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Matti Narkia

Benefits of Vitamin D Supplementation - Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Vol... - 1 views

    Benefits of Vitamin D Supplementation Joel M. Kauffman, Ph.D. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 14 Number 2 - Summer 2009 Clinical trials show that vitamin D supplementation at higher levels than previously recommended is beneficial for many conditions. It decreases the frequency of falls and fractures, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, and reduces symptoms of colds or influenza. Benefits are also seen in diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, Crohn disease, pain, depression, and possibly autism. Sunlight does not cause an overdose of vitamin D production, and toxicity from supplementation is rare. Dose recommendations are increasing, but appear to be lagging the favorable trial results. A number of common drugs deplete vitamin D levels, and others may limit its biosynthesis from sunlight. People with adequate levels from sun exposure will not benefit from supplementation. While dietary intake is helpful, supplementation is better able to raise serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D , the major circulating metabolite, to the level now thought adequate, 30-50 ng/mL. Where there is inadequate daily sun exposure, oral doses of 1,000-2,000 IU/d are now considered routine, with much higher doses (up to 50,000 IU) for rapid repletion now considered safe.
Matti Narkia

Are statins analogues of vitamin D? : The Lancet - 1 views

    Are statins analogues of vitamin D? Grimes DS. Lancet. 2006 Jul 1;368(9529):83-6. Review. PMID: 16815382 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(06)68971-X There are many reasons why the dietary-heart-cholesterol hypothesis should be questioned, and why statins might be acting in some other way to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Here, I propose that rather than being cholesterol-lowering drugs per se, statins act as vitamin D analogues, and explain why. This proposition is based on published observations that the unexpected and unexplained clinical benefits produced by statins have also been shown to be properties of vitamin D. It seems likely that statins activate vitamin D receptors.
Matti Narkia

D-vitamiini ja imukudossyöpä (NHL) | Tohtori Tolonen - 0 views

    "D-vitamiini näyttää ehkäisevän B-solulymfooman (imukudossyöpä) etenemistä ja potilaiden kuolemaa, ilmenee uudesta Mayo-klinikan ja Iowan yliopiston tutkimuksesta. Se esitettiin tällä viikolla New Orleansissa pidetyssä veritauteihin erikoistuneiden lääkäreiden vuosikokouksessa (American Society of Hematology). Taudin suomalaisissa hoitosuosituksissa D-vitamiinia ei mainita sanallakaan. "Nämä havainnot ovat toistaiseksi vahvimmat näytöt D-vitamiinin merkityksestä syövän ennusteessa", tulkitsee tutkimusta johtanut endokrinologi Matthew Drake (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA). Hän kaipaa lisää tutkimusta tästä aiheesta, sillä D-vitamiinin anto ruoan lisänä saattaa auttaa taudin hoidossa. "
Matti Narkia

Dr. Joe's E-News - A Diabetes Newsletter: East German Infants Taking Vitamin D - 1 views

    "From 1955 to 1990, all infants in East Germany received 600,000 IU of Vitamin D every three months for a total of 3,600,000 IU at age 18 months. With the 400 IU/day recommendation of the American Pediatric Association in mind, I ran across this amazing paper while surfing Medline for Vitamin D. According to this paper, all infants in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) received dangerously high doses of Vitamin D every three months in their doctors office. The policy was in place for 35 years. The first 600,000 IU dose was given at three months and then every three months until the child was 18 months of age. This works out to an average of 6,000 IU per day (actually, for several technical reasons it is not equivalent) for 18 months. The authors collected blood before the dose and then 2 weeks after the quarterly dose to obtain 25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)D, and calcium levels on a total of 43 infants. Before the first dose, at 3 months of age, the average infant was extremely deficient (median 25(OH)D of 7 ng/ml). Two weeks after the first dose the average 25(OH)D level was 120 ng/ml, the second dose 170 ng/ml, the third dose, 180 ng/ml, the fourth dose, 144 ng/ml, the fifth dose, 110 ng/ml and after the sixth and final dose, 3.6 million total units, at age 18 months, the children had mean levels of 100 ng/ml. That is, by the 15 and 18 month doses, the children were beginning to effectively handle these massive doses. The highest level recorded in any of the 43 infants was 408 ng/ml at age 9 months, two weeks after the third 600,000 IU dose. Thirty-four percent of the infants had at least one episode of hypercalcemia but only 3 had an elevated serum 1,25(OH)D. The authors reported that all the infants appeared healthy, even the infant with a level of 408 ng/ml, that is, no clinical toxicity was noted in any of these infants."
Matti Narkia


