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Dean Stringer

M3 - MUVEs, Moodle and Microblogging - 0 views

    In 2008, the M3 project set out to explore the potential of the VLE, Moodle, a Microblogging tool, (Twitter) and the MUVE, Second Life, with three different groups of users within the educational community and compare integrated use of these tools and environments. A key aim was to investigate effective ways of embedding synchronous online tools, which are already establishing themselves as effective for social networking, and exploring the use of others that offer a 3-dimensional opportunity for learning. A Twitter plug-in for Moodle was to be one key deliverable of the project.
Nigel Robertson

Science in Virtual Worlds - Map - 0 views

    "The aim of this small project is to create a map of virtual world based scientific research and educational initiatives at UK universities. The map is being created by Birmingham-based virtual world specialists Daden Limited as part of this year's British Science Festival hosted at Aston University in Birmingham.Virtual Worlds such as Second Life, where users can socialise and connect on-line are already being extensively used by UK Universities and other educational and research organisations - but it can be hard to find out what is going on, and where. It can hopefully become a lasting resource for UK Science which can live on beyond the 2010 British Science Festival.The map is, appropriately, presented as virtual map inside of Second Life where visitors will be able to click on map markers to gain further information on each project, and to be directly transported to the science project location.Users without access to Second Life, or running projects in other virtual worlds, are not excluded from the project. All information will be available through this micro-site, which includes a browser based version of the Second Life map, and lists of projects in other worlds."
Nigel Robertson

Virtual Life Education New Zealand - 0 views

    Auckland Uni running Virtual Grid.
Nigel Robertson

Course: M3 Twitter demo - 0 views

    A work in development, with some twitter blocks to add to Moodle courses
Nigel Robertson

Learning to Teach in Second Life « - 0 views

    Draft report of teaching 4 sessions in Second Life
Nigel Robertson

Detting your degree in Second Life - 0 views

    This fall TSTC will be offering a Digital Media certificate which focuses on virtual world technology and they will be using Second Life as the primary way to deliver the course content. They plan for this certificate program to lead into an associate degree (AAS) in Digital Media starting in spring 2009.
Nigel Robertson

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research - 0 views

    Virtual worlds research journal - special on health
Nigel Robertson

ThinkBalm publishes business value study « ThinkBalm: Immersive Internet insights & expertise - 0 views

    Report in the business value of using immersive technologies for work. 40% saw a positive economic impact. Used mainly for connecting users at a distance.
    business value of using immersive technologies for work
Nigel Robertson

Virtual Worlds - 0 views

    Timeline of virtual worlds with links to longer descriptions.
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