demand. The service allows businesses to focus on the unique element of their IT function, by outsourcing the time consuming operating systems and infrastructure management.
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