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Jean Marrapodi

Chris Harrison - Visualizing the Bible - 2 views

    Beautiful graphic representation of complex data. This is a rainbow-like image of the cross references in the Bible. A cross reference is when one concept connects a phrase or idea with another place in the Bible.
Iain Williamson

How to Create a Great PowerPoint - Take 2.0 on Vimeo - 0 views

    Hope this is useful if you haven't already seen it before...
    An interesting video tutorial shared via a blog (Ollie Bray) with reference to visual literacy and presentations. Some very pertinent points for educationalists.
Ruth Howard

Wordle - Kay Asynchronous Discussion Assessment - 0 views

    British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 37 No 5 2006 761-783 doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2006.00560.x Blackwell Publishing Ltd.Oxford, UKBJETBritish Journal of Educational Technology0007-1013British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, 20052005375761783Articles Developing a comprehensive metric British Journal of Educational Technology Developing a comprehensive metric for assessing discussion board effectiveness Robin H. Kay Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Email: Abstract The use of online discussion boards has grown extensively in the past 5 years, yet some researchers argue that our understanding of how to use this tool in an effective and meaningful way is minimal at best. Part of the problem in acquiring more cohesive and useful information rests in the absence of a comprehensive, theory-driven metric to assess quality and effectiveness. Based on an extensive review of the research, the following variables were used to assess traditional discussion board use: thread, location of message within thread, author (student vs. educator), subject line clarity, time of posting, response time from previous message, number of times message was read, number of words, primary purpose, message quality, difficulty level of topic, knowledge level, processing level and use of external resources. These variables proved to be effective in assessing 12 key areas of discussion board use. It is argued that this kind of metric is essential if we wish to advance our understanding of online discussion boards for both educators and researchers. Overview The use of online discussion boards has grown extensively in the past 5 years (Cooper, 2001). While this tool is viewed as revolutionary by some researchers (Hara, Bonk & Angeli, 1998; Li, 2003), others argue that our understanding of how to use online discussion in an effective and meaningful way is limited (Blignaut &
    My Wordle for online Teaching module Robin Kay's Abstract 'Developing a comprehensive metric for assessing discussion board effectiveness'
Jean Marrapodi

Mashpedia: Multimedia, Social and Real-Time Encyclopedia - 0 views

    Search engine that pulls up social media info as well as general web: Flickr, YouTube, Twitter sorted by type. Lots of info all at once.
blanca duarte

Visual Thesaurus - Thinkmap - 0 views

    An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map.
Fred Delventhal

Shahi - A visual dictionary | Blachan Lab - 0 views

    Shahi Shahi is a visual dictionary that combines Wiktionary content with Flickr images, and more!
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