    "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition lehden (AJCN) tammikuun 2007 numerossa julkaistussa laajassa kokoomatutkimuksessa kritisoidaan voimakkaasti nykyisiä alhaisia D-vitamiinin saantisuosituksia (1). Lehden tutkimuksessa päivittäinen turvallinen annostus terveille ihmisille nostetaan aivan uudelle tasolle. Tällä hetkellä yleisesti hyväksyttynä turvallisena ylärajana pidetään 50 mikrogrammaa päivässä, tämän seurauksena Suomessakin nostettiin vuonna 2006 päivittäinen saantisuositus 7 mikrogrammasta 10 mikrogrammaan. Tiedeyhteisö on jo pitkään kritisoinut liian alhaisia D-vitamiinisuosituksia. Useimmat D-vitamiini-asiantuntijat ovat sitä mieltä, että 25(OH)D:n veripitoisuus tulisi olla vähintään 80 nmol/l, jotta D-vitamiinista saavutettaisiin optimaalinen hyöty. Viitearvoalue 25(OH)D:lle on Suomessa määritetty 10 - 105 nmol/l (tavoitetaso 40-80 nmol/l). Jotta 97.5 % väestöstä pääsisi 80 nmol/l tasolle tulisi D3-vitamiinin saanti olla vähintään 75 ug (3000 ky)/pv (2)."
Matti Narkia

The Vitamin D Research Library is open for your learning pleasure - section 8 - 1 views

    "Do Your Vitamin D Research Here Links to all the Latest Research Studies Welcome to the Vitamin D Research Library. Here you'll find links to all of the latest Vitamin D Facts and Research studies, clinical trials and other scholarly Vitamin D Facts. The Research Library is Open 24/7 and is always growing. I'll be adding more and more links all of the time. Can't find what you are looking for or just don't want to spend the time doing the research yourself? Chances are, I've already done the Vitamin D Research myself and can answer your question."
Matti Narkia

The Vitamin D Research Library is open for your learning pleasure - 2 views

    "Do Your Vitamin D Research Here Links to all the Latest Research Studies Welcome to the Vitamin D Research Library. Here you'll find links to all of the latest Vitamin D Facts and Research studies, clinical trials and other scholarly Vitamin D Facts. The Research Library is Open 24/7 and is always growing. I'll be adding more and more links all of the time. Can't find what you are looking for or just don't want to spend the time doing the research yourself? Chances are, I've already done the Vitamin D Research myself and can answer your question. Read Frequently Asked Questions about Vitamin D OR Ask Your Question About Vitamin D Here and I'll answer your Question about Vitamin D Personally based on the best available Vitamin D Research."
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D Testing Errors Continue - The Vitamin D Cure Blog » Blog Archive - 0 views

    "A recent article in the New York Times highlighted an ongoing problem with the accuracy of vitamin D testing at the largest commercial clinical laboratory, Quest Diagnostics. It has become clear from shared experience among vitamin D experts, including myself, that Quest Diagnostics has a problem with seemingly random over-estimation of vitamin D levels."
Matti Narkia

New study links vitamin D deficiency to cardiovascular disease and death - 0 views

    "Study finds inadequate levels of Vitamin D may significantly increase risk of stroke, heart disease and death MURRAY, UT - While mothers have known that feeding their kids milk builds strong bones, a new study by researchers at the Heart Institute at Intermountain Medical Center in Salt Lake City suggests that Vitamin D contributes to a strong and healthy heart as well - and that inadequate levels of the vitamin may significantly increase a person's risk of stroke, heart disease, and death, even among people who've never had heart disease. For more than a year, the Intermountain Medical Center research team followed 27,686 patients who were 50 years of age or older with no prior history of cardiovascular disease. The participants had their blood Vitamin D levels tested during routine clinical care. The patients were divided into three groups based on their Vitamin D levels - normal (over 30 nanograms per milliliter), low (15-30 ng/ml), or very low (less than 15 ng/ml). The patients were then followed to see if they developed some form of heart disease."
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D Deficiency and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease -- Wang et al., 10.1161/CIRCULA... - 0 views

