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Uma Shankari

Canada's Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road - 1 views

    The longest ice road that runs between the frozen lakes of Tibbit and Contwoyto in Canada exists for only three months in a year.
    This is about making ingenious use of naturally available resources.
Uma Shankari

Tour Darjeeling on Toy Train | Trifter - 0 views

  • Nicknamed the “Toy Train”, the train is powered by a steam engine and runs on a track made narrow to help the train go through safely the sharp turns of the hills.
  • The train runs on a 2 ft (610 mm) narrow-gauge railway, going from an elevation of 100 m (328 ft) at Siliguri to about 2,200 m (7,218 ft) at Darjeeling. As the line had to overcome an ascent of 7,000 ft. in less than fifty miles, it has a series of zig zags and loops to gain height.
    "The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is a line so close to the people that it flows like a river through their lives. The line runs on roads that pass through markets and village main streets! "
Uma Shankari

Kumari Devis: Living Child Goddesses of Nepal | Socyberty - 0 views

  • Kumari Devi is chosen from among girls 3–5 years old belonging to the Buddhist Shakya clan. Her horoscope is thoroughly analyzed, her looks passed through magnifying glasses to ensure that they satisfy the 32 ‘samudrika lakshanas‘ or rules that determine facial beauty. Her mental strength is tested too by confining her overnight in a room which contain the remains of esoteric tantric rituals in the form of severed heads of goats and buffaloes around which men wearing demon masks dance. Only if she remains calm and composed despite her tender age, she will be considered the incarnation of Durga.
    Do you think the decision of parents to send their baby daughters to become a living goddess is a violation of children's rights?
Uma Shankari

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin | Healthmad - 0 views

  • When ultraviolet rays from the sun strike the skin of our bodies, the skin cells in our body called keratinocytes trigger vitamin D synthesis. The endogenously made as well as vitamin D obtained from food are biologically inert (called vitamin D3). D3 is the major circulating form of Vitamin D and is what gets measured in the lab tests. D3 must be metabolized further in the liver and in the kidney to yield activated forms of D called calcidiol and calcitriol, respectively. It is this activated form that can form calcium-binding protein needed for the absorption of calcium from the intestines.
Uma Shankari

The Hidden Dangers of Vaccination | Healthmad - 0 views

  • The vaccines can over-stimulate the immune system and paralyze it, especially if the recipient is very young or very old and nutritionally deficient. Squalene, an antioxidant, is  found throughout nervous system and is recognized by the immune system. But when squalene is injected into the body, it incites the immune system to attack all the squalene in the body, not just the vaccine adjuvant alone.
    "The vaccines can over-stimulate the immune system and paralyze it, especially if the recipient is very young or very old and nutritionally deficient. Squalene, an antioxidant, is found throughout nervous system and is recognized by the immune system. But when squalene is injected into the body, it incites the immune system to attack all the squalene in the body, not just the vaccine adjuvant alon"
Uma Shankari

Nataraja: The God of Cosmic Dance | Scienceray - 0 views

  • t shows how the vast expanse of immense energy in the infinite space is transformed into atomic and subatomic particles colliding with each other in a wild dance, the cosmic dance of Shiva, creating and destroying particles. Then a stage comes when the universe cools and expands, and the particles bind to form nuclei, and later, to atoms and everything else. Matter is Consciousness transformed by energy, says Stephen Hawking
    "It shows how the vast expanse of immense energy in the infinite space is transformed into atomic and subatomic particles colliding with each other in a wild dance, the cosmic dance of Shiva, creating and destroying particles. Then a stage comes when the universe cools and expands, and the particles bind to form nuclei, and later, to atoms and everything else. Matter is Consciousness transformed by energy, says Stephen Hawking"
Uma Shankari

Pilgrimage to Sabarimala - 0 views

  • The sparkling quiet waters of Dal surrounded by snow-capped mountains on its three sides, undoubtedly mark it as one of the most beautiful lakes of India.
  • It is one of the largest annual pilgrimage in the world with an estimated 50–60 million devotees walking barefoot through forests abounding in wildlife – a spiritual journey that underscores universal brotherhood, regardless of caste and creed.
Uma Shankari

