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The 5 Stages Of 'Getting' Twitter - AllTwitter - 3 views

    Five stages of Twitter - a funny but perceptive overview of Twitter user stages based on Kubler-Ross's five stages of grief

What should go into an e-learning plan - 3 views

    I think that this is useful to help inform senior leadership. We might 'know' or agree with a lot of this stuff but getting engagement at higher levels may well be helped by Tony's well laid out post.

How useful is strategic planning for e-learning? « Tony Bates - 4 views

    Tony Bates gives his preliminary conclusions of the important things in strategic planning for integrating technology use in HE. Some good statements around what can make integration successful.

Facebook | University of Waikato - 4 views

    We have a Facebook page!

Online converter - convert video, images, audio and documents for free - 4 views

    Best conversion service I've found
    free online file converter - converts documents, images, ebooks, video

HEFCE : Publications : Research and evaluation reports : 2010 : Student Perspectives on... - 4 views

    "The report highlights a number of recurring issues surrounding the potential benefit of information and communications technology (ICT) to learning and teaching in post-compulsory education."

Index of Learning Theories and Models - 4 views

    "This knowledge base features learning theories that address how people learn. A resource useful for scholars of various fields such as educational psychology, instructional design, and human-computer interaction. Below is the index of learning theories, grouped in somewhat arbitrary categories. Note that this website is an iterative project and these entries are a work in progress; please leave comments with suggestions, corrections, and additional references."

Open University research explodes myth of 'digital native' - 4 views

    "'We found no evidence for any discontinuity in technology use around the age of 30 as would be predicted by the Net Generation and Digital Natives hypothesis,' says the report. What the reseachers do find interesting and worthy of further study is the correlation--which is independent of age--between attitudes to technology and approaches to studying. In short, students who more readily use technology for their studies are more likely than others to be deeply engaged with their work."
    That last point is pretty powerful. Need to get the data replicated elsewhere as next stage. But as always, different people are different!

OER4Ed - WikiEducator - 4 views

    A starting (and end?) point for our OER workshop later this month?

50 Firefox 3 Add-ons That Will Transform Your Academic Research | Best Colleges Online - 3 views

    A list.

Reservations about instructional design « The Weblog of (a) David Jones - 3 views

    Comments on flaws in the 'instructional design' model of development. From CQU.

Brown University goes Google | ZDNet - 3 views

    "Brown University announced Monday that it had 'Gone Google'... tools like Google Apps, ... could, in some cases, mitigate the need for a full-fledged LMS."

2010 Horizon Report - 3 views

    Latest report. Mobile and open - 1 year; eBook and Augmented reality - 3years.

Google Tutorials - from Free Technology for Teachers - 3 views

    Lots and lots of short slides or vids on doing things with Google tools.

Why free online lectures will destroy universities - unless they get their ac... - 3 views

    Opinion piece on the place of online lectures in the future of education.  Get your world class expert via YouTube, MIT, etc and use your time with students to really interact with them and the material.
1More - Site Community | Diigo - 3 views

    Anything that has been bookmarked in Diigo with in the URL

340 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns & More | Open Culture - 3 views

    Some fantastic films available here as well as ebooks and lists of other sites.

The future of learning organizations: What do we mean by 'attendance'? | Synechism - 3 views

    Doug Belshaw posts about "Attendance" and what that means at University. Some good slides to accompany on using digital media to improve L&T. "Embracing OERs, mobile learning and digital literacies looks to me like the mark of a forward-thinking learning organization."
    I like the way he brings in Hattie's research--great minds think alike ;-)

Stay N Alive: Twitter and Facebook Both Quietly Kill RSS, Completely - 3 views

    Unfortunately this is stuff we need to keep aware of. Do we push RSS as a channel or not? Still can for a while certainly - news etc, will need to see where it goes.
    "...the average user has no way of pulling that data out of Twitter or Facebook."
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