    Vitamin D deficiency and risk of cardiovascular disease. Wang TJ, Pencina MJ, Booth SL, Jacques PF, Ingelsson E, Lanier K, Benjamin EJ, D'Agostino RB, Wolf M, Vasan RS. Circulation. 2008 Jan 29;117(4):503-11. Epub 2008 Jan 7. PMID: 18180395 doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.706127 Conclusions-Vitamin D deficiency is associated with incident cardiovascular disease. Further clinical and experimental studies may be warranted to determine whether correction of vitamin D deficiency could contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D-Related Changes in Physical Performance: A Systematic Review. - [J Nutr Healt... - 0 views

    Vitamin D-Related Changes in Physical Performance: A Systematic Review. Annweiler C, Schott AM, Berrut G, Fantino B, Beauchet O. J Nutr Health Aging. 2009;13(10):893-898. PMID: 19924350 Conclusions: The findings show that the association between vitamin D and physical performance remains controversial. Observational studies and clinical trials yielded divergent results, which highlights the complex and to date still poorly understood association between serum vitamin D concentration or vitamin D supplementation and physical performance.
Matti Narkia

Olmesartan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "Olmesartan (trade names Benicar, Olmetec) is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist used to treat high blood pressure. The prodrug olmesartan medoxomil is marketed worldwide by Daiichi Sankyo, Ltd. and in the United States by Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. and in India by Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. under the trade name Olvance. Olmesartan may possess high affinity for the Vitamin D Receptor, based on molecular modeling studies[2], but these results have not been duplicated in clinical trials. Because of the role of the Vitamin D receptor in innate immunity[3], this would indicate that olmesartan has immune modulatory properties. This theory is currently the premise underlying the Marshall Protocol, which uses olmesartan to impose a chemical blockade on 1,25 Vitamin D as part of a treatment of sarcoidosis and other diseases. The Marshall Protocol asserts that, assuming the etiology of these diseases is based on infection by cell-wall-deficient bacteria, restoring proper Vitamin D ratios via olmesartan dosing, combined with pulsed antibiotic dosing, would result in a cure.!
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D, nervous system and aging. - Tuohimaa et al. - Psychoneuroendocrinology Volum... - 1 views

    Vitamin D, nervous system and aging. P. Tuohimaa, T. Keisala, A. Minasyan, J. Cachat and A. Kalueff. . Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 34, Supplement 1, December 2009, Pages S278-S286 NEUROACTIVE STEROIDS: EFFECTS AND MECHANISMS OF ACTION doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.07.003 This is a mini-review of vitamin D3, its active metabolites and their functioning in the central nervous system (CNS), especially in relation to nervous system pathologies and aging. The vitamin D3 endocrine system consists of 3 active calcipherol hormones: calcidiol (25OHD3), 1α-calcitriol (1α,25(OH)2D3) and 24-calcitriol (24,25(OH)2D3). The impact of the calcipherol hormone system on aging, health and disease is discussed. Low serum calcidiol concentrations are associated with an increased risk of several chronic diseases including osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, hypertension, atherosclerosis and muscle weakness all of which can be considered aging-related diseases. The relationship of many of these diseases and aging-related changes in physiology show a U-shaped response curve to serum calcidiol concentrations. Clinical data suggest that vitamin D3 insufficiency is associated with an increased risk of several CNS diseases, including multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, seasonal affective disorder and schizophrenia. In line with this, recent animal and human studies suggest that vitamin D insufficiency is associated with abnormal development and functioning of the CNS. Overall, imbalances in the calcipherol system appear to cause abnormal function, including premature aging, of the CNS.
    My doctor advised us to give Vitamin D to both our children, though our son is more than 4 year old. I decided to find out more about it. I surfed the Internet, read the description of the vitamin (here Canadian Pharmacy site helped me a lot). Finally, I decided to give it to my children. But I didn't know, it is good for adults. Thanks for sharing this information, it is very useful for me!
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D supplementation, 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations, and safety -- Vieth 69 (... - 0 views