The Amazing Medicinal Benefits of Bitter Gourd - 0 views

    " Scientific studies show that fresh juice of bitter melon can lower blood sugar values and keep insulin under check. The hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) action is due to the presence of a unique phyto-constituent called charantin, insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids, all of which act together to improve glucose tolerance without increasing blood insulin levels."
Uma Shankari

Common Dieting Mistakes - 0 views

    You are diet-conscious, yet when you step on the weighing scales, you are disappointed that there is no drop in the weight. What went wrong?
Uma Shankari

Why Women Must Do Weight Training - 0 views

    Many women exercise freaks stop dead on tracks when you suggest strength or weight training. Here are some common sense explanation for myths that hold women in their grips.
Uma Shankari

The Benefits of Brown Rice - 0 views

  • Brown rice is every weight watcher's dream food. It is a complex carbohydrate that provides 15 essential nutrients, including B-vitamins, niacin and potassium.
    Brown rice is the choice grain for weight watchers
Uma Shankari

Can Diabetes Cause Hair Loss? - 0 views

  • Diabetes have spiraled in recent times, and so have the bald patches and receding hair lines. Are the two related?
Uma Shankari

How to Avoid Winter Weight Issues - 0 views

  • Lack of sunlight and plummeting mercury levels bring in "winter blues" and a craving for high carbohydrates and spicy fried foods. If you give in to your cravings, you run the risk of gaining weight you so assiduously fought to keep off.
Uma Shankari

Rebounding - Getting a jumpstart on Health - 0 views

  • f you want to do cardio exercise and get a good aerobic effect without taxing the joints, you can rebound on a mini trampoline. This is an excellent way to boost your metabolism and cleanse the lymphatic system.
Uma Shankari

Fighting The Human Trafficking in Nepal - 0 views

    The plight of these exploited girls galvanised the sensitive mind of Ms. Anuradha Koirala into leaving her teaching job and starting an organization in 1993 called Maiti Nepal, which means "mother's home". She has banded together a group of socially committed professionals like teachers, journalists and social workers to prevent trafficking, rescue and rehabilitate the victimized girls.
Uma Shankari

Which is The Healthiest Oil to Cook (Part 2)? | Healthmad - 0 views

  • Use more of MUFA oils like olive oil, which have a much lower ratio of omega-6s. Canola oil and corn oil are too high in omega-6s. Instead, opt for flaxseed oil, one of the best sources of omega-3s. Or if you want a more sophisticated gourmet oil, try walnut oil or pumpkin seed oil, which are also fairly good sources of omega-3s. For including essential fatty acids (EFA) in your diet, use nuts liberally. Roasted sunflower seeds, flax seeds and walnuts are recommended. Flax seed oil has become the current rage as a source for Omega-3 oils.
    Has a lot of tips on which oils to avoid and which to use. Acronyms explained; basic definitions included
    Excellent advice here.
Uma Shankari

Lost and Found: The City of Dwarka - 0 views

    Archaeological excavations show Krishna and Dwaraka, the city he ruled are real, and not fictional entities created in the epic Mahabharata.
Monica Sappleton

Oats Reduces Cholesterol - 0 views

  • Apart from balancing blood sugar, other health promoting effects of oat beta-glucan includes reduction of cholesterol absorption.
    Now researchers agree: A bowl of oatmeal a day keeps the cholesterol at bay. The gooey, creamy hot porridge of whole oats is therapeutic; it can literally "warm" your hearts and actually melt away some of those "bad" cholesterol!.
Uma Shankari

You are Always Near - 0 views

    A graphic tale of the futility of war told through sand animation.
Uma Shankari

Empowering The Rural Women - 0 views

    Fifty per cent seats have been reserved for women in village "panchayats", or village local governing bodies, in India. Does the move help the women?
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