    Vieth R.Vitamin D supplementation, 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations, andsafety.Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 May;69(5):842-56. Review.PMID: 10232622
Matti Narkia

25-Hydroxyvitamin D and functional outcomes in adolescents -- Lamberg-Allardt and Vilja... - 0 views

    25-Hydroxyvitamin D and functional outcomes in adolescents. Lamberg-Allardt CJ, Viljakainen HT. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Aug;88(2):534S-536S. Review. PMID: 18689396 CONCLUSIONS Cross-sectional studies have shown a relation among serum 25(OH)D concentration, serum PTH concentration, and BMD in adolescents. Long-term randomized controlled intervention studies have shown that vitamin D3 supplementation has a positive effect on BMD in adolescence; some of these studies found an effect with doses as small as 5 µg (200 IU) to 10 µg (400 IU) per day, or without supplemental calcium.
Matti Narkia

The Role of Vitamin D and Calcium in Type 2 Diabetes. A Systematic Review and Meta-Anal... - 0 views

    The role of vitamin D and calcium in type 2 diabetes. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pittas AG, Lau J, Hu FB, Dawson-Hughes B. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jun;92(6):2017-29. Epub 2007 Mar 27. Review. PMID: 17389701 .CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin D and calcium insufficiency may negatively influence glycemia, whereas combined supplementation with both nutrients may be beneficial in optimizing glucose metabolism.
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D2 Is as Effective as Vitamin D3 in Maintaining Circulating Concentrations of 2... - 0 views

    Vitamin D2 is as effective as vitamin D3 in maintaining circulating concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Holick MF, Biancuzzo RM, Chen TC, Klein EK, Young A, Bibuld D, Reitz R, Salameh W, Ameri A, Tannenbaum AD. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Mar;93(3):677-81. Epub 2007 Dec 18. PMID: 18089691 Conclusion: A 1000 IU dose of vitamin D2 daily was as effective as 1000 IU vitamin D3 in maintaining serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and did not negatively influence serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels. Therefore, vitamin D2 is equally as effective as vitamin D3 in maintaining 25-hydroxyvitamin D status.
Matti Narkia

Evidence that vitamin D3 increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D more efficiently than does... - 0 views

    Evidence that vitamin D3 increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D more efficiently than does vitamin D2. Trang HM, Cole DE, Rubin LA, Pierratos A, Siu S, Vieth R. Am J Clin Nutr. 1998 Oct;68(4):854-8. PMID: 9771862 Although the 1.7-times greater efficacy for vitamin D3 shown here may seem small, it is more than what others have shown for 25(OH)D increases when comparing 2-fold differences in vitamin D3 dose. The assumption that vitamins D2 and D3 have equal nutritional value is probably wrong and should be reconsidered.
Matti Narkia

Comparison of Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Vitamin D3 in Ethanol Dosing Protocols for Two... - 0 views

    Comparison of daily, weekly, and monthly vitamin D3 in ethanol dosing protocols for two months in elderly hip fracture patients. Ish-Shalom S, Segal E, Salganik T, Raz B, Bromberg IL, Vieth R. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Sep;93(9):3430-5. Epub 2008 Jun 10. PMID: 18544622 doi:10.1210/jc.2008-0241 CONCLUSIONS: Supplementation with vitamin D can be achieved equally well with daily, weekly, or monthly dosing frequencies. Therefore, the choice of dose frequency can be based on whichever approach will optimize an individual's adherence with long-term vitamin D supplementation.
Matti Narkia

Effect of vitamin D deficiency and replacement on endothelial function in asymptomatic ... - 0 views

    Effect of vitamin D deficiency and replacement on endothelial function in asymptomatic subjects. Tarcin O, Yavuz DG, Ozben B, Telli A, Velioglu Ogunc A, Yuksel M, Toprak A, Yazici D, Sancak S, Deyneli O, Akalin S. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Jul 7. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19584181 doi:10.1210/jc.2008-1212 Conclusions: This study shows that 25(OH)D deficiency is associated with endothelial dysfunction and increased lipid peroxidation. Replacement of vitamin D has favorable effects on endothelial function. Vitamin D deficiency can be seen as an independent risk factor of atherosclerosis. Hypovitaminosis D associated endothelial dysfunction may predispose to higher cardiovascular disease in the winter